Saturday, October 12, 2024

cleaning at the swap shop


I got up at 8:45, rushed to get dressed, etc., then went to the chapel for Math Morning. Casey and the Clarks came. As usual, the kids did not want to work on math. Saronna talked about picking up furniture from a house on 1st street. So I asked if she could get the vacuum someone left by a dumpster on 2nd. I wanted it for the swap shop. She said she had other stuff for the swap shop, too.

After Math Morning, I went to the swap shop to clean the sewing machine and the microwave. Saronna came with bags of clothes and the vacuum. It worked. She made her kids hang up all the clothes they brought before they could pick out stuff to bring home. While they were occupied, I wiped down a box of DVD's and Game discs. I threw out the empty cases. I left with some movies, home copies of movies, and 2 power packs.

I went home for breakfast and plugged in the power banks. I watered the outdoor plants. After breakfast, we went to the commissary. We saw the chaplain and talked to him. We shopped and took the food home to put away.

Then we went to Tooele. While Chris shopped at Luckey's, I talked to the CBD man and he convinced me to buy his sleep gelcaps. I also talked to Melanie. Afterward, we went to Macey's, then back to base.

I picked some greens and hot peppers for Michelle. I dealt with some gopher mounds and baited traps with hot peppers. I picked greens for Chris to cook. He accidentally knocked over my pill minder, spilling most of it. I had to separate them all by color and size and figure out where they go.

I plugged my phones into the power banks to see if they work. The phones got recharged. But the large power bank did not fully recharge itself. After supper, I read messages, then worked on two blog posts since I didn't get to post last night. I put together stuff for Game Night, and headed out to the Cleggs.

When I got there, I showed them a pic of a potato I dug up. They thought it was hilarious, so apparently I wasn't imagining what it resembled. Casey had the game up so I started playing. Michelle told me about her day. She helped me find items I needed online.

I went through the game books one by one, getting frustrated in each world. I didn't have the notes I took two weeks ago. Finally, I turned it off at 11. Michelle gave me some goat milk and invited me back tomorrow for the game night I missed last weekend.

When I got home, Chris was asleep. I got ready for bed, then read a few messages before turning in.

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