Sunday, November 5, 2017

Annual Meeting

I kept waking up in a sweat. I laid on the bed, spread-eagled, wondering if I was contributing to global warming. Finally I put on my headphones and went back to sleep. When I shut the tablet off and got up, it was 8am by my watch. I brushed my teeth and plugged in the tablet to recharge. I checked the stove clock which agreed with my watch. Then I checked the laptop. It was an hour earlier and the router wasn't up yet, so how did it know?
My seed crackers were a little soft and I needed them for lunch, so I put them in the toaster oven to crisp up. Then I drank water while checking e-mail. I watched part of an interview on vaccines with Barbara Loe Fisher.
I paused it at 9:30 to take a shower and get dressed for church. I packed my sewing gear in the back of the car for Renegades later. Then I drove to church.
When I got there, I placed a box of finger lights in the big box for Christmas shoe boxes. Then I sat in the sanctuary. Soon we were lining up for the choir warm-up. It went ok. I read my bulletin in the pew. The lady behind me talked to me until the pastor came forward to start the service.
Since it was All Saints Sunday, he spoke about remembering the past and the spirit of those who came before us. After the service, there was pizza in the kitchen for those who were staying for the congregational meeting. I stood around talking as long as I could. Dawn said she would pray to Saint Joseph for Chris to get a job. Jennifer took Dawn home. Then I went to the kitchen to see if they had the salt-free nuts that Jennifer mentioned. I had a couple of handfuls (since I forgot to bring the lunch I had crisped). Then we gathered in the sanctuary again.
We were given handouts of the slides that the president showed. We discussed ways to cut back even further than the council had already done in the proposed budget. It was still at a deficit. One man spoke harshly and it got nasty. But a vote was called for and it passed, with a resolution to revisit it in February. Then there was stage 2, not that I remember what that was.
Anyway, it was finally over. I hopped in my car and drove to the other church where Renegades were meeting. They were still sewing. I brought in my sewing gear and set up at a table. Lynette showed me the quilt design they were working on. So I got some strips and started sewing. I shared pieces with the lady at the table next to me. I got to talking and just had a great time. All too soon it was time to pack up and go home. Chris called to say he had driven Michele to the airport and he was by himself until his plane takes off tomorrow. I told him I would call when I got home.
When I got home, I called Chris and pulled the chicken out at the same time. I was so hungry that I ate and talked at the same time. He told me he has an interview on Wednesday. After the call, I finished the interview I had started before church.
I stacked and ran the dishwasher. Then I went joy-riding around the neighborhood in Chris' car, just to refresh my memory of driving stick. I watched the third episode of Betrayal, followed by episode 4 of The Sacred Plant: treating cancer with cannabis.
I made a mug of hot bone broth. I looked at some strip-pieced half square triangles that Maryanne had given me, trying to determine what I could make from them.
Then I typed up my blog and prepared for bed.
* This is Maryanne's unfinished project. *

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