Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sewing and cleaning

I got up about 9. I checked e-mail and deleted what I could. I called up the 10 episode of Christ Revealed and listened while I worked on mending. I made and ate breakfast. I staystitched the tattered neckline of an old but favored t-shirt. Then I ripped off the neckline one stitch at a time. There were a lot of stitches. I paused to listen to Dad who seemed to need to talk about the day Mom died. When he was done and had gone on to make breakfast, I went back to ripping stitches. I used the old ribbing to cut a new piece from the bottom of an old undershirt. I quartered it and pinned it to the neckline. I sewed it over and over, trying to get it on with no puckers.
Dad was preparing for Kevin to come, so I stopped to help move things out of the way. I started cleaning in the corner of the kitchen with the refrigerator. The counter top was very dirty. I had to clean all the items on it as well. Some things went away, if you know what I mean. Kevin arrived just as I got to the juicer corner. He carried out the spiders I evicted.
So I went back to the neckline on the t-shirt while Kevin watered the plants and made Dad's casserole. Dad went to tai chi which was across town.
When I finally had success with the t-shirt, Kevin and I cleaned a bin in the fridge. We cleaned between the stove and the counter, and the window sill. Then he left. I found more places to clean, including the doors to the kitchen. I also made myself a kale and sauerkraut salad. It wasn't good.
Dad came home from tai chi about 8:30. He asked for blended chicken with corn casserole and cruciferous juice. So I made that while he moved stuff off of his bed. He leaned on the counter top while eating a large bowl of it. He got distracted by a few other things, like looking for the pair o socks I sent him for Christmas. Meanwhile, I washed part of a wall in the dining room.
Dad and I went through the boxes and flattened all the ones that were not in perfect condition. After much discussion, we put them in the recycling container outside. We could not take them to the curb yet because it was raining. Dad looked up the schedule only to find that next week is his week.
I typed up my blog and hoped to go to bed. Dad stayed up to 'do' his pills for tonight and the rest of the week.
* This is the view from Dad's driveway. *

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