Sunday, March 31, 2019

Last frost?

Chris came back to bed at 8am to wake me up. I don't know when he got up. It took quite a while because I was very tired after not having slept well at all. I finally gathered the energy sometime after 8:30. I washed up and got dressed for church. I drank a lot of water and took supplements. And that was all I had time for.
It was cold out so I put on a coat and headed to church. I wasn't sure if going to church was a good idea for my back. But I hit green lights all the way and got there just in time to warm up with the choir. They could see I was moving slowly. I could see that Jennifer, our choir director, looked like she wasn't feeling well.
After the warmup I talked to the couple behind me. Then I headed towards the bathroom. I ran into Elaine and we talked about our common experiences with Dr. Jarvis. After using the restroom, I picked up a bulletin and sat in my pew. Tamara was there and we discussed back pain. I was about to tell her about a video I saw on adjusting your own spine when Pastor started the service.
There were announcements, and then the usual liturgy. I had trouble kneeling and standing. For the sermon, the pastor read the parable of the prodigal son, asking the congregation to make the sounds the listeners might have made as they heard the story for the first time. That really got people's attention and kept them engaged.
After the service I was determined to go home. I had forgotten that today being the 5th Sunday meant there was a brunch afterward. I was talking to Stacey the pastor's wife, sharing contact info, when Scott walked up. He issued us an invitation to join him and his friends for brunch on Easter Sunday afternoon. As I was talking to her on the way out, her husband joined in. Then Bill invited the pastor and his wife to come to the brunch and bring Fern. I said “Fern is in a lot of pain and needs to go home”. I was surprised how much harder it would have been to say “I am in a lot of pain and need to go home”.
I got in my car and drove home, taking pics along the way. When I got there, I was hungry so I made and ate breakfast. I also started a loaf of bread for Chris. Chris went grocery shopping by himself since my back was hurting.
I read about the history of Edward IV and wife and sons, the Princes in the Tower. To this day no one is certain what happened to the two boys. Then I looked up Mystery Hill in NH. And finally, videos on how to align your own spine. Tamara had left early so I did not get to tell her about the video. I found a similar one and e-mailed her a link.
Following the video, I laid on my bed and went through the motions. I heard my back pop, though the pain did not go away altogether. Chris came home and I helped him unbag the groceries. I changed my clothes, and went for a walk. I foraged along the way, but did not find any nettles. When I got back, I moved some plants closer to the house because it is supposed to go down to 32 tonight.
I read an article on plastics in salt. I played a game of Solitaire. I practiced flute and trombone. I made a list of sewing projects and found it was longer than I thought. I look through a bag of scraps, and got an idea. I looked up morse code to follow it through. I decided one short word would be best.
I got sidetracked looking at quilt blocks. Then I made a salad and had some liver. I listened to a podcast on gut analysis. Chris brought in the houseplants. I moved the rest of my new plants to the makeshift microclimate on the front porch. I downloaded pics from my camera taken on the way home from church. I made a cup of tea. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. I took supplements before, between, and after. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* Last sign of spring? *

Saturday, March 30, 2019

If I only had a heart

I got up at 9 with no trouble but a little pain. I started taking supplements and drinking water. Chris helped me take a shower. Then I got dressed. I folded laundry and put it away. And I checked e-mail briefly.
At 10:40 I left for church. I dropped off the bank bag and the hymnal. Then I met the lady selling pasture-raised beef at the next church. I had ordered the heart and had brought an insulated bag to take it home in. But instead of going straight home, I went to Lowes to get some plants. I did not see vegetables, so I picked out some flowers. I meant to use the gift card that Faye had given me, but used my own credit card by force of habit. However, while I was at the register, the lady told me where the vegetable plants were. So I went to pick some out and then checked out again and used the gift card for tomatoes and a pepper and basil.
When I got home, I put the heart in the freezer. I made and ate breakfast. I meditated, then read e-mail. I sat against a heating pad and tapped. Chris told me about his frustration in looking for a job.
Then I went back to reading e-mail. I watched videos about harvesting stinging nettles for their superb nutrition. Somehow that led to watching videos about quick crafts and kitchen hacks. I closed that tab and went for a walk. When I got back, I took all the plants I had bought and set them out in front of the house where they could enjoy the impending rain.
I picked dandelion and violet blossoms in the back yard. I made a salad and ate while reading about the war of the roses and trying to picture it in terms of the episodes we saw last night, and see if they agree with history as we know it.
I practiced my trombone and flute. The flute part did not go well. Maybe when Jennifer hears it, she won't make me play. I read a little more history while eating apples. Then I called Dad who was resting with his feet up so I kept the call short.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris put Icy Hot on my back, which felt really good. I took the homeopathic supplements and wrote up my blog post for today. Now I just need a pic to go with it. Then I can go to bed.
* This pic was taken a day or two ago. *

