Wednesday, June 30, 2021

First day of library season

I got up around 7:30. I never heard the alarm go off and the phone was in the bathroom. I used the Sunday supplement routine because the commissary was out of lemons. I watered the plants and checked the trap. I spent some time sitting with my feet in the grass, enjoying the morning. I turned off the wi-fi on Chris' computer.

I filled out the form for Laurel and scanned it into the desktop. I made a list of words in a spreadsheet and alphabetized them, then printed it out. I went to my laptop to type the list of supplements for the health practitioner on Friday. I re-typed the Wednesday morning sheet to incorporate new notes. I updated the meditation tracks on my headphones. Hopefully normal function is restored.

I made and ate breakfast, then dealt with some gopher mounds. I went by the post office and dropped off a letter, then went to the library. It was closed for lunch, but Rusty was walking by and we had a nice chat. He invited me to clean a house with him and his wife to see what it is like. After an hour, the library was open, so I went in and chatted with Melissa before checking out a book and walking home.

I found more gopher mounds to dig or flatten. After a bite of supper, I put some cleaning stuff in a bucket, then rested. Chris came home late. Finally I got a text around 7:30, so went over to the house. Another lady was there, too. He showed us around the house and what he does. I offered to clean the master bath. I scrubbed and scrubbed at the shower enclosure, using #0000 steel wool and various sprays, but the hard water spots persisted. I also cleaned the tub and toilet. Rusty came by with a special paste. I tried that and it helped. But they were ready to go as it was late. So I rinsed and packed up. We agreed to meet again on Friday.

I got home after 10. Chris was on his laptop. It was too late to watch TV. I took my evening supplements. I watched a bunch of cleaning videos. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

How to use a dead gopher

I got up around 7:30, puttered around and started lemon protocol at 8. I got dressed, and read outside until the timer rang. I called the Laurels. I scanned my qualification letter and e-mailed it. I dug up a gopher mound and put in the last of the dog droppings. I dg up other holes, too, but didn't find the tunnels. I repotted the peppers. I found a bag of old seed packs. I planted some seeds and wondered why I bothered buying new ones. I planted the last sugar cane, but it smelled putrid so there is little chance of it growing.

I disabled Facebook from tracking my off-facebook activity. Chris came home for lunch. Then I made breakfast, and listened to Dr. Siegal: cancer patients who laughed for no reason every few hours did better than the control group who only laughed if they found something funny. Put up pics of yourself as a child and say “I love you” every time you walk past the picture. He recited a short poem about childless women getting cancer when they retire as an outlet for their creative desires.

I wrote down a list of supplements and amounts for TCM and acupuncturist on Friday. I made up two weeks worth of supplemens. I listened to something while eating a turkey leg, and then Johnnie called to say they were back in town. Chris came home from work and made his supper. I went to the garden to plant sweet potato sprouts. I planted the dead gopher as well. He will be food for the plant.

When I got home, I made a big salad. I cried for awhile, then ate the salad. I made my evening drink, and we watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. I posed to my blog, read e-mail, then went to bed.

* My new roller, supposed to massage the back, or legs. *

Monday, June 28, 2021

Caught a live one

We slept in till 8:30. I started the Sunday protocol. I composed a letter to my sponsored child on the laptop. I watered the plants, then wrote the letter out on the Plan International stationary and put it in the envelop.

I read about the new Vaxelis 6-in-1 vaccine as a three dose series for 2, 4 and 6 month old infants. Six trial infants died within six weeks, but they claim the vaccine had nothing to do with that and are rolling it out anyway. The control group was given a pentavalent vaccine. Both groups received other vaccines as well. One infant in the control group died. I am surprised only one died. When in nature does an infant have to fight off 5 serious diseases at one time?

I washed up and got dressed for church. I put on shoes with heels. They were not comfortable to walk in, but I hoped they would help with sitting comfortably in the chairs in the chapel. We saw John and his wife walking to church as we drove up. We went inside and spoke to the chaplain. Then we sat and the service started. I did not know most of the songs so I imagined I was playing the air accordion. After the service, I talked to Sue and Diane. Sue said something about nano fertilizers and I wondered how that worked.

We went home and changed our clothes. While I was making breakfast, Chris called his parents. We talked to them for awhile. Then, as I was saying my breakfast prayer, Chris came in with Michele on the phone. So I talked to her for awhile. She is in the middle of another sewing project, and had trouble with a leaky hot water tank. Afterward I ate. I pieced puzzles while listening to an interview.

Chris came in with Faye on his phone. She called to get help with the computer and rebooting was the answer. She talked about her self-eval, biopsy appt, church and sunday school, Patrick, etc.

I went outside to check the trap. There was a live gopher behind it, and I didn't realize at first that its hind leg was caught. I went and got Chris who was still on the phone with Faye. He came out, sized up the situation and dispatched the gopher while I looked away. I reset the trap and covered the hole with a ginger plant. I dug up some gopher mounds and tunnels. Chris cooked ground beef for supper, and had a turkey in the oven. I did not make a salad. I went to the garden and planted one pepper plant. When I got back, I refilled my container of activated biochar and sardines.

I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. Then I watched one episode on my laptop of Kim's Convenience, which Michele recommended. I posted to my blog for yesterday, and read e-mail for awhile before going to bed.


Good buy on beef

We slept late, but I felt pretty good when I got up. I read e-mail and saw someone posted a beef buy on a Dugway page. 25 lbs of beef for $112. So I looked into it to find out the quality of the beef and what it was fed. I had to see if I had enough cash as well, since I don't use Venmo. Later I dug out a gopher mound, and clipped grass around edges, etc. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then I took a shower.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris went to the office and I listened to a long podcast. When he came home, I walked to the post office and picked up some packages. Then I went to the side yard to dig gopher mounds and clip long grass. I added water to plants as necessary. I watered a dry patch in the grass and a hole appeared. I watered it for some time, but nothing ever crawled out of it.

When I came in, I put the last of the beef in the oven. I picked lettuce and made a salad. I ate both while reading e-mail. I listened to Dr. Klinghardt talk about electromagnetic frequencies and how to shield against them.

I continued to read e-mail and was surprised to see it get so late so quickly. I meant to go to the garden, but it was too late. I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. Chris went to bed while I stayed up to go through more e-mail. Then I went to bed as well.

* Vaccine-hesitant people are worried that the shots aren't safe and Biden thinks free beer and childcare will address that issue? *

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The diagnosis

I got up too late for the lemon protocol. I watered the plants indoors and out. I read e-mail. Chris got a call while he was in the shower. I carried the phone back there. He was informed that someone on base lost their sister (after losing their mother and brother). He got dressed and went to the office.

I finished what I was doing on the computer and went outside to dig up gopher mounds. I quit in time to make and eat breakfast by noon. Chris came home just before that. I packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. He dropped me off at Melanie's and went shopping alone. I went inside, where I met Sophia. She said her mother let the chickens go so she did not have any eggs for me. I went back to see the acupuncturist and TCM practitioner with whom I had an appointment. I thought she would make a diagnosis based on my nails and eyes and tongue. But the lighting was not very good. She felt my pulse in both wrists several times as we talked about symptoms and such. She decided in the end not to treat me until I produced a list of all the supplements I am taking and why. So I paid her and made an appointment for next week.

