Monday, September 2, 2024

Our merry band of adventurers


I got up after 7:30 and since it was cold, stayed in to work on my blog. I watered the indoor plants. I looked at URU videos and made mental notes. I got dressed and went out to water the plants and catch up on dealing with gopher mounds.

I read e-mail and messages. I went to the garden. I watered Kenzie's plot and picked peas, beans, and some beet leaves. I counted my remaining corn cobs because they seem to disappear faster than I pick them.

I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed for church. I put seed crackers in a container. I took them and my trombone to the chapel. I laid them on the back table, then went up front to greet the chaplain and assemble my trombone. We sang songs and the chaplain gave his sermon. Then Saronna came up with her bass and Jenni with her tambourine. We played two hymns. I noticed the colonel and his wife in the congregation, but they did not stay to talk. I checked the bathrooms.

When I got home, I read e-mail and messages for too long. Then I went out to scatter radish seeds wherever nothing was growing. I also watered flowerbeds until Chris called me in for the game.

In the game we were invited to the mining camp. We interrogated a prisoner that we captured after they attacked us on our journey. He told us where his people were living. Then the camp invited us to a meal. We shot an attacker we saw hiding in the rafters.

The next day we headed out to the enemy camp. We came across a dairy that was very recently attacked and ransacked. It looked like children had been taken. So we followed the tracks and ended up being attacked. But we fought them off and rescued the children. Sadly they no longer had parents so one of our party asked them to join his farm.

After the game, I worked on my blog and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then Chris went to bed and read. I read online, then went to bed.

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