Friday, March 29, 2019

Hickory dickory dock

I went to bed late to avoid having to get up in the middle of the night to pee. I was thinking that getting up during the night was somehow making it harder to get up in the morning. Well, I woke up at 5, just before Chris' alarm went off. It only took me two tries to get up and I did my business and went back to bed. Sleep, however, seemed a long way off.
When I awoke and gathered the energy to get up, it was easier than I thought. I sat up on the first try and stood up on the first try. I wondered if the difference was which side of the bed because that determines which leg goes out first. In the middle of the night I use my side, and this morning I used my side.
I tried to follow the usual morning routine. My back hurt but was not on the edge of spasm. Instead of sewing, I got dressed and walked around the circle. I hoped that would loosen up my back, but it did not have any significant effect. My massage therapist texted to see if I could come in this afternoon, but I had to say no. I took my supplements and listened to interviews. I made and ate breakfast. I sat with a heating pad while listening to Deepak go through a meditation.
I decided to try driving a short distance. I changed my clothes to all clean ones. I asked my inner self if I was ready and the answer was no. So I took a muscle relaxer and an anti-inflammatory. Then I finalized an order to Swansons while I waited for it to kick in. I also jotted some notes for my blog.
I drove to the clinic but the OPEN sign was shut off, and their car was not there. So I proceeded to the church. The money was already counted. I just had to enter it into the computer. Jennifer started texting me. When she found out I was at the church, she said there was music in her office for me. So I went to get it. There were 6 pieces, 3 of which I knew about. Two were for flute. I texted her that I could not promise all of that. I finished up the reports and took the money to the bank, then came home.
There was a box of super minerals in the mail box and Chris had brought home a Swansons package from the post office. I unboxed everything and put them away. Chris was in a bad mood, probably from work, so I went for a walk. I went down by the creek and picked dock and wild lettuce. When I got back, I picked some dandelion blossoms and wild violet blossoms to add to a salad. I put salad greens in a container to soak. Then I practiced all the
trombone music, and then two pieces on flute. I rinsed the greens and made two salads. I ate them both while sitting at my laptop. I called Dad, but there was no answer. Chris rubbed my back with Icy Hot and it felt so much better. I played Solitaire and made a cup of tea. Then we watched two episodes of “The White Queen”. It is an engaging story, though I don't know how true to life it might be. Definitely has scenes I would rather not see, but Chris tells me when they are over so I can look again.
* This is dock, very plentiful around here. *