I bought some coconut milk and almonds at the front desk, then went outside to find Chris. I had to call and then I saw him. I climbed in the car and we went back to Dugway. Since I did not have eggs, we stopped at the commissary. He dropped off a condolence card at the shoppette. Then we went to the post office, but found nothing, and went home. We brought in the groceries. I made seed crackers with the eggs. While they were baking, I made more mix for next time.

Then I went outside to resume gopher mound patrol. I moved the trap to another hole. While my back was turned, a gopher buried the trap. Aha! I redid the trap and covered the hole with a bucket. Later I lifted the bucket and pulled out a dead gopher. I got Chris to carry it away. I reset the trap in the hole and covered it again. I dealt with other mounds and holes, plugging some with dog droppings. When I looked up, the trap was unsprung and another mound appeared 2 feet away.

I heated some leftover beef. I picked lettuce leaves for a salad. I scrubbed the window of the back door. I ate the meat and then salad. I made my evening drink and we watched the last episode of Warehouse 13. I checked on the sprinklers. Then we watched an episode of Quantum Leap. I published a blog post and wrote up the events of today.

* This chart shows rates at which vaccinated and unvaccinated people contracted the delta variant in England. With a little math, you can see that the vaccinated crowd was more likely to die from delta than the unvaccinated crowd. *

Gopher mounds abound

The first thing I remembered was hearing Reveille. And then I heard the sprinklers. And then a strange sound … rain. It did not last long. I tried to go back to sleep, but as usual, that did not happen. I got up, drank some water, and went back to bed. Still did not sleep. I got up again at 8. I made the lemon juice solution. It was too wet to go outside, so I turned on the router and watched informational videos. I listened to a man playing Waltz of the Flowers on accordion. I tried to make seed crackers, but discovered that the eggs in the fridge were all hardboiled.

I dispersed some gopher mounds on the shady side of the house. I hit the remaining dirt with water to spread it into the grass. It took about an hour.

I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire:

ACIP held a meeting to discuss myocarditis in kids. The rate after vaccination is up to 200x the baseline rate, but the committee ruled to give a second shot even to kids who had trouble with the first one and to kids who had previous heart trouble. Myocarditis is not something that resolves since the heart muscle does not regenerate like the liver and kidneys do. Study from Israel shows more unvaccinated people got delta variant than did vaccinated, but more vaccinated people died of delta than the unvaccinated. The body will attack cells that are making foreign proteins, such as the ones making spike proteins in response to mRNA.

I meant to go back to cleaning up gopher mounds, but it was raining again. Will wonders never cease? So I spent the afternoon watched parts of gopher videos until I decided on the best way to proceed. I placed an order for a Gopherhawk trap. It was either that or the Crittergetter. Where to they come up with these names?

William called. He likes to call while he is driving, and hangs up when he gets home. Chris came home from Mass, then went out to get pizza. When he got back, I was surprised how late it was. I walked to the garden with a tray of straw and charcoal. I fed the plants from the 5 gallon bucket, then added the contents of the tray and a gallon of water. I refilled the gallon jug from the timer's second spout. My plants looked ok, but nowhere near like the plants in other gardens.

When I got home, I picked lettuce and made a big salad. I ate it while we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13. Chris dozed off. Afterward he went to bed and I stayed up just long enough to publish a blog post.

* Compare the numbers in red of the Observed column with the numbers of expected deaths for each age group. This vaccine puts children at risk of myocarditis. *

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Be careful what you wish for

I got up early so I got a head start on meditation morning. I made coffee and watered the plants. I turned off Chris' wi-fi. I exercised, tapped and meditated. I made spice mix. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I mopped, vacuumed, and showered. I laid out in the sun for a few minutes. Chris came home late for lunch, but not to eat. I am not sure why he came home.

I listened to “This Week with Mary and Polly”: Dr. Bridle says the covid vaccine is not behaving like other vaccines, should stay at injection site, but isn't. And we shouldn't have chosen the spike protein as the antigen for the cells to produce. The spike protein IS the most dangerous part of the SARScov2 virus. Pfizer did not use the mRNA that is in their vaccine for the studies that they submitted to the EMA. There was no genotoxicity info provided to the EMA. 3000 e-mails to and from Fauci were released under FOIA. They show conspiracy to discredit the evidence of lab origin. Self-spreading vaccines are ones that can be transmitted from vaccinated people to unvaccinated people. This has been done in rabbit populations. Unvaxxed people are reporting sickness and menstrual issues after close contact with vaxxed people. US is spending many billions of dollars on vaccine research, distribution and combatting vaccine hesitancy. We have never seen such spending on vaccines before. Newly-sworn-in science adviser to Biden wants next pandemic vaccine to be ready in 100 days. Plug-n-play vaccines will not be required to go through clinical trials since the RNA technology has been tested. Cuomo told school nurses that kids are a captive audience. If the nurses get all the kids vaccinated, then the nurses can have the rest of the day off. U.S. has 10 other reporting systems besides VAERS (which captures an estimated 1% of adverse events and deaths) but that info is not being released to the public. Airline attendants are being highly incentivized to get vaccinated, but the pilots association agreed it is not necessary for pilots.

I looked for an online training course for house cleaning (as Rusty suggested). The closest thing I found was a MerryMaids training video showing how they clean. Then I looked up videos on how to get stains out of a toilet bowl, and mineral spots off of a shower faucet. The first one takes some bad ass stuff, but the second one is fairly easy with a brillo pad or steel wool. Sadly I ended up with a tiny piece in my foot. Chris took it out.

I transplanted two of the ginger plants into another container so they would have more room to grow new roots. Then I drove to a location near the garden. I went to plant one of the sugarcane segments that never sprouted. I also fertilized the plants already there. But the water timer had a low battery reading. Yikes! Did they get watered this morning? I drove home and got some new batteries. I went back to install them. All went well.

I went home and got a plastic bag. I started to walk around the sidewalks looking for dog dung. But as I was passing my neighbors house, she came home from the pool with her granddaughter. We had a nice chat and she promised to bring me some dog dung. I went home, made my evening drink and we watched Warehouse 13. I kept an eye on the sprinklers to see what they were doing to the flowerbed. Then the doorbell rang. Our neighbor handed me a bag of dog droppings. We talked a little longer and she went home. I sat down with Chris and we finished watching Warehouse 13.

Afterward, I jotted some notes for my blog and posted for yesterday. He went to bed and later I did the same.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Old pictures

I got up when the alarm went off, even though I didn't want to. The headphones were still on so I turned them off and plugged them in to recharge. I drank a cup and a half of water, then juiced a lemon and set the timer to ring at 8. I picked up a gallon of water that had been sitting out since yesterday and watered all the potted plants. I left it on the front porch for the second watering this afternoon. I checked the gopher trap. It was unsprung, but there was a mess on the lawn which I suspected was a gopher. Why didn't the attacker eat it?

