Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Back to Dugway


We got up after 8, hearing the garbage trucks empty the bins below our window.  I got up and checked my phone.  I read messages on the computer.  Chris had leftovers for breakfast.  I made and ate breakfast from the food box.  Then I packed my luggage and food box. Chris' was already packed.  We carried our stuff to the car in two loads, then drove 5 hours to Dugway, stopping twice for a restroom break. We listened to the book on CD the whole way.

When we got home, I saw that my plants had not been watered. While I watered, Chris brought in the luggage and the food box. Some things he put in the fridge. I also took down a large gopher mound, I think it formed because the sprinkler which I left on accidentally (for four days) drowned them out and made them move. Then Chris and I took the 5 gallon water jugs to the shoppette to refill. We also got the mail and dropped Walker Texas Ranger off at the library.

I ate some food from the food box. Michelle came over to apologize for not watering my plants. I assured her that nothing died. I showed her the remains of the gopher mound and we looked at the other side of the yard. I picked some greens and gave them to her. Then we stood talking in the kitchen. I gave her some seed crackers and cheese squares.

After she left, I picked some greens for me and Chris sauteed them in a pan. I put them over rice and they were awful. Tasted burnt.  Anyway, I grabbed some music pages and headed to the chapel for band. Saronna didn't come, but Keli did and we had a good time playing through the hymns and Christmas pieces.

When I got home, I ate some pineapple, then worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched several episodes of Taxi. He went to bed and I stayed up to read articles. Then I listened to a sleep story and pieced puzzles before going to bed.

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