Sunday, November 19, 2017

Arriving at the family homestead

There was a loud storm last night and I could not sleep. When the wind and rain quieted for a moment, there were sounds from the highway. Finally I put on my headphones and played the Tibetan singing bowls for an hour and a half. The headphones got uncomfortable so I took them off. I dozed off and on. When I got up, it was 9am.
I opened the curtains to let the daylight in. That woke up Chris.
I pulled out my partial breakfast and added the supplements, minerals, and coconut milk. I ate breakfast while reading e-mail and listening to an audio. I read that grape seed extract, and Chinese red pine bark are for strengthening teeth, particularly dentin. Omi or Umi tea, and miso soup are good for the gut. A low Fodmap diet also helps the gut.
I took a shower and got dressed, I meditated while Chris took some of the luggage out. Then I packed up my laptop and we took the remaining boxes out to the car. It was chilly.
As soon as we got on the highway, we turned on the car CD player. We finished the CD from yesterday which finished that book. Then we started another book on CD. It made the trip seem shorter. I peeled eggs for Chris to eat and we snacked on jicama sticks.
We did run into traffic, but it was not too bad for the most part. We did get rerouted around an accident. But by 4:10 we were sitting in Dad's driveway. He wasn't there. I looked through my phone for his number but I did not have it. I called Faye but she did not answer. I called William, but he did not answer either. So I called Kurt. He gave me Dad's cell number and Chris called it. But there was no answer. Finally I texted Faye. All of a sudden there was a black and white cat splayed on the windshield watching me. I reoriented my phone to take a pic, but it crawled over the top of the car and down the back. Soon Faye called and said they were on their way back. So Chris and I listened to more of the book on CD while we waited.
When Dad and Faye arrived, Chris carried our luggage and food boxes inside. I took pics of Dad for my chiropractor to see. We all chatted for awhile, trying to work out what was happening later in the week. I found a package on the kitchen table with the quilting foot I had ordered.
Eventually Faye went home to take a nap before her shift. Chris sat in the livingroom and used his laptop. Dad and I talked in the kitchen. I talked him into eating a big spoonful of coconut oil. I ate some chicken. I put some shredded chicken in the blender for Dad and added stewed tomatoes for liquid. He put that on his shredded wheat to make it soft enough to eat. Then he got out a corn casserole. I put that in the blender with milk and he really enjoyed that. He said he was finally getting full.
There was something on his computer that he wanted Chris to take care of. But he couldn't remember the name of it. The two of them went back and forth until they determined that it was the network card or D-link. Chris went back to his laptop. I got out my laptop to check e-mail and type my blog. Dad washed his dishes in a bowl in the sink. I took my evening supplements. Dad checked his laptop to see if he should take his primadone. Apparently he takes it 2 days out of 3. Why his doctor didn't lower the dose per pill so he could take one pill a day, I don't know.
Ready for bed myself, but not certain Dad was, I posted to my blog.
* Suddenly, a cat. *

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