I drank the first round of lemon juice and added to my blog draft for yesterday so it will be ready to post tonight. I spent the morning digging up gopher mounds and trying to bury all the dirt. Around 10:30 I came in and read e-mail for awhile.

By noon I was having breakfast. Afterward, I called Beverly and we had a lovely chat. I looked through a box of old pictures. Then Faye called. We had a nice chat too, though more business-like. She is trying to schedule a biopsy. I watered dry parts of the lawn as I talked to her.

Then Chris came home. He heard me talking to Faye as she griped about the self-evaluation she had to finish. That just lit him up like a Christmas tree. He was in his element. He expounded upon metrics and leadership and management systems. After the call, he kept going and I sat there politely listening. I ate the last of the mushrooms and beef cubes as we talked about the possibilities ahead of us. I also ate a dandelioin leaf without the center vein.

I went out again to water the irises. Then we watched several episodes of Quantum Leap. It took quite a while because Chris kept pausing it for one reason or another. Finally it was over and I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I posted to my blog for Monday and jotted notes for Tuesday. My stomach was hard again and I had to wonder about that dandelion leaf. I went to bed.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Adding to the garden

I had trouble falling asleep, maybe because I ate the orange so late. I woke up early and ruminated until my alarm rang. It took me 15 minutes to muster the energy to get out of bed. My back hurt. I drank a cup of water and started the lemon protocol. I watered the plants, and checked e-mail while sitting against a heating pad.

A lady called to say I could e-mail my test requisition form to the lab. I scanned both sides of it and 'saved as'. But for some reason, they were not saved under the name I typed in. I added some info to the form, then rescanned and e-mailed it. The desktop was amazingly cooperative.

Around 11:30 I started making breakfast. I finished around 12:20, then went outside for some sun for 10 minutes. When I came in, I booted up skype and my tapping buddy was waiting for me. After an hour of tapping, I packed the purple rows of quilt blocks and a quilt top and backing in a box. I walked it to the post office and mailed it to Kerry. When I got back, I read about restrictions for recovered people vs vaccinated people even though both groups are immune. I looked for an at-home antibody test but only thing I found needed a doctors order.

I did more tapping using a script which didn't quite fit my situation. Chris came home and cooked the last of the mushrooms and beef cubes. I picked some lettuce and made a salad, but without dandelion. After eating, I drove to the garden but parked short and walked the rest of the way. (After detailing my car I did not want to get it dusty again). I planted yams and sweet potatoes. I was using sardines so the flies had a ball. I also fertilized my plants with water from the 5 gallon bucket. I took some pics since for once, I had my camera with me.

When I got home, I picked up some canine dung behind our yard. I stashed it somewhere for later because the sprinklers would be on soon. It was after 8, so I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Talk about cleaning

It was after 7:30 when I got up. I made magnesium water, and started the Sunday protocol. I watered all the plants, indoors and out. I cut up food waste and threw it in the compost. I harvested lemon peels soaked in vinegar, and put fresh ones in.

I listened to Dr. Henry Ealy: Most medicines get a black box warning after 5 deaths, and are pulled from the market after 50. Over 6000 fatalities are associated with the jab according to the CDC vaccine reporting system. Over 330,000 adverse events. 652 spontaneous miscarriges. Over 19,000 hospitalizations, 43,000 ER visits, 1700 reports of Bells palsy, over 400 cases of myocarditis under age 18. Counting deaths usually restarts at the end of the year, but not for covid. Reported deaths are not broken down by covid cases in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. From the report numbers we have now, there is a 28x greater risk of injury from vaccination in 12 to 18 year olds, than of benefit. All people should be checked for previous infection in order to be eligible for the shot. This will minimize adverse events. The spike protein, natural or synthetic, damages blood vessel linings. Lethicin powder, L-argenine helps dialate blood vessels. NAC reversed injury.

I put pickled lemon peels in gopher holes and the flowerbed. I read a report about study showing that an alkaline multimineral supplement (Basica) reduced back pain in 92% of patients over 6 weeks. I washed up and got dressed. Then Chris drove us to the chapel.

I talked to Rusty and then the serivce started. We sat in the usual place. We stood to sing three songs, none of which were hymns and were totally unfamiliar. After the serivce, I talked to Rusty about his cleaning business. He suggested I get Diane to help me so I asked her. He also said I could watch him on a job and see what has to be done for a move-out. I also talked to Eileen and was glad to see her again.

We went home, and changed clothes. Chris heated a slice of pizza and GM'd a game online. I laid in the sun for a few minutes, then made and ate breakfast. After reading e-mail for a bit, I went outside to deal with gopher mounds. It was really hot and I had to come in after an hour to cool off and avoid sunburn. I even laid on the bed for awhile.

I was going to walk to the garden, but was waiting for the heat to dissipate a little. I listened to a podcast with the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology (Dr Malone) concerning the Japanese biodistribution study which showed that the nanoparticle envelope ends up in ovaries and bone marrow and lymph nodes, so watch out for leukemia. The spike is biologically active if it leaves the cells it is injected in. This was part of much longer meeting between three doctors discussing all the strange things done in the name of public health that don't make sense, are not done in the accepted scientific manner, and being censored from talking about it to the public or officials. His warning to the FDA that the 'vaccine' was not ready to be rolled out, was dismissed.

When it was over, I realized it was almost 9 and I hadn't eaten supper. I peeled an orange and ate it. We watched the last episode of Lupin. Then I posted to my blog and headed to bed.

* The community garden *

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The project no one made

I got up wondering why I did not hear the sprinklers. My stomach was still not great so I took some betaine. Chris guessed it was the latex in the dandelion I picked for supper the night before. I started the lemon protocol, then watered the plants. I discovered that I had not mailed the test requisition form with the test kit. Where is my brain these days? I got an envelope to mail it but that was stuck shut. I ironed it open, then did the same to a bunch more envelops for future use.

I checked e-mail. I went to my sewing room to choose fabric for the project and find the pattern pieces. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage.

I showered, then made and ate breakfast. I checked out flosser heads online, then ordered a pack. I had not seen any in Tooele yesterday. I packed up and Chris loaded everything in my trunk. He rode with me to the chapel, then brought everything into the fellowship hall and set the machine on a table. He walked home. I unpacked my projects. I laid out the one I had announced. Then I finished the purple row, except for the final pressing and trimming. I added some sashing to the rocket quilt, but decided the next step involved embroidery. (sigh) I sent an e-mail about the requisition sheet.

No one came, so I packed up and went home. Chris unloaded my car. I drank some water and watered a droopy tomato plant. I added some rocks as mulch. I came across dog toy pattern online so added it to my collection. I Ironed the purple row and trimmed it. I made a pile of fabric and blocks to mail to RCMQG. I sent an e-mail requesting an address. I had to restart my laptop so a gardening video would play. I watched that one and a few others.

