Wednesday, October 2, 2024

We've been BOO'd


I got up after 7:30 even though I woke up at Reveille. It was too cold out to water. I read e-mail and other messages.

At 9:45 I went cleaning till noon. I stopped at Jenni's house to water her plants but most of them didn't need any. I went home for lunch and discovered I needed more breakfast mix. So I made that, then made and ate breakfast.

At 2, I went to Saronna's house to play through some Christmas music. We made some decisions, but I didn't write them down. Then I went next door to 75B to clean. Jamie came over and we tapped together. Then I finished cleaning windows and moved all my cleaning stuff out so she could finish. I went by Housing to set up an appointment for inspection, but they were closed.

I went home and discovered Chris was home early. I asked for a cinnamon roll and he said he had given them all away. So I guess he called the guy he gave them to and asked for one, but the man brought the basket with a bunch of rolls left in it. I put beef in the toaster oven. I picked some greens and Chris cooked them for me. I ate that with some rolls. They were ok, but a little dry.

Then the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and no one was there. HOWEVER, there was a BOO sign with a piece of fabric tied to it and several copies of the Boo sign instructing me to BOO two other people. I don't know who left it, but it had to be someone who knows me well (except that I don't want to ring doorbells and run away).

I ate supper and worked on my blog. I made tea and started to play music. Chris turned on the TV and we watched one episode of WTR. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up to finish a podcast on what if everything we have ever been told is a lie.

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