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Getting a little better

I had to get up during the night and managed to do so. But in the morning, I slept late, dreading the process and effort of trying to get out of bed. I tried the chiropractic process I had read about yesterday for re-aligning the lower spine. I did it four times, but never heard any pop.
I tried getting up on my side of the bed, but could not quite reach the floor. So I maneuvered myself to the other side, hoping that the footstool would be there. But it was not. However, I found a thick book at the head of the bed and dropped it in just the right place. It still took me several tries, but I managed to get up. It was 10am, whereas yesterday it took me until noon to get up.
First, I made my way to the bathroom where I had left the lid up last night. But Chris must have put it down in the morning. Bending down to lift it was painful. Then I went to the kitchen to get my quart of water. I drank, and swished and sat against the heating pad. I left Chris a message saying that I was up and mobile. I took my morning supplements. Dr. Lee called, hoping I would come in today. I told him I wasn't ready. He said he hoped to see me tomorrow.
I read some e-mail, but could not sit for long. I took a walk around the circle. What usually takes 15 minutes took almost 25. I made breakfast, and ate it outside in the sun. I meditated with Deepak. I took the muscle relaxer and the anti-inflammatory. I started another jar of fermented coconut milk. I played some interviews and looked at some quilting books for inspiration. I folded up the piece of batting I had made. I checked the mail. There was nothing in the mail box, but there was a box sitting on the chair outside the door. I opened it and found a five-pound bag of coffee. I put it in the freezer. Then I sat with the heating pad again.
Chris came home from work. There was nothing from the post office. I got tired of sitting and there was nothing else to do but walk since I already had swept the floor several times. (the other good standing activities involve preparing food and eating it. Good for standing, but bad for the waistline.) So I went for a walk around the playground and down to the creek and back to our circle. Coming back, I ran into our neighbor. We chatted for a bit and then I walked again, in a slightly wider circle. When I got back, I was tired, so I took a chance and laid down for a nap. I don't think I ever fell asleep.
I called Chris to bring the foot stool over to the bed. Within a few tries, I was able to get up again. I went to the kitchen to made salad, but ate liver and sauerkraut instead. I was thinking I should cancel my skype call with my tapping buddy because of all the sitting involved. But once we got into it, I felt like it was ok. In fact, we tapped for over an hour. I think we both felt better afterward.
When the call was over, I ate a can of soup while watching “The White Queen”, courtesy of Netflix. We saw two episodes. Chris made his lunch and went to bed. I took my evening supplements and wrote up my blog post for the day.
* This is a pineapple top that I planted last week. *

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I hope this isn't Groundhog Day

I got up during the night to pee. It wasn't easy to get up, but I managed it. I took some magnesium. Chris woke up and figured I must be doing better. So when he got up for work, he let me sleep. When I woke up, I could not get up. I went back to sleep and dreamed I was in the back seat of a car that my dad was driving. I said to myself, “Oh good, being stuck in bed was just a dream.” Sadly it was the other way around. I put Icy Hot on my back. At one point I called Chris to come home and get me a towel to pee on. He also brought me the meds and water and food: sweet potato and nuts and fat bombs. I had asked for beef but he decided this was better. I asked him to leave me a Depends for later.
I took the meds before he left and tried to sleep. I called Dr. Lee to tell him I could not get out of bed to show up today. He said he really needed me to help him. I called my naturopathic doctor. The secretary said she wasn't in. The secretary called back to say that the doctor's husband recommended taking magnesium or an epsom salt bath. I had some magnesium spray so I used that on my back.
Dr. Lee called back. I explained that I could not so much as put a foot on the floor without my back spasming. I asked him if there was an acupuncture point for back spasms. He suggested I come in for cupping to improve the circulation. I agreed to think about it. Then I rested for awhile. The magnesium had a certain effect which would have been disastrous if I had not had a Depends available. Afterward, I had more motivation to start the laborious and exhausting effort to rise to a sitting position so I could get out of bed.
I called Chris and left a message saying that I needed help. I did some tapping, then worked my way to the edge of the bed and got my right arm and shoulder underneath me. Slowly, I pushed myself up, but had to abandon the attempt several times when the spasm threatened. However, due to the meds or the magnesium or the Icy Hot, I finally managed to sit, and then to stand, although the attempt had taken most of my energy. I had started inching my feet forward, when my phone rang. It was Dr. Lee again. He offered to come over, but I told him he needed an ID to get on post. He said he was praying for me.
I inched my way to the kitchen to get the rolling walker. Then I inched my way to the bathroom, where I cleaned up as best I could. I called Chris back and left another message to say he needn't hurry after all. I managed to put on some clothes. I walked around and around, hoping to loosen up the muscles. Occasionally I had to sit, but could not sit for long. I did use the heating pad at one point, and the cold sock of rice at another. I made and ate breakfast sitting outside in the sun. I made up two week's worth of supplements. I texted our choir director and told her I wasn't coming tonight. I called Dr. Lee to see if I could help him over the phone. He had questions about the worksheet and I told him I didn't think it was going to be graded. I walked around the outside of the duplex, and saw the bus arrive. I checked the mail, but there wasn't any for me or the long line of people who have lived here before.
Chris came home at 4. He said he hadn't gotten any of my messages. I asked him to wash any spots on my … that I may have missed. He was only too happy to do that. Then I asked him to take my car to the car wash being sponsored by the Housing staff. He did that, too, but not with the same gusto. I took a bag and a grabber outside. I plucked pieces of plastic and paper from the lawn. I think the roofer dropped the wrapping from the shingles and the lawn people ran over them. It was a good standing-up activity.
We had the doors open. As the evening went on, the air cooled. Chris shut the doors and turned the heat back on. I practiced three hymns on my trombone. I ironed a piece of fabric just because it was another good standing-up activity. Then I called my father to see how he was doing. He said not well, but it seemed to be the usual focusing on one thing that went wrong.
I made a cup of tea. I drank it while we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we retired to our respective laptops. I wrote up my day as best I could remember it. I prepared for bed, hoping that tomorrow would be better than today.
* No new pics today. *