Chris cooked me mushrooms with beef chunks for supper. Then we went for a long walk. I brought plastic bag to collect any doggie gung while Chris picked up trash. When we got back, I ate the jackfruit, and made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of Lupin. I put away the clothes that Chris folded and laid on the bed. We dressed the bed with clean sheets. I cleared a few more e-mails by reading articles or listening to an audio. Then I retired for the evening, and for once, Chris was the one still up.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Weekly shopping

I woke up hearing the sprinklers slap against the house at 6:30. Reveille did not play. Lemon protocol did not go well because I was outside most of the time. I watered plants, and added some soil amendments. I also took a bucket of water out to the car to wipe all the solid surfaces inside and around the doors. I threw it on the irises and they greened up. I made and ate breakfast. Then we packed up and went to Tooele. I fell asleep on the way, so I was groggy when we arrived. We went to Luckey's first, then to Melanie's. I brought an aloe plant for Sophia. I met the chinese acupuncturist who rents a room there. I signed up with her for next week. Then we went to Macey's for a few more groceries. It was nice to see people's faces. No more masking here.

When we got back, we unloaded the food. I walked to the garden to verify that the water comes on at 5. But the timer read 12am, so it wasn't about to start. I set it to water for 15 minutes while I filled a jug and fertilized the plants from the 5 gallon bucket. I slipped some small stones into the jug to keep it from blowing away.

On the way back, I stopped at the dog park, hoping to find dung. But all I found was trash. I threw that in the waste bin. However, as luck would have it, I found some on the sidewalk later. I scooped it up (dried) in a piece of litter and took it home for my gophers.

I placed the dung in the flowerbed. I could hear Chris talking to his parents. They wanted to know how Faye was doing. I texted Faye to see how her test results came out. They want her to get a biopsy. I read e-mail while Chris cooked mushrooms for me. I listened to an audio while I heated the rest of supper, and then ate it.

I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of Lupin. Then I checked e-mail again and posted to my blog. After I laid down, I realized my stomach was hard as a rock, so I took some charcoal capsules, and went to sleep.

The sponge bath

I took a shower, then got dressed and watered the plants. I gave my car a sponge bath. We're not supposed to wash our cars, but one bucket of water should be ok. I vaccumed the inside which was pretty dirty from all the boxes of wood chips that I hauled to the garden. When the first vaccuum lost suction, I got out the Kirby to finish the job. Good old Kirby to the rescue.

I met with my tapping buddy at 10:30 on Skype. We had a good session together. Then I made breakfast and watched The Highwire: parents sent in their child's masks to a lab for testing, and discovered dangerous bacteria, parasites and fungi. An optometrist is seeing a 500% increase in styes with mask wearing. ER sees 3 to 4x the number of teenagers after suicide attempts. Myocarditis rates rise after vaccination, particularly with second dose (in younger people). Interview with Dr. Roger Hodkinson. As a pathologist he has seen what left behind when someone dies after vaccination. He says covid is no worse than a bad flu, that the govt is trying to scare the public into getting experimental shots. It's politics playing medicine.

I put netting over the kale plant that is being eaten by insects. I replanted the pepper seedlings to individual pots. I walked over to ACS to talk to Rusty, but he wasn't there so I talked to Rebecca instead.

When I got home, I prepared for supper. Chris came home, and said Faye called. I called Faye and we talked for over an hour (till Chris came back from Mass). He and I watched the two remaining episodes of Lucifer. I posted to my blog and went to bed with headphones.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Planting the garden

I got up at 7:30, mad at a dream character. I had trouble remembering meditation morning protocol. I turned on the CD list of music. It was classical and made me think of my dad. I drybrushed and did the special exercised. I continued meditation morning until the final round of tapping.

I cleaned the bathrooms. Chris came home a little early for lunch and scared the living daylights out of me. I cleaned the kitchen and stove top. You could tell it hadn't been done since the last time I did it. I gave the floor a quick mop. I emptied the vaccuum bag, then did the carpets. Fruit flies were on a banana peel, so I stuck it in an empty milk jug. Later I slapped the cap on, trapping them.

I went to the commissary to pick up milk and raisins for Chris. I got a few other things for me. I made a list of my plants and utensils, then packed everything in a box and went to the garden. I attached the timer and fiddled with it. I planted tomatoes, yams, a potato, and mint. I used innoculant, biochar, and sardines.

When I got home, I heated some fish for supper. I listened to 'Mary and Polly' talk about legal issues related to the pandemic. I watered the compost pile, which now has grass clippings in it. My neighbor came out to quiet her dog, so we talked for a while. She is going to open the library at the end of this month.

Chris and I watched one episode of Lucifer, then he went to bed. I posted two blogs trying to catch up. I read some e-mail after that and barely got to bed before midnight.

* Another old pic my dad had on his thumb drive. *

of Weeds and wood chips

I heard the back sprinklers come on just as Reveille played. I stayed in bed until after Chris left. I got up at 7:15. I used the second urine test card. Then I washed up and watered all the plants. I turned my attention to the blood spot card. It was much harder to get 20 good blood spots. Then I finished the test paperwork, but could not print it out. I plugged in the desktop (which controls the printer), but it did not come on. So I typed it into my laptop and e-mailed it to Chris. I called Maintenance and asked for the gophers to be baited.

I listened to an interview. He said the Pfizer shot has 3x the dose that Moderna has. I made and ate breakfast. Chris brought home printout, but I had already sealed the package. I cut a small hole to insert it, then had to cut bigger hole to put in the check I forgot to add. Chris put the now dry mower in my trunk. I read e-mail for awhile, then walked to the post office with checks and the test package. When I got back, I saw Faye had called, so I called her back. As we talked, I looked out the back window and saw the thermometer read 138.

I went to Self Help and returned mower. It was still dirty even though we had sprayed it off. Probably it collected dirt from the wind overnight. A man took it out of my trunk for me. I asked the lady at the window how I could check one out for a week. She said come back tomorrow and ask the regular guy.

I went by the garden, hoping to find some plants that someone had advertised on the local Facebook page. Nope. I turned on the water to my soaker hose. The garden had weeds, which surprised me because I had covered it in cardboard and wood chips. So I spent some time pulling weeds. It felt good, so I did not stop at 5 to attend the RCMQG meeting. When I got home at 6pm, my car thermometer read 103. I changed clothes. Chris heated fish in the toaster oven for me. I watched some informational videos. I read about waffle gardens in the desert.

I dozed off watching Lucifer with Chris. We only watched one episode because Chris was still tired from the fun run. I dozed on the couch until after midnight then roused myself long enough to get to bed.

* The good old days *

I fail to see the fun in 'fun run'

I woke up when Chris got out of bed. My headphones were around my neck and still playing. I shut them off. I stayed in bed until 7:30 when the alarm rang. I watered the plants, then made up two weeks worth of supplements. Chris came home from Army Birthday fun run, took a shower, and went back to work.

I considered the overwhelming pile of mail and packages. I opened the test package. I read the directions and worked on the paperwork for a blood spot test. Brain fog made it difficult to process.

I started making breakfast at noon after the lemon protocol. (I am starting to remember bits and pieces of the routine) Chris came home for lunch. After eating, I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun. It was very relaxing but I had to move to the shade or go in.

