Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dinosaur museum


I woke up slowly, around 8:45. I woke up Chris so he could get ready and go to breakfast which usually stops serving at 9. While he was gone, I checked messages and e-mail. I started making my breakfast. He came back saying breakfast was served till 10. We discussed the hurricane and FEMA efforts and Mayorkas.

Around 11 we headed out to Utah Raptor State Park. We expected to find a visitor's center, but all we found were dusty trails. In fact we got stuck in a 'bog' of dust and sand. Fortunately the Rangers soon found us. We put stones behind the front wheels and two pushed while one drove. Several 4x4's when by and just waved. But then someone stopped and offered to help, saying he had anything we might need. The way Chris' car is constructed, there is no rear axle so it could not be towed. But the guy had traction ramps and they worked really well. I think we should get some.

After everyone left, we parked on more solid ground, then walked the trail, and explored some rock piles. I found what I think is a fossil. Chris allowed that it might be. We walked on, investigated some features, then walked back to the car.

We drove to the dinosaur museum. We bought the wristbands for admission, then went inside. Actually out the back. There was a place for me to refill the water bottle. We walked in the museum and looked at the exhibits. One of them purported to be a game so I suggested we play. But just then an elderly man asked if we would like a 10 minute tour of the back room where they separate fossilized bone from surrounding rock. So we did. He showed us a dinosaur costume. Then we went to the back room where an elderly lady was. He explained some casts of dinosaur foot prints then asked if she would like to talk about the dinosaur leg. She looked at us and asked if we had any questions. So I asked what it was. She talked a little, but needed constant questions to keep going. Then she wanted to show us an ankylosaur skeleton. So we followed her to a far room. She excused herself to get some water and never came back. We looked at all the stuff in the room, then decided to go see the half mile track of faux dinosaurs. It was interesting. We met a family from Germany and chatted with them. Then they went on ahead. I was happy to get back and refill my water bottle. In spite of all the water I drank, I hardly needed the restroom.

When we got back, we ate a chocolate bar that melted in the car. We read on our laptops for awhile, then took showers and put on clean clothes. We discussed dinner and he said he wanted to try the Moab Brewery. So we went there.

The parking lot was full so I wondered if we should try somewhere else. But even so, they had a place for us. It was a busy but not a dressy place. We were served in reasonable time. Chris got a half chicken and I got a really big burger, with brisket on it as well. Neither of us could finish so we had it boxed. Chris enjoyed talking to the waiter in Spanish.

We went back to the hotel. I finished reading then worked on my blog while Chris hooked his laptop to the big screen TV and called up some romantic music videos.

When I finished going through messages on my computer, I laid on the bed with a bottle of water. Chris put on The Umbrella Academy and we watched two episodes of their new season. Afterward, I made sure the water bottles were filled for tomorrow and took the bedtime supplements and we went to bed.


I slept pretty well, waking early to hit the restroom. Not sure I ever went back to sleep after that. Chris seemed to be awake by 7:45. He got up, showered and dressed, then went to breakfast. I read e-mail and it seemed he wasn't gone long. So then I washed up and made my breakfast. We continued to read on our laptops for some time.

Later we put on hiking clothes and went to Dead Horse Point State Park. Terrible name for a park. Anyway, we walked around the visitor's center, then walked the short nature trail which had places to stop and take pics from high places. Then we took the East Rim Trail, and chatted with other folks doing the same. There was a rest stop there, which we used, then headed on another trail which kind of ran by the road. That was good because I stubbed my toe and it made walking painful. Chris offered to go back and get the car, but then two ladies from France were parked at the lookout and he asked them for a ride. They drove us back to the visitor's parking area and we thanked them.

We went back to our hotel. I laid down and Chris says I fell asleep. When I got up, he laid down and fell asleep. I salted and ate the veggies from last night then read messages and e-mail.

After Chris woke up, we decided to go to dinner at the Sunset Grill. He took a shower and got dressed. I washed up and put on nice pants. Then we headed out. It was high on a cliff and the drive was a little scary for me. But then it turned out they are closed on Sundays. So, we went to a nearby place called Byrdie's. I thought I might be overdressed, but it was an artsy place and expensive. The food was very good. He got the prime rib sandwich and I had the farmer's plate. It was full of veggies and goat cheese and beet hummus. Sadly, they insisted on boxing our leftovers and mine got tossed. But we ordered cheesecake and they gave it to us free of charge. Not sure why. Chris tipped the waiter with cash.

We went back to the hotel. We sat at our laptops for some time. Then we shared some of the cheesecake. I worked on my blog and then we watched more episodes of The Umbrella Academy. After that, Chris went to bed. I stayed up just long enough to take all my evening supplements and cover as many little lights as I could before turning off the big light.

Then I went to bed, too. However, I tossed and turned. My left leg bothered me. I got up numerous times to drink, pee, take more magnesium, etc. But finally sleep came.

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