Wednesday, November 1, 2017

All Saints day

I started my detox d by drinking water and swishing. Chris packed his bags. I got dressed and drove him to the airport. Traffic was kind of heavy. But I got home ok.
I boiled water for coffee, took some niacin and did my exercises when it kicked in. I had already done drybrushing by then. Then it was time for meditation and tapping.
Afterward, I used the caffeine rush to clean the bathrooms and kitchen. When it slowed down, I took a cold detox bath and then a warm one, followed by a shower. I had hung a pair of wrinkled pants by the shower and they looked pretty good afterward.
I was pretty hungry by then, so I made and ate breakfast. I went to the post office to check the mail, but there was nothing of any value. Then I looked up how to print a CD label. I downloaded a template. I fit the song titles in the correct space. But when I printed it out, the template wasn't there. So I had to center it over another CD and trace the inner and outer circles.
I cut on the lines, then sprayed the back with glue. I also sprayed the CD, which turned out to be a mistake. I adhered the label to the CD and it was sticky in the middle where the paper did not cover the hole. I soaked a q-tip in alcohol and rubbed that part. Also, the paper hung over the edge on one side so I carefully trimmed it. Then I left it on the table to dry out.
Then I made a form for Pat to use to record new books. I printed that out and left it for tomorrow.
The next thing on my to-do list was hummus. So I got out the chickpeas and the Nutribullet. I squeezed the lemon into it instead of measuring so then I did not bother measuring the chick peas. I just used them all and added enough water for it to blend.
Then I ate some leftover veggies from the fridge. I checked e-mail briefly. Then I took my CD's and jumped in the car. I took the parkway to church. But because of traffic, it took longer. Still, I got there on time.
Bill stood up and announced that today was All Saints day and that 36 years ago today our church was started, hence the name All Saints Lutheran Church.
Then Jennifer started our practice with warm-ups. We sang through our songs in the pews and then once up front. I gave the CD's to Cecelia. She gave one to Jennifer. I spoke to both of them, and then I left.
When I got home, I killed a cockroach on the floor. It was the first one I have seen in months. I drank more water and made a mug of hot bone broth. I checked e-mail and finished a video about how to use a certain quilting ruler.
Then I cued up The Penitent Man on Youtube. It started out very slowly. It got more interesting and then I paused it to write my blog. I think I will leave the rest for tomorrow.
* This is Bertha's chenille quilt that she was working on last week. *

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