I tried to order more supplements, but one is sold out everywhere and there are no other products like it. I investigated other options, but there really weren't any. I got dressed and mowed the back yard and the front part of side yard (because Chris checked out a mower on Saturday and it has to be returned on Tuesday.) I needed a break, my heart was thudding, so I came in for a short rest and some water. Then I went out to mow other side and the mower would not start. That is precisely what happened to the other mower. But I left it there hoping Chris could start it. There will be plenty of daylight after supper.

After supper, I listened to a QnA with Judy M and David Martin. Just after 8 I paused it to go mow before the sprinklers came on. However, Chris took point on the mowing (of course he had no trouble starting it), and I raked up sticks and flattened gopher mounds. I think all my efforts to deter them has made them mad and more ambitious than ever. (The sprinklers never did come on). He was going to put the mower in my trunk, but the self-help guy had said to clean it off first. So we sprayed it with a hose and left it to dry. Then Chris took a shower while I made my evening drink. We watched only one episode of Lucifer because Chris was so tired. I finished the video, then took the dried urine test. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fellowship hour

Sunday I woke early, hearing the sprinklers slap against the back porch. I got up to check out the plants on the back porch and went back to bed. Later I got up and my back hurt, so Chris cleared the brown chair for me and I sat against a heating pad, which really helped. I checked some of the mountain of snail mail near the chair. Chris helped set up my laptop so I could clear e-mail and read some. I wanted to follow my Sunday morning protocol, but I could not remember it.

He gave me a coconut oil massage, then I took a shower and got dressed for church. Chris showed me the plants in the flowerbed. One kale died, another is being eaten by bugs. The red lettuce looks good and the broccoli is building a head.

At 10:45, we drove to the chapel. We were the first, other than Sgt King. He could not find the guest chaplain. A new family arrived. Chris introduced himself and me. Then Jenni came so we talked. Rusty came over to offer an old, heavy, cabinet model sewing machine that he found in a house he had just cleaned (for checkout). I was interested, but not excited about a super heavy machine. But Jenni wanted it, so that was good. We talked for awhile longer. The guest chaplain arrived about 11:45, saying he had been taken to the wrong place, and stuff happened. He invited us to follow him to another building where he was going to preach at noon. But I don't think any of us did. We concluded our conversations and went home.

I made and ate breakfast. I jotted some notes for the past few days, but then stopped to water the plants outside. (Plants dehydrate so quickly). I watered the inside ones again. I put on a bathing suit and laid out in the sun. The neighbor's dog barked at me the whole time. Then I laid on the bed and took a nap. I re-dressed and went back to jotting notes. I was reading e-mail when Chris finished his afternoon gaming session and asked me to cut his hair. I did, but was not satisfied with it. Thinking about the garden, I put batteries in the water timer and set it. But then it was time for supper. Chris had a roast in the oven and carrots in the steamer. After supper, I spent hours dealing with gopher mounds. I came in about 8:30 knowing the sprinklers would come on at any moment. I watered the compost pile which is situated in a dry spot

We watched three new episodes of Lucifer on Netflix. We made the bed with fresh sheets. I typed up blog notes, and posted for Friday and Saturday. Then I went to bed.

* An old photo I found on Dad's thumb drive. These are my mom's parents. *

Monday, June 14, 2021

Going home

Saturday I did not feel like getting up. But finally I did and went out to the living room. Michele was sitting there, having just ocome in the house. We talked. She told me I needed to get help. I took a shower while she packed my suitcase. I ate the rest of the fermented coconut milk. Faye came over. We went up to the attic to get the big trombone case. She thought there was a trombone in it, but it only had accessories in it. I showed Michele the duo-octagonal slide on Dad's trombone. I had to go through my suitcase and take some stuff out because it was too heavy for me. I put the stuff in a bottom drawer and taped my name to it.

Faye and Michele went to Cava to pick up lunch and bring it back, while I did some last minute obsessing. I opened the accordion to look for holes in the bellows. I discovered that two of the metal corners were missing. I did not see any holes. When they got back, Faye shared her lunch with me.

We put my luggage in the van, and Faye drove us to the airport. She dropped off me and Michele. Michele handled the large suitcase while I managed the carry-on and laptop. When it was my turn to drop off the suitcase, she lifted it for me. Later she made sure I got to the line for security. Then she hugged me and called Faye to pick her up. I went through security, treated like a criminal along with everyone else. The line was very short, but it was moving very slowly. Then I strode down to the last gate, having trouble breathing through the mask. As different levels of boarding were announced, I had to ask the man next to me what they said because it was so quietly done. Finally I got on the plane and settled in. It was a first class seat, but in a small plane, that just means it is a little bigger than a regular seat. As we flew, I watched a movie called Bumblebee. It sounded nice, but there was a lot of shooting and transformers and decepticons.

I asked a flight attendent to read my ticket and tell me which gate to go to. So when we landed in Atlanta, I went from concourse A to B. Then I found a departure board and looked up my flight. The gate had been changed to E26. So I went back down to the train and got on. It turned out to be the long way around: B to A to T to x to T to A to B to C to D, then to E. When I got up to gate level, I found another departure board and looked up the gate number again. I strode to the gate, again wishing I could take the mask off and breathe freely. I sat and chatted with a lady nearby and snacked. Finally we boarded. I got a much better seat, though I practically had to have a degree in mechanics to operate all the bells and whistles. I watched two movies, Chaos Walking and Chariots of Fire, which I did not get to finish before we exited the plane.

I got off the plane, and went to baggage claim, arriving just as Chris walked up. I thought he looked right at me, but then he went into the bathroom. Even when he came out, he didn't seem to recognize me right away. Anyway, we waited for some time for the baggage to arrive and then for my suitcase to come out. He rolled that, while I took the carry-on to the parking deck. He drove us back to Dugway, swerving to avoid rabbits, large birds, and rodents crossing the road. But no cows or sheet tonight. When we got home, we brought in my luggage. I checked on all my plants and watered some. The flowers from Mother's Day were still in the vase, with grungy water. I unpacked the carry-on and we went to bed.

The second thumbdrive


I slept in late, annoyed that the phone alarm is so loud but the ringing for calls is so quiet. I washed up and got dressed. I half-packed my suitcase. I consolidated boxes of donations to make the room easy to sweep. Patrick came in, promised to clean under all the furniture. I swept the master bedroom and bathroom. I swept under furniture in the master bedroom because I wanted to find whatever might be there before Patrick did.

I ate breakfast, then went to the bank. I cashed in Dad's CD and converted it to a checking account. I needed social security numbers for beneficiaries. The agent was very personable and gave me a hug afterward. I went home to get the numbers and call her back.

William came over around lunch time. He took more of his stuff from the front hall closet. He offered me some movies from his collection. We looked at family quilts and he took one. Patrick left to get his hair cut and was gone all day. I called Chris and Michele to get the numbers, then called the agent to give them to her.

I went through some drawers of clutter, and a bag of papers and sheet music. Faye came over. We talked, then she went out to get supper while I talked to Chris about checking in with Delta. It turns out he had already checked me in. When Faye got back, we ate supper. Michele called to say she would come over tomorrow at 8. I talked to Faye until Patrick came home. He carried the Compaq 286 out to her van. We went through some drawers, and then Faye left.