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chaffing at another day of missed activities

We went to bed early last night. I took all three meds and hoped to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. It was not quick at all, but once I fell asleep, I stayed that way until Chris' alarm went off. I heard Chris get up and prepare for the day. After he left, I might have gone back to sleep. Not sure. But then I tried to get up. Progress was painful and slow. It was like my back was looking for any excuse to spasm. I managed to achieve a sitting position when my phone alarm rang. Since it was at the head of the bed, it was loud and jarring. It almost caused a spasm just by ringing. I waited a minute for it to stop. Then I made several attempts to stand and finally I was vertical. I wasn't quite ready to walk, but in time I made it to the bathroom (which is probably why I got up before the alarm went off).
I walked around the house with the rolling walker. I put the sock of rice back in the freezer. I drank some water and took supplements, then got dressed. I sat in a straight-backed chair with arms and turned on the heating pad while I read a few pages. I turned on the router. I sat by my laptop with the sock of cold rice. I read some e-mail but got up often.
I called Beverly to let her know I was not coming to quilting. We talked for some time. I went looking for my old meds because they might work better than the new ones. But what I found was not different from the the new.
I made and ate breakfast. I took a slow walk around the circle. I debated whether to try to go to the church to count money. I decided to take my meds again and nap first. Since the pain pills were running low (must not have been as many as the others), I skipped it and just took the anti-inflammatory and the muscle relaxer. I had just finished taking them when Chris came home. He'd already had lunch and was checking in on me. At my request, he put out the recyclables.
I laid down for a nap, a little worried about being able to get up again later. I fell asleep and slept for several hours. I woke up at 2:15 and was out of bed by 2:30. There was still time to go to the church. I considered it carefully and decided that going might cost me all my Wednesday activities. So I stayed home.
I finalized an order to Amazon. I zigzagged a strip of batting to several others. I practiced flute and trombone. I listened to a podcast. At 4, William called. He was making a case for keeping the station wagon and getting rid of the K-Car instead. I wasn't sure why it was an issue.
Chris came home at 5:30. I made seed crackers. I refilled the sesame seed container and the seasoning container. I made more flax and chia mix. It looked like sand art (until I shook it up.) I ate a piece of beef. I sewed another batting strip on. I played Solitaire from a sitting and then standing position. I ate a sweet potato, and then jotted notes for my blog. I made tea and drank it while we watched two episodes of “In Search Of”, which was narrated by Leonard Nimoy. We also watched one episode of ST:NG. Chris made his sandwich and finished up something on the computer. I completed my blog post and took the last of my evening supplements. Then I got ready for bed.
* Seed art *

