Thursday, November 16, 2017

Working on tea cups

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I think I forgot to take my melatonin. Anyway, I woke up soon after 6. I put on my headphones expecting an hour to pass and woke up two hours later – having heard two tracks instead of just one. But I needed the sleep.
So I got up and drank water and listened to the 9th episode of Christ Revealed. They interviewed the archaeologist who discovered the pool of Siloam where Jesus healed the blind man. It was interesting to see how close it was to the temple. Jews went to the pool to purify before going to the temple. During the airing, I made seed crackers and then breakfast. After the episode, I looked at the pricing for the two options. For the gold option there are another two episodes and bonus materials.
I did the Day 17 meditation from Oprah. I ate a pomegranate while listening to another audio.
I made seed crackers. Then I made banana oatmeal cookies. There was too much dough to fit all the cookies on one sheet, so I made the second half one big banana oatmeal cracker. Then I cleaned the kitchen and swept the floor.
Since it was a sunny day, I got dressed and went for a walk. Then I worked on the fabric tea cup, stitching and turning. I went looking for another fabric pair in the sewing room. I pulled out boxes of scraps to review in the light of the living room window. Eventually I settled on a pair. I cut out some wedges for another tea cup. Chris came home from work. I picked some dandelion greens in the back yard and left them in the sink to soak. I had a headache so I laid down on my infra-red heating pad in the guest room. My mind kept thinking of past TV shows. I went to my laptop to look something up, but looking at the screen made my headache worse. I laid down in bed. I was cold even under the covers. I wondered if I was losing my super power.
After some rest and tapping, I went back to the sewing table. I sewed the bias rectangle that forms the teacup handle. I turned it right side out and pulled yarn through it to fill it, but even 6 strands were not enough. So I whipped-stitched it to a more narrow circumference. I washed up the greens and added some kale. I started eating it one leaf at a time, no dressing. Chris was going to play a game with Michele and it would interfere with my tapping call. So he moved my laptop into the guest room, on top of Grandma's sewing cabinet.
My tapping buddy called and we worked together for an hour and a half. Then I finished my salad. Chris was still playing with Michele, so I worked on the tea cup, quilting along the top. Finally he died and left the game. He started the next episode of Miss Marple. We sat together to watch. Then he brought my laptop back to the diningroom, and went to bed. I stayed up to take my evening supplements and to blog.
* A little something from the quilt show last month. *

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