I found a second thumb drive near Dad's laptop. I stayed up way too late looking at the old photographs and reading some of the files. I copied some of Dad's files from it to my laptop. I jotted notes for my blog and then went to bed.

* An old pic of us playing together *

Friday, June 11, 2021

Taking notes

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I did not sleep well and I stayed in bed late. I got up after 8:30, turned on router, washed up and got dressed. I cleaned up some clutter in the room. I read a stack of old postcards, whose stamps ranged from 1 cent to 10 cents. I wrote identifying info on 2 older pictures (for future generations if there are any). I did some laundry, and listened to the Health Defender weekly podcast.

I ate breakfast, then called Metlife after getting a text saying the claim was paid. It was hard to find a working number for them. I called William to ask about glue. He came over with special glue and glued on the pieces of the accordion. He pulled some of his stuff from the closet. I got through to Metlife and they said they sent the check to Utah. Then I rode with him to a fusion take-out place and we got lunch. At the light, we were behind a car with an Accordion Club sticker. William dropped me off at the house and took food home to Karen.

Interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon talking about lie the gov'ts and media are telling the public: If you have lots of virus, you WILL have symptoms. People with a positive PCR test and no symptoms, infected family members less than 1 percent of the time. Sars2 is the biggest virus ever isolated at 30,000 base pairs. The biggest difference in variants is 0.3 percent or less. The difference is covered by T cell immunity. 'Variants' are far more same than different. They chemically modified the RNA to not get broken down by the enzymes. Pharmicokinetcis and pharmicodynamics studies were not done. MRNA-type vaccination is a 4 or 5 step process. There is wide variability in each person's reponse at each step. The person makes antibodies that bind to synctin before to covid even. Never give it to pregnant women because synctin is in the placenta. Tox studies should be done BEFORE clinical trials, not afterward to explain why some people get sick. Coincidence of same lies at the same time from every gov't? He doesn't think so. Booster shots are not needed, nor are they vaccines. Digital vaccine passport system can be misused to give power to the controllers to stop anyone from crossing any regulated threshhold, be it a national border or even point of sale.

I went for a walk. I called Faye, but she was on her way. Faye and I decluttered in the den. We talked about her recurrance of leukemia. When she left, I called Chris. The job in Jordan is unaccompanied, so I would have to leave Dugway and live somewhere else. After he hung up, I got ready for bed.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The accordion

I got up and took a shower. Patrick never did turn the router off last night even though I asked him to. I put a load of towels in the washer. I searched for Dad's underpants (which Chris said we could send to Honduras), but only found t-shirts and undershirts. I selected some t-shirts I thought I could wear (with Faye's approval).

I listened to an interview with Dr. McCullough from Charity United (which issues aid, not paychecks, staffed by volunteers): if there were any chance of reinfection, we would have seen millions of cases. Reported cases don't hold water. This illness is one and done. Vaccine immunity is nowhere close to as good as natural immunity. Those who have recovered have much higher adverse reactions to vaccination. Only one lot number is allowed to be reported in the VAERS system so impossible to track bad lots on the second shot. There is no field for covid-recovered. The Red Cross is no longer accepting convalescent plasma donations from vaccinated people. Children are being peer-pressured to received the vaccine at school. In one study, out of 15 vaccinated peole stopped on the street, a magnet stuck to 6 of them.

I pulled towels from the dryer and folded them. I unloaded the front closet until I could get to the small accordion. I was able to play that, so maybe that is an option for keeping his legacy going. I went through the hall closet, and drawers in the computer room, putting together sheet sets and pulling out linens that passed their useful life long ago. Chris called to talk about how I would feel about moving to Jordan.

I sorted through the rest of the closet, finding old postcards and pictures. Faye came over. We talked a long time, and got rid of the drooping flowers. We looked up stuff on Ebay, but nothing we had was worth much. We both tried playing Dad's accordion. It is just too big, and it needed some parts glued back on. Chris called. His power was out. He answered some questions. Faye went home. I hung up with Chris, then watched part of a video, then another one. I posted to my blog and went to bed. Later I got up to turn the router off. I was very emotional did not sleep well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

No more worms

I stayed in bed until after 9, then turned on the router and watched part of a summit: Barlow Herbal: use feverfew for headaches, lomatium for infections, cloves for parasites, cayenne for digestion and healing ulcers. Cayenne is a vaseodilator. Tincture of it for heart health. Blue vervain mixed with valerian root for stress and anxiety. Echinachae, elderberry, astragulus, reishi, vit D, support the immune system.

I washed up and got dressed. I took supplements, and gave Patrick $5 to mail the packet from last night. I ate breakfast made of whatever I could find.

I watched the video of Dad's pictures, weeping and wailing. I went through most of the pics on the table to identify those that were not used in the video. Seeing the accordion in the family pics and now sitting unused in the dining room made me incredibly sad, like all our fun family times are now over. I watched how to play accordion videos and now looked at Dad's pics differently.

I ate some kimchi and veggies. William called while I was talking to Faye. I called back and he kept me on the phone for a long time. Finally he hung up and I went outside to clean up the leaf and stick pile from yesterday. Faye came over, and we cleaned clothes out of the master bedroom closet. We filled boxes to donate and a bag to throw away. I called Chris. He found worms around the house so they are probably all dead, having crawled out while Chris was gone. Then Patrick came home from work.

I watched Event 2021 with Dr. Fleming. He is an MD, Phd and JD. He gave a very convincing talk on the virus and the history of those who made it. All the evidence is at . There are 50 billion RNA instructions for spike proteins in each shot.

I posted to my blog for yesterday. I offered Patrick some peppermint oil for his fungus, but he declined. He also insisted on having the router on all night. I covered the router with a special cloth and went to bed.

* Found this note from my mom but can't read it. *

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Things are not as they seem

I got up before the alarm went off. I had slept well, but woke up thinking annoying thoughts. I talked to Chris about how angry I was that there was stuff missing from the house. The Verizon system called me back from yesterday, but then I had to wait for a technician to answer. I talked to the tech, and then to a rep, and back to a tech. The first tech had me use my phone to show him the router and hookups. For whatever reason, it did not work for the second tech. To get 200mps, a tech would have to come to the house and put in a new box and that would cost $150. But for 100mps we can continue using the coaxial cable hook up. So I opted for that. She reset the router to use the cable and the internet was back up.

I fumed for awhile about stuff missing from the house. I looked at the bills to come up with a figure on what Patrick should pay each month to stay here. It seemed way more than he could pay. Then I went outside to chop away at the vines and bushes growing over the house.

I came in to wash my hands in case I touched the poison ivy. I stayed for a bite to eat and some water. I checked for messages online, then went back out. I worked until I cut my finger, and came in to wash it. I called Faye. She said William had spoken to her about the diaries and the meds that were missing. We talked and she said she was coming over. I heated up veggies from the freezer and threw in lots of garlic. I ate a bowlful. I called Federated to see if they got our fax. They said I shouldn't have faxed the papers because they need originals. I made two double-sided copies and watched with fascination as the printer spit out papers and sucked them back in, several times in order to accomplish the feat.