Monday, March 25, 2019

Stuck between the vertical and the horizontal

During the night I had to use the bathroom again. This time I remembered that we had a few Depends left over from my mother. So I used one, but still needed a towel. And we found out that a chuck that has been washed is no longer waterproof.
Chris went back to sleep on the couch. I tried to go to sleep, wondering why the meds were not making me sleepy. All too soon it seemed Chris was moving around and getting ready for work. He came in to check on me, making sure I could reach my phone. He said he'd be back at lunchtime unless I called. He brought me water and another dose of something. Then he left.
I tried to go back to sleep. My alarm went off and surprised me. Eventually I had to go pee again. I tried to sit up. But then I couldn't stand up. And I couldn't lay down. I was stuck. But by moving around to loosen up the muscles, I finally got vertical. Walking did not go so well at first, but I made it to the bathroom. Then I went to the kitchen to take supplements and boil water, all very slowly. I called Chris to tell him he didn't need to come home for lunch, but he said he would anyway. I deleted e-mails a few at a time because sitting was uncomfortable. I could do some things standing up. I listened to a podcast on depression. The speaker said that it has to do with unreasonable expectations. (I expect my back to work properly as long as I don't do anything that might injure it. Is that unreasonable?)
I played a meditation by Deepak, sitting with a sock of cold rice on my back. But when he got to the mantra part, Chris came in the door. I paused it till things got quiet again. Chris made his lunch. Then he put the sheets and mattress cover in the washer before eating lunch. I made and ate breakfast. When Chris left, I put the meditation back on, but I had to use headphones because of the sound of the washer. When the washer was finished, I carefully pulled the laundry out and shoved it in the dryer with my knee. I did a lot of walking with the rolling walker while listening to a podcast. I sat down with a heating pad. I read a few more pages in Elaine's book. I got very sleepy. But I was afraid of dozing off and having my head fall forward which would yank on my back. I did not want to lay down because getting up was so tricky. So I took the walker to the bedroom and piled it with pillows. Then I leaned forward against it to sleep.
But I heard the text sound on my phone, so I got up again. I answered it and went back. But it happened again. So I relocated the walker and pillows to the livingroom. I tried to fall asleep, but someone knocked on the door. He said he was from maintenance, but I have never seen him or his uniform before. He wanted to fix the leak, but I said it was fixed already. So he left, and I went back to the pillows. But then he knocked again. He wanted to come in and take a pic of the leak (of which there was nothing to see). There were other guys outside in similar uniforms. My neighbor texted me that she was going for a walk. So I stood up to get ready and Chris came home. I went next door and waited while she put a harness on her dog. Then we took a slow walk around. When we got back, the guys were still around. I went in her house to see some reciprocating device for sore muscles. But it looked too strong for the sensitive muscles in my back. Then we stood and talked for a bit, until my phone rang. I left so she could get ready. I talked to William for awhile, finding out about Dad. After the call, I made and ate a salad. I read e-mail. Jennifer texted me, she wants me to play flute on Palm Sunday. I called Dad. I practiced my trombone. Then I jotted notes for my blog and took the meds again.
We sat on the couch and watched one episode of ST:NG. Chris was too tired to watch a second one. He put clean sheets on the bed. I posted to my blog so I could join him. I hoped my back would be in better shape by tomorrow.
* This is a bush I saw on my walk yesterday. *

The unexpected

I got up at 8, took a shower and dressed for church. I watched a little bit of a video before I had to leave.
I must have arrived early because there was only one choir member there and she was telling the director about an attack of vertigo because a crystal in her ear got stuck in the wrong place. When the other members arrived, we sang through the piece several times. Then I sat in my pew and talked to the people behind me until the service started.
The organist played slowly but the pastor talked quickly. I think the service ended early. I meant to look at my watch but Ron came over to tease me and I forgot. I had a number of conversations before I got to my car, including showing the council president a pic of the banner.
It was just after 11:30 when I got home, so the service must have let out early. I changed my clothes and sat down for a moment while Chris got ready to go grocery shopping. When I stood up, my back was a little stiff. I got in his car and we went to Publix for groceries. I remember feeling tired when we went in, but not after that. When we got home, he carried in most of the groceries. I made and ate breakfast. I
noticed my lower back was hurting, so I went for a long walk. But I did not feel any better when I got back. I could walk around, but it hurt to sit. Chris convinced me to take some meds. Chris made liver and brussel sprouts. The liver was for me and he ate most of the brussel sprouts. I sat in the green chair, which is the easiest to get up from. I ate the brussel sprouts and read the books that Elaine sent me. My back did not get better, and in fact it was getting worse. I walked around for a but, but got tired of that so I laid down to rest, knowing there was a chance I would not be able to get up again. Chris brought in the small laptop so I could watch shows to take my mind off of the pain and discomfort. But it was an odd angle to watch the screen from. I watched three episodes of Frasier and a movie called HER. It was an interesting premise which did not need the bad words and other R-rated features that it had. My brain likes Frasier, but my back did not appreciate the LOL's.
When it was over, it was almost midnight. I could not sit up. I asked Chris to bring me a towel to pee on and some water and medications. He slept on the couch and I laid in the dark, tapping on any relevant statement I could think of to help my back. It was not possible to post to my blog and I had to tap on that, too.
* I took a pic of this tree on my walk. *

