Saturday, October 5, 2024

Moab Utah


I got up around 7:30. I took supplements and drank water. I read e-mail, then packed the breakfast box. I took some paper and went to the chapel for Math Morning. I checked around the building and didn't find anything out of place. I set up the space and waited. Saronna came with her kids and then Casey arrived. The girls were tired so they didn't do much. Wilhelm was energetic so we had him alternate doing math problems and running around the church. I timed him on his problems 'cause he seems to like the feedback.

At 10 we all packed up. I went to the garden to water and pick. Then I went home. I watered all my plants and dealt with some gopher mounds. I packed the night supplements in the food box. I put some things in my suitcase. I plugged in my phone to recharge. I looked at my last packing list to see what else I might want.

When I was done packing, I made and ate breakfast. That's when Chris came back from the office. I packed a few last things, including stuff from the fridge and filled 6 water bottles. Then we packed up our laptops, and carried everything out to the car.

Soon we were on our way, listening to the book on CD. I fell asleep for an hour or so. When that book ran out, we started another one. But it was weird. I drank the whole way so then I had to stop. But the closest place turned out to be closed. So we kept going.

We got into Moab around 5:30. Chris dropped me off at the front of the hotel and I went in to find the bathroom. I ran into a contingent of Parisians. I understood very little of what they were saying. They were gone by the time Chris arrived to check in. We took stuff to our room and went back for more. We found ourselves in the elevator with a couple and we spoke a little French with them.

After bringing all our luggage to the hotel room, we decided to go out to eat. Someone had recommended a Mexican restaurant but there was no sign of it. So we went to Thai Bella. It was a lovely place. He got curry and I got salmon with veggies. They were both good. He ate all of his and I put my rice and sauce in a take-out box. Then we walked around the little town, stumbling on a little arts and ag market in the park.

It got dark so we walked back to the car and rode back to the hotel. Then he got on his laptop and I got on mine. I worked on my blog.

After reading for some time, I decided to go to the pool and I invited Chris. We put on our suits and walked down the stairs to the pool area. Some people were sitting at a far table, but no one was in the water. We got in the hot tub and it was really nice except for the jets which were constantly on. Later a group of people arrived and most of then got in the hot tub. Then I decided to get in the pool to cool off. Well, almost immediately other people got in the pool. After swimming a bit, it was really a little shallow for that, I got out and we put on our shoes to go up to our room. One of my footies was missing, but I found it later stuck to the leg of my pants.

I suggested we put on a movie, but even with hundreds of channels, there wasn't much to watch. We took a chance on some mystery series, but the commercials made it not worth watching. So I put on some 70's music on my laptop.

And we fell asleep. Well, he did. First my left leg kept me awake, and when it quieted down, my right leg started. I kept getting up to drink and pee. It was after 5 when I finally got to sleep.

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