Thursday, November 2, 2017

The place to myself

I don't know when I woke up, but I laid in bed not wanting to get up. When I finally did, it was quarter of 9. I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed.
I needed something to work on at Stitch-Its, so I rummaged through a few projects and decided to take the hashtag squares. I took pics of my blocks on different fabrics to audition for a sashing. I downloaded them to my laptop and filed through them. I could not choose. So I tapped about it. Then I tried a dark blue and decided that would do. So I cut strips of the dark blue and folded them in with the squares. I put the project in the box with my sewing machine and I went to Stitch-Its.
I gave Pat the book forms I had printed out. We discussed how to deal with deleted books. I talked to Leslie. I checked out some squares a lady was making from a pic o a paper quilt.
At 2 we all packed up to go home. I bought an organic rotisserie chicken on the way home. When I got to the house, I checked the price. $10 for a chicken? I figured if it lasted for more than two meals, it was cheaper than kimbap. I ate some chicken and put the rest in the fridge.
I vacuumed the bathroom floor because it was on my to0do list. It was too quiet, so I put on a CD. I ironed some curtains that had just come out of the wash.
Then I worked on the red and blue project. It took me a few minutes to figure out where I had stopped and what the next step was. Then I started sewing on strips.
I stopped at 6:30 to make and eat a salad. The kale looked wilted, so I stuck it in a glass of water. It was getting close to
7. I sat down for my skype call and Skype stopped working. I had to reboot the laptop. My tapping biddy called and it went to the desktop computer. I answered the call, but she could neither hear or see me because the microphone and camera were not attached.
When the laptop was ready, we connected. The call went very well and we had a nice chat, too.
Then I ate a banana and started watching a time travel movie on Youtube called “41”. After an hour, I kept experiencing interruptions, so I took a break to jot notes for my blog. Then I finished watching the movie, and read some of the comments. Finally, I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* This is the hashtag project, not the red and blue project. *

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