Faye arrived. We went up in the attic. It was like searching the pyramid of an ancient king buried with all his belongings, but without the sarcophagus. Faye found clippers in the shed and we cut more dead stuff in the front yard and by the driveway. I pulled ivy off of the tree. We put everything away. I suggested she needed to go home and nap before work. She stayed. We cleared up some paperwork, and she brought in a box of pictures. Then she left . I gathered the paperwork and got it ready to mail. I posted to my blog for yesterday, and jotted notes for today. I called Kurt thinking he had called me. We talked for some time. He wants to cross-reference Dad's journals with Mom's with Grandma's and with mine. Not sure how much overlap there would be, but it might be interesting to get all the viewpoints.

Patrick came home from work while I was talking to Kurt. I checked e-mail afterward. Patrick talked to me for a bit. Then I went to bed.

* My dad was in a band in high school *

Monday, June 7, 2021

Sunday lunch

I got up, not feeling well rested at all. I took charcoal and went back to bed and did some tapping. Later I washed up. I turned on the router. I was very emotional and having a meltdown when Faye appeared in the doorway. She left me to shake it off and got on the black laptop. When I heard her speaking in stern tones to it, I came over to see what was up. We determined that she was not in the USER space. When we went there, she was able to access the bible study group. As she sat and listened, I got dressed and ate breakfast.

When it was over, we talked for awhile, then got in her car and went to church. We were instructed to take some playdoh and sit in row 10. The sermon was about the potter and the clay. Faye made a treble sign with hers and I asked her why she was making treble in church. I did not use mine because it would get under my fingernails. After the service, we spoke with others. Faye asked Kevin if he wanted the 286. He did.

When we got to the car, Faye called Asha and we met at Subway for lunch. But that Subway was now closed on Sundays. Maybe since she and Dad were not going there every Sunday, they had little reason to be open. So we drove to Olive Garden. We signed in and talked as we waited. Finally we were seated in a back room. We all got the soup and salad. We really filled up. Asha talked about taking care of her parents up till they died. So we had a lot in common. A really big group was gathering at nearby tables for some sort of celebration, so we left to make more room. Then we stood around talking in the parking lot.

It was after 4 when we got home. Faye and I went for a short walk. Then we talked to Kurt. Michele called for sewing advice. Faye went home to take a nap before she had to work. I set up the new router which was pretty simple. I called Chris to find out how to change the name and password. He said he didn't think we could. I tried again, then called Kurt. We worked it out, and I got three laptops on the system. Patrick came home and accessed the network through his tablet. Everything seemed to be working.

Then I went to the website on the card that came with the new router. It instructed me to connect to the router with an ethernet cable. So I connected the laptop to the router. Some process started and I waited a long time for it to finish. When it did, the router was offline and I got an error messge on my laptop. I could not get it back online. I called the service number but no one answered. I hooked up the old router. That no longer connected to the internet. Finally someone answered. After checking a few things, she told me to connect the ethernet cable from the router to the main box. Well, A) they are on opposite ends of the house, and B) there is no ethernet connection on the main box. She was certain there had to be one, but I could not find it. Finally she told me that a special team would have to call me back in the morning. No internet tonight, so no blog post.

* I found this keyring from a bank in Dad's drawer. *

5th generation trombone player

I got up late. I took a shower and got dressed. Coming out to the kitchen, I checked the pot. Finally the pot was clean. After repeated scrubbings with dishsoap, then baking soda, then vinegar, and several soakings of polident, the burnt sweet potato had finally came off.

I stripped the bed and did laundry. I washed the dishes in the sink and refilled the fermented coconut milk jar. I wiped surfaces here and there. I plugged in the router. I sat in the front porch to enjoy the morning, but the dirty house made me get a bucket of soapy water to wash it. I washed the siding along the front porch and the windows. I scrubbed two of the three wooden posts.

I ate breakfast, and went through old papers. Patrick helped (?). I called Faye, who was on her way. I went through another pile of papers. Faye came over. I showed her the old stock certificates I found last night. While going through the books, I found a Jeppeson CSG computer (just a plastic circle with card through it that had concentric circles on it.) I finished looking through the books and marked some with my name.

Faye agonized over how to sign the car titles. I looked it up online, and then we signed them. She called Asha and that took a long time so I went through stuff. I ate some veggies for supper. William came over. I watched her and William go through the computer room. There were some quilting templates so I took those. We came across a pic of my great grandfather in a band, with a note that he was either one of the trombone players or one of the baritone players. If he was the trombone player, then Michele is a 5th generation player.

William pulled out a 286 PC from under the desk. We called Kurt to see if he was interested. He wanted it if Kevin didn't. Chris had called so I called him back. He said there were high winds there in Dugway and a tree fell on the power lines. Part of the base was without power.

Finally Faye left. William became talkative. I kept hinting how late it was. When Karen called, he left. I typed up my blog post for the previous day, turned off the router and went to bed. It was well after midnight.

Saturday, June 5, 2021


I got up late, took charcoal, and got ready for the day. I put in a load of laundry. I put new elastic on Patrick's mask, Faye came over. She adjusted the elastic so it would fit him better. I ate breakfast while Faye went to get a paper from South State Bank.

I folded laundry and talked to Chris. His interview went just ok. Faye and I moved the big metal chairs out to the porch. I just wanted them gone. We sat on the porch and talked, then went for a walk. It started raining. We sat on the porch, watching the rain. Then I got a big umbrella and walked around, checking the downspouts to see if they were running freely. But they were funneled into the ground so I couldn't tell.

We went through books on the built-in bookcase trying to make room for photo albums we saw in the front closet. William and Karen came over. William said the photo albums were his. We talked for awhile, but then Faye and I had to scram.

We went to the west end to an office. Vicki showed me an annuity that she picked out for me to replace the one we are getting from Dad. I gave her some info but nothing that couldn't have been done over the phone. Then I talked to Barbara with Faye. We followed her to back to the southside.

We ate supper, and went through the utility room fiiling cabinet. There were lots of agronomy journals. I guess no one would want them now. We looked through the diningroom filing cabinet, and made piles of old documents to shred. There was lots of sheet and book music to go through later.

I looked at e-mail to delete, then posted to my blog, hoping Faye would go home and sleep. I unplugged the router before going to bed because my head was screaming.

* In the parking lot by Vicki's office *

Friday, June 4, 2021

Fun with faxing

I went to bed late and got up after the alarm at 7:30 the next morning. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail, called Verizon to reduce the bill. The man assured me that the new router would automatically have same password and everything. Mmm-hmmm.

I took out the old flowers and put them in the compost pile. Faye arrived. I ate breakfast, then we went to William's house to drop off papers. We had things to fax, so looked for Cathy's Copies, but found nothing but a store that sells CBD products. We looked for Kinko's, but found FedEx. They had fax machines but we didn't know how to use them. Faye spent a lot of time filling out the cover page. A man came to help with the first fax set. Then we were able to do the second one. Faxing takes a lot more time than making copies and is far more expensive. We could have sent the stuff overnight for the same or less. We went to South State Bank on the way home. But they had no info on my father even though we had a statement from a few years ago.

