Wednesday, October 9, 2024

New cleaning quote


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day and read just a bit. Then I called Jamie and we met at 75B. We looked for anything that was still dirty and only found window sills (they get dirty overnight). She gave me her hours and I paid her her share. Then she left and the inspectors came. They were satisfied so we signed the documents. I went to Housing to turn in the key.

Then I went to the garden. I watered Kenzie's peas and picked some. I noted that some of my green tomatoes were lying on the ground half eaten. There was a puncture in one of the irrigation lines and I repaired it. There was another one that I couldn't get to because so many mint roots had grown over it.

I went home. I laid tomatoes on the sill to ripen. I made a week's worth of supplements. Chris came home for lunch. He said he would cut up the green tomato and use it tonight. I made and ate breakfast. Then I went out to take down a bunch of gopher mounds in the shady side yard. I baited the traps with peanutbutter like Casey did. Other tunnels got the citrus rind treatment. I also watered down the ones in the sunny side yard.

I read more e-mail and tried to close some windows. I got a call for a cleaning quote and we agreed I could do it after the FRG meeting. I took a break to plant two fists of garlic in the flowerbed.

Chris came home from work while I was playing from Keli's music book. Too many of the songs were in C and required a low B natural. Ugh. Chris cooked the ground beef with onions, the green tomato and spices.

About the time it finished, we had to leave for the FRG meeting at the Community Club. When we got there, Summer had a box of cookies and was asking people to color a flyer or cut up tickets to get one. We discussed the Swap Meet, and Friendsgiving and Polar Express night.

After the meeting there was some discussion, then Chris drove me home. I called Jamie about the quote. Then I took my car to the unit. He showed me around and it was really clean except for a few window sills and the glass in the door. I tried to tell him he could do that himself and pass inspection without paying. But he wanted it done right and not have to worry about it. Jamie showed up, looked around, and then looked at the lawn. We decided on $200 because we are required to 'sanitize' everything. He accepted that figure. We told him what to expect on signover day.

I went home and ate the beef with rice. It was really good. I worked on my blog. We watched two episodes of Taxi. Chris went to bed and I stayed up till after 11.

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