Thursday, October 3, 2024

First Communion party


I got up after 7. It was too cold to go out so I prepared for coffee morning. After the whole procedure, I started cleaning the bathrooms. Then it was warm enough to water the plants and take down gopher mounds.

I washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor. I vacuumed the hallway and other rooms. I emptied the vacuum cups and washed the filter. Then I took a shower and read e-mail.

I went to Housing to make an appt for inspection next week. I tapped with Jamie at 75B, then went to the garden to water and to pick. Finally I went to the library to pick up new DVD's for when we finish WTR.

I went home and read e-mail. I went to the commissary to buy a few extra things in case the longshoreman's strike lasts a while. When I got home, Chris was gone to Mass. He texted that we are invited to a first communion party afterward. I did a few quick chores and he came to pick me up.

We went to house #4. They had big take-out containers of food from Panda Express. It was my fasting day but they encouraged me to take a plate home for tomorrow. The head of the commissary was there and I talked to him quite a bit. He introduced me to his wife who wants to learn to make bread.

We got home before 8:30. I worked on my blog and made tea. Then we watched TV. We thought it was the last episode of Walker Texas Ranger, but then realize we skipped the penultimate one. Chris got ready and went to bed. I stayed to read articles, then got ready for bed.

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