Sunday, November 12, 2017

A day of rest

Surprisingly, after going to bed at midnight, we got up at 7, and I felt well rested. Ok, so I put on my headphones while in bed and entrained my brain for an hour. Then I got up. I drank water while watching the next episode of Christ Revealed. Two brothers found a boat from Jesus' time.
I made and ate breakfast. Then I paused it at 9:30 to get ready for church. I took my shower and got dressed. I grabbed a set of CD's for Cecelia. Then I drove myself to church.
I practiced with the choir. I talked to Jennifer. I put the CD's in Cecelia's box. And then it was time for the service. The sermon started with a reading of a Dilbert cartoon. Then he spoke about the bridesmaids with oil lamps, and what kind of oil do we need in our lamps to be ready for Jesus? A new couple became members and were introduced to the congregation.
After the service, I talked to Jennifer again, to made sure she understood that the church might run out of money if we don't get more people or more donations. I talked to Portia for awhile, and then Barbara asked about Chris. And then I went home.
Chris was ready to go grocery shopping, so I changed my clothes and we took his car. We went to Publix as usual. On the way, we passed a little church that I meant to take a pic of but I had left my phone at home. It was originally a house, but a very tiny one. I wondered just how big a congregation it could hold.
We bought groceries and brought them home. I ate a can of organic soup. Chris put chicken legs in the oven to roast and he browned some ground beef that had been in the fridge for several days. I ate some of the ground beef. I was about to pick dandelion to go with the remainder, when I got a text from Faye asking about our itinerary for Thanksgiving week. So Chris and I discussed it and I called her. We talked for almost an hour. Then I picked the dandelion and washed it and ripped it into pieces. I added it to the ground beef, along with some sprouts from last week.
I went back to Christ Revealed. But soon the chicken was ready so I ate one leg of that. I finished the episode and read other e-mail. I did not mean to be on the laptop for so many hours, but time passed quickly and then it was 8pm and Chris was ready to watch TV. So we watched two or three episodes of Lucifer, enough to catch up on season three. Chris went to bed and I made a mug of hot bone broth and took my evening supplements. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Here is a pic from the Quilt of Valor event. *

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