We came home for lunch. Faye ate half a Subway sandwich. I got stuff from the fridge. I napped, then listened to part of The Highwire while Faye called DMV and heard we couldn't get an appointment for 2 or three weeks. Faye read her speech to me and I typed it up. Then I went back to the Highwire, but it wouldn't play. I had to reboot Waterfox. An RN reported that her hospital forbid anyone to list a vaccine adverse reaction on any patient's chart. She is suing them for mandating that all employees either get the shot or lose their jobs. In a biodistribution study, they discovered that the spike protein gets into the blood, then accumulates in the spleen, liver, bone marrow, adrenals, and ovaries. The spike protein is dangerous all on its own. It can bind to receptors on platelets, causing clotting and bleeding. It can cross the blood-brain barrier. Suckling infants show bleeding problems. It should stay in shoulder, but sometimes doesn't. In 11 of 13 patients, spike proteins were traveling throughout the body within one day.

Faye and I talked, then went for a walk. I meditated with Deepak. I put two sweet potatoes on the stove to steam in a collander. I helped Faye shred. The potatoes were not cooking so I put them in a small amount of water with a tight-fitting lid. I shredded until I smelled something burning, which at first seemed to be the shredder. Then I took the potatoes off the heat and added some water. I ate a small part of one and put the rest away. Patrick came home from work and helped us shred. I returned Chris' call. I forgot to ask how his interview went. I looked up accordion jokes. After more shredding, Faye went home. I read e-mail for awhile, then posted to my blog and went to bed.

** A cat that wandered through our back yard. **

Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Great Clip

I must have slept well because I don't remember having a hard time falling asleep. I got up at 7:30 to take the charcoal, then went back to bed for awhile. I took a shower and got dressed. I checked e-mail briefly, then made some phone calls. Faye came over. I don't think she was satisfied with the way I handled the calls so maybe I shouldn't do things unless she is here.

Forms were e-mailed to me and she printed them out. We filled them out, but she was unsure that it was done correctly. We gave Patrick something to mail for us. She got a call from a man who said he was from Wells Fargo, but he did not have the info that we provided and would not give us his full name. Hmmm. We shuffled papers all afternoon, trying to keep the three banks straight.

We went to Wells Fargo to get a medallion stamp. It was lucky that I had an account there or they wouldn't have helped us. It took some time because the lady was so careful to read everything. We wanted to fax the paperwork, but she couldn't do it and suggested Cathy's Copies.

We went to Design One to schedule massages because Faye had a gift card. But they told us they don't do massages anymore. We went home and I looked up Great Clips and put my name on the schedule. Faye drove me over there and I waited my turn. The lady was very friendly as she cut. I was quite pleased with the result.

On the way back, Faye went to Subway. We came home. She ate, and I cut up some garlic, added it to cooked peas carrots and corn. William was here, looking at cassette tapes. He had one of Dad playing his accordion while people sang. He tried to make a copy of it for me.

We went to the grocery store. When we came home, I called Chris back. He extended my stay by moving my plane ticket a week. Faye shuffled papers to get ready for faxing tomorrow and she left. I listened to an interview: the dollar is going down so buy foreign stocks and currency.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Working on forms

I woke up before 7, I stayed in bed until 7:10, took the first supplement and went back to bed, I got up later to wash and get dressed. Faye came over. I ate breakfast while she talked to Asha.

We went to the commissioner at 9. He answered our questions very matter-of-factly. He made it sound easier than we thought it would be. Then we went to the library so Faye could spread out her pile of files and get organized and make notes. Then we went to the courthouse to drop off papers, and then to Subway for lunch. We went to a Wells Fargo with a recent statement and the man could not find anything on it. So he made a copy and 'escalated' it, meaning someone will call us back in 48 hours. But it is TOD, so it won't become part of the estate. Whoever is the beneficiary will have to claim the funds.

We went home to get some papers. I called Metlife and they said they had already sent the forms. Faye got the mail, and there were the forms. At 3:30 we left for Kevin's office, following Faye's gps and getting there just in time. He showed us into his office. We showed him the old stock certificates which are likely worth nothing. He was interested in checking them out (later). With his co-owner, he explained Dad's annuity and what our options were. Later he showed us pictures of his granddaughter, who is really cute! Then we stood in the hall and talked. I ducked into the bathroom to scoop up some water to drink because the water fountain was locked. When the conversation was over, Faye and I went to her car. She called Asha so we could all go out to eat, but it wasn't convenient I guess. So Faye and I went to Subway. Faye got a sandwich and I got a cup of water.

We got home around 7. We looked at the Metlife forms and had questions. I called Chris to see what we should do with the old cars. He sent me pics of my plants, some of which were dead, but most survived. Faye talked to William and Kurt about the cars. I ate some frozen berries and nuts. Faye obsessed over the forms and checks. I watched a short video, then jotted notes for my blog.

* I didn't take any pics today, so here is one from the chicken place over a week ago. *

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Michele is 30!

I closed the windows yesterday because the weather turned cold. I had no hot flashes during the night. I took charcoal at 7:30, and went back to bed. At 8:30 I got up to take vitamins, wash up and get dressed. Thankfully some of my mother's warm clothes are still here.

I wished Michele a happy birthday on Facebook. I listened to an interview on covid: The spike protein in the shot is not the same as the one in the virus. It has prolines in it. It disables the ace-2 receptors. Do that in the heart and you get heart failure, in the lungs, it causes pulmonary hypertension, in the brain you get stroke. Also, it is better at getting more cells to produce more spike proteins by 1000x. It bypasses communication between the innate and adaptive immune responses. The RNA turns on danger signals in the body because natural RNA is designed to be broken down quickly after being used, but the synthetic RNA is designed to be much more robust. In some people it can be for the rest of their life. Pieces and parts of viruses can be as dangerous or more than the original infectious virus. This process distracts the body from keeping other viruses in check, so some people are getting cold sores or shingles after vaccination. Over 1200 cases of Bell's Palsy reported. Immune flare-up during pregnancy doubles risk of autism in child. HIV protein has been integrated into the spike protein. It accelerates the process that causes Parkinsons. J&J is more toxic so you only get one injection. It is the most dangerous one for people with inflammatory diseases. RNA vaccines are the most dangrous ones for children.

Faye and I took pics of all the stuff in the master bedroom and bathroom and looked at every scrap of paper. We found a 2002 copy of Dad's birth certificate but it was incorrect. We gave Patrick some stuff to shred. I called William to see how he was and to ask how do we listen to cassette tapes we found in the closet to see if there is anything of Dad playing his accordion. The cassette players I found did not work.

Faye and I went for a walk in the neighborhood. We sat and talked on the deck. I gave her a shoulder massage. We ate supper and watched an episode of Picard and Discovery on her phone. We tried to connect it to the TV and then my PC, but neither one worked. I read through Mom's diary to find out why Dad needed a copy of his birth certificate in 2002. It might have been to get power of attorney for Grandma. Faye obsessed over the instructions for the probate forms. We wrote out a list of questions for the commissioner for tomorrow. Faye readied her everything file and went home.