Friday, October 11, 2024

Update horks my laptop


I got up when I heard my alarm go off. I checked messages, then prepared for coffee morning. I watered the indoor plants. I read for half an hour. I tapped and meditated. Then I started cleaning. I washed dishes. Chris came home just as I was about to mop the kitchen floor. So I vacuumed carpeted rooms instead and emptied the vacuum cups. Then I mopped the floor.

I wrestled with the computer to read messages. It had updated and now everything works differently. I called the bank. I showered and got dressed. I watered the outdoor plants, then went to Saronna's house to play Christmas music and narrow down our choices. We talked as much as we played. We talked about cats and booing people. The kids came home from school. Then she got a phone call so I left.

I went home and my computer was unstuck. I jotted notes for my blog. I went through the loose music to organize it somehow. Michelle texted me so I texted back, it was about opening the swap shop for someone who posted on Facebook.

I went out to deal with gopher mounds. I found one trap where the peanutbutter was eaten and the trap was buried, but not sprung. I also watered the newly-planted garlic. Then I walked to the swap shop. Michelle was not far behind. She had some bags of clothes to donate. Then another lady came with help and they donated a bunch of stuff including a sewing machine and a microwave, but both were filthy.

Afterward, Michelle and I went for a long walk and she told me all the new developments in her life. Quite a few! She drove me home and we kept talking. Finally we finished. I went inside where Chris was on his laptop because Mass was canceled.

I mowed the back yard and part of the front yard. I plugged in the battery to recharge. I got on my computer to look up amortization schedules. The laptop was horked up. Certain things did not work, like the calculator and the sound bar. Chris told me to reboot it. I looked up how to uninstall Copilot, the Microsoft AI which it installed at some point. The directions said to run Powershell, but the bottom search bar didn't work. Chris got a drop-down menu to appear and I clicked on Powershell, then copy pasted the suggested info. Gobbeldygook came up and it seemed to be saying unauthorized. Copilot was still there, but for some reason everything was working.

I spent time comparing amortization schedules, then I worked on my blog, and made tea. We watched episodes of Taxi. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read messages.

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