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Sunny Day

I got up after 9 because I did not sleep well last night. My head had been ringing loudly, probably from the increased wi-fi in the area. I tried to think of some place else to sleep, but wi-fi is everywhere, unless I sleep outside. I couldn't think of a good outdoor place. Also, my stomach was uncomfortable and I attributed that to the papaya seed I have been swallowing.
I drank some water and took the first round of supplements. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. He took a shower and I stayed in bed. He started the laundry. I got dressed and went for the second round of supplements. I juiced the rest of the celery and cleaned up the juicer. I checked e-mail and listened to some interview. Then I made and ate breakfast.
I went for a walk around the neighborhood. When I got back, I put on the QnA from the Depression and Anxiety summit. Chris took a break from applying for jobs and went to the office. I listened to Dr. Mercola after Chris left. During the interview, I trimmed strips of batting and sewed them together. I also had some beef and sauerkraut. I made a drawing of my banner to test quilting options. I scanned it into the computer to refine it and save it for future printouts. I kept finding things to eat as I listened. I moved to the QnA from the depression and anxiety summit. I played Solitaire. I made more green powder herbal mix for breakfasts.
I picked dandelion and made a salad. Chris came back from the office. On my laptop, I watched a movie called Chloe, a Journey Through Life. It was about fear, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.
I practiced my trombone, using higher scales than yesterday so it wouldn't take so long. I called Dad. While listening to him, I peeled ginger and turmeric roots and made tea. He walked off to get a bill and I drank the tea and jotted notes for my blog while waiting for him and wondering if he forgot I was on the phone. But eventually he came back with the bill. Then he rang off so he could figure out how to record it in the bank book.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris was scratching my back and we were having an enjoyable time. But somehow it devolved to an argument after the show was over. We dressed the bed with clean sheets. I took my evening supplements and finished my blog post. Then I got ready for bed.

Friday, March 22, 2019

The long and winding road

I got up at 8:15, thinking it was much later. I brushed and swished and finished top-stitching the bib. But then I saw there were places where the tension was bad and I had to pull threads and bury them.
I turned on the router and started the homeopathic regimen. I called CCAOM and left a message. I listened to Dr. O'Bryan talk about the brain and toxins. He recommended a cup of blueberries a day. CCAOM called me back and showed me where to find the review course on their site. (It wasn't listed that way or I'd have found it myself).
I juiced the celery and had to add more from the fridge. The remaining celery went into the pitcher of water. I drank the juice and put on a presentation of indoor gardening. I made and ate breakfast. Then I got dressed and went to the Korean clinic. Dr. Lee had already found the review course and read the information. He had printed out the quiz and marked the answers to the best of his ability. He wanted me to confirm his answers. That took over an hour. Then we went over the instructions to print and send it in with payment. He gave me a large apple and a bag of dried banana slices and pecans. I thanked him and went home.
I finished the indoor gardening presentation and ate the apple. I added the names of the herbal teas and fermented juices to Dr. Lee's Facebook page. I went to the gas station to fill my tank. Then I drove to a parking lot by the community gardens and went for a walk. My goal was to walk for 15 minutes south and then turn around and walk back. But, after walking almost 15 minutes, there was a trail the size of a truck going off into the woods, kind of heading north. So I followed it. And followed it. At one point I began to wish I hadn't gone so far because I didn't know where I was and retracing all my steps was going to take a long time. But I kept going, and eventually came out near the RV park. I had overshot my parking spot and had to walk south to find it. The walking time turned out to be only 35 minutes.
When I got back, I listened to podcasts and played Solitaire. I also snacked on cashews. Chris came home from work. My eyes started to cross, so I finished the last podcast and sorted fabric scraps from batting scraps. It wasn't necessary but I enjoyed doing it. I pulled out the largest batting pieces and put them in piles of similar weight. I also stitched velcro to the bib and put it in a box with other finished projects.
The sun had gone down, so I closed the front door. I practiced my trombone until my lip gave out. Then I picked up my phone to call Dad. I saw there was a message from Dr. Grace. In a very sad voice she asked me to call her. I tried calling, but there was no answer. I left a message. Then I called my dad. Dad said he had drunk his water, but not had any fat bombs.
I went back to reading e-mail. I made and ate a salad. After eating, I made tea and took my early evening supplements. Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then I wrote up my blog post for the day and took my homeopathic supplements and got ready for bed.
* A plant I saw frequently along the winding road through the forest. *

