Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Not enough blue

I put on my headphones about 7:20 and finished an hour later. I got up and fired up the laptop and router. I drank water while listening to the sixth episode of Christ Revealed: the history, the evidence, the inspiration. The first talk was with an archaeologist who has a coin minted by Pontius Pilate in the year Jesus was crucified. He is involved in looking for more dead sea scrolls. There was also an Irish priest/archaeologist who was working on the town of Magda. And then more from a professor of Christian apologetics. All very interesting.
I made and ate breakfast. I tried Bertha's hopping foot on my embroidery machine and it fit. I tried to free-motion quilt with it, but it would not make stitches. Still, I was able to kind of see how it felt to sew around the ruler shapes. In looking for my own hopping foot (which I did not find) I came across a walking foot that I have never used. I tried it on a sample placemat and it did not work any better than what I could do with just my fingers. So I threw it in my bag. Then I got dressed.
At noon I drove to the Monday quilt group. It was a really good turnout, and at least one table was missing, so Laura moved over to give me room to set up my machine. I gave Bertha back her hopping foot and ruler set. I handed the walking foot I found to another lady who needed one a while back. Then I settled in for some stitching and chatting.
I trimmed the remaining hashtag blocks. Carolyn came over to ask me if I had every used hemp oil. Dinah gave me a box of rail fence blocks to piece together into a charity quilt. (I had volunteered last week). Then I sewed my hashtag blocks to dark blue strips that I had cut. When they were pressed and trimmed, I discovered that I only had 29 blocks. I packed up to leave but because the conversation was interesting, I did not get out until 4.
When I got home, Chris was just changing out of his suit. He had left mail on my laptop. I opened an envelop to find a $5 bill for filling out a survey. I was so hungry I immediately went to the back yard to pick dandelion. I made a salad to eat while I reviewed the latest e-mail. I also had some ground beef from yesterday. While I ate, he told me he wanted to volunteer to go to Camp Humphries for a 4 month tour as the temporary deputy garrison commander. I told him it was ok with me if that's what he wanted to do, but that I did not want to move back to Korea. So he put his name in the hat for that.
Around 6:30 I left the laptop to create the last hashtag block before we watched TV at 8. I found the pieces I needed in a pile on the guest bed. I was also going to cut more blue strips but then realized I had returned that fabric to Renegades last week.
I was still working on the missing hashtag block when Chris turned on the TV at 7. We watched Lucifer as it aired, commercials and all. So much Christmas stuff for sale and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. After Lucifer was over, he fired up the laptop attached to the TV. I made a cup of bone broth while he went to the FOX website and pulled up episodes of The Orville, a parody of Star Trek and other space shows. I can't say it was good. But there were times it was so bad that it was almost funny. After two episodes we decided that we had had enough. We went to bed.
I got up 4am to post to my blog. Sadly, it was too late for Kurt to read it before he went to work.
* Another quilt of valor from the event last Tuesday. *

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