Monday, November 27, 2017

Cleaning and raking and shopping

After I posted to my blog, Chris and I opened the couch into a bed and dressed it with sheets and a blanket. I slept well through the night. I woke up early hearing a text message come through my phone. I texted and went back to bed. I must have fallen asleep, although I don't think I did, because all of a sudden it was 9:30. The house phone rang but Dad did not answer. The dentist office left a message. The phone rang again, but he did not answer. Later the phone rang a third time. He did not answer and there was no message. However I was getting worried. Dad was still in bed with the door shut. I could not tell if he was sleeping, or...
I made and ate breakfast, and read e-mail. Chris moved the refrigerator and I started cleaning behind it. I did the walls and floor and the cabinet overhead. I also took down what was on top and dusted it off. Dad got up about noon. After taking his pills, he called the dentist to make an appt tomorrow to get an impression for new dentures. Then he collected laundry from the bathrooms and bedroom and kitchen. Chris did the washing.
I needed some fresh air, so I went outside and swept leaves off of the deck. It was a big job because it is a big deck with a long winding wheelchair ramp. Also the picnic tables were covered in fraying tarps and two-by-four remnants and decaying leaves. A great hiding place for roaches. I cleaned that up as best I could.
I took the rug out of the hall bathroom and beat it outside. It was badly stained and fraying at the edges. The floor was covered in dust from the rubber backing on the rug. I swept it up. I cleaned the bottles of Drano and the scrubber holder.
Dad and I talked about buying a new rug. Then we took measurements with a tape measure that I found under one of the tarps outside. I wrote the numbers on a piece of paper.
Chris went grocery shopping, then started supper. Dad and I went to Target to shop for a new rug. All of the bathroom rugs were too thick to allow the bathroom door to swing open. So we got a utility rug. We also saw something Faye would like, so we went to Kohl's for that. Then we came home.
While Dad got the rug out of the car, I came inside and helped Chris put the sheets back on Dad's bed. Dad gave me the new rug to unfurl and I did that while he put something away. We looked at the rug on the floor and saw that it was a good fit, except for right in front of the toilet. He said he was going to brush his teeth, so I left.
Supper was ready. Chris and I ate pork and sauerkraut, rice and corn. Unbeknowst to us, Dad took a nap. I read e-mail for a bit. Chris said it was almost time for Big Bang Theory and Lucifer. So we sat down to watch BBT. When Lucifer came on, it was a repeat episode. So I sat with Chris in the livingroom and we streamed last week's episode from Fox network. We had to restart it several times to get through it.
Then Chris started an episode of Voyager. But I had to stop watching to help Dad. He wanted to talk about deciding what to do with a sink full of dishes. So we discussed what goes in the dishwasher vs being washed by hand, and how to rinse. Chris had put the pork away but left out the rice and corn for Dad. I put away the rice and corn while Dad stacked the dishwasher. Then I handwashed the dishes we would need for tomorrow and Dad dried the bigger ones.
I sat down to write up my blog. Dad hunted for dishtowels that he thought were in the laundry but it turned out that they were not dirty so did not get washed. Then he started crushing shredded wheat for his breakfast tomorrow. Swansons had a 20% off sitewide sale today so I made another order. Then I posted to my blog, more than ready to go to bed.
* I didn't take any pics worth posting, so here is one of Dad from the restaurant on Saturday. *

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