Friday, October 11, 2024

Drinking and talking


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day. I checked messages, then took my Bible and went to the chapel for Bible study. We read several chapters of Matthew. Then the leader had an appointment to go to.

I went home and made a batch of breakfast mix. I worked on choosing Christmas songs and picking the best version of 4 sources. Then I started making breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I watched The Highwire which ran for over 2 hours.

I went to the garden around 4. I fixed the irrigation system to the peach trees. I picked most of my green tomatoes because something had pulled off several big ones and partially chewed them. Then I went to Jenni's house to water her plants. I picked her red cherry tomatoes. Finally I went to library to make copies from two of the four sources. Melissa and I had a nice chat.

I went home for supper. I posted to Facebook for Math Morning. I went out to mow and came in when it got dark. Chris was on the phone with Michele and John. He was also drinking wine. It made him very talkative. So after the call, he kept talking. No military secrets or anything, but he loved everybody. In fact, he talked till 1am, all the while insisting that he is the same whether he is drinking or not. Then I had a hard time getting to sleep. Sigh.

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