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A visit to the doctor

I got up at 8:30 even though my alarm went off at 7:30. My stomach did not feel well last night and it kept me awake even though I took two charcoal capsules. I brushed and swished. I did some stitching on the bib. I turned on the router, boiled water, and took my morning supplements. I watched episode 10. A lady called from NCCAOM for Dr. Lee. I asked her why his application was still pending. She said his CNT certificate was more than 6 years old and that he needed to take a review course on the CNT website. After the call, I wrote an e-mail to Dr. Lee.
I washed up a bunch of celery and juiced it. Making two cups took a lot because the celery was limp. So I put the next bunch of celery in a pitcher of water to firm up for tomorrow. From the reviews of drinking celery juice online, I was expecting to feel particularly good or to have to run to the bathroom. But I didn't feel anything.
I saw an e-mail from Chris saying he would be working late. So I went to the post office. There was a package from Swansons, but no quilt books. When I got back, I emailed Charlotte to let her know the book hadn't come in yet. I also said I wasn't going to quilting today.
I made and ate breakfast, then went for a walk. It was a lovely day. Then I gathered my coat and purse and clipboard and went to the doctor. On the way, Dr. Lee called me to ask how he could take the online course. I told him I could not help him just then because I was driving.
I got to the office a little early, but she took me within a few minutes. We went to a room at the back. She asked a bunch of questions that started with 'have you ever...' and I tried to answer them to the best of my recollection, which wasn't so great. Then she had me sit on the bed and she tested my reflexes and looked in my eyes, nose and ears. She listened to my heart and lungs. She said based on my answers, she thinks my thyroid and adrenal function are low, but she wants to see the blood tests from last November. She had me make an appointment to submit a urine and saliva sample, then come back later in the day to get the results.
I went home, and missed a turn. So instead of using Gate 9, I went in Gate 8. I resumed listening to an audio. Dr. Lee called and asked me to come to the clinic tomorrow to show him how to take the online course.
Chris came home soon after I arrived. He prepared beef and onions and put them in the oven, then went back to work. I scanned my blood test results from last year into the old computer and e-mailed them to the doctor. I put on an audio. While it played, I sorted through the scraps from the modern quilt guild. I pulled the batting scraps out of the fabric scrap pile. Not that it was necessary, but I enjoyed it, and selected a few scraps I could use.
I cut some pineapple and ate that. Chris came home from work about 6. The beef and onions were done. I ate a piece of beef and some onions and drank some kombucha.
I practiced my trombone, playing piano music because I could not find the hymnal.
I took my laptop to the guest room to meet with my tapping buddy. I told her that my shoulder was doing better after our last session. Then we tapped for her and she felt a lot better. I moved my laptop back to the dining room, and made a cup of tea. Then Chris and I watched Just Like Heaven. It was in Lauri's stack of movies. It was good although somewhat predictable.
I looked up the website for CCAOM for Dr. Lee. There was nothing about an online refresher course. Sigh. I guess that's a phone call for tomorrow. I typed up my blog and got ready for bed.
* hydrated celery *

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Beloved pets

I slept in until 8:30 – still not on the new time schedule. I brushed and swished. I wrote out a schedule for all the supplements and how far apart they need to be taken (since they all say to take on an empty stomach first thing in the morning). It was going to take 3 hours. So I skipped the usual probiotic and started with the homeopathic ones. I made coffee and did my exercises. I meditated and tapped. I also listened to episode 9. When that part was over, I turned my attention to cleaning. I did the bathrooms and took a shower. I used a magic eraser on the shower curtain liner to get rid of the mildew and it worked. Then realized I had forgotten to finish cleaning the kitchen. So I got dressed and did that. I heard Dr. John Gray talk about the benefits of grapeseed extract. I thought I had some but could not find it. I even looked through my inbox for the order. It appeared in an Amazon order. When I saw the pic of the bottle, I found it in a box I had already looked through. However I was out of time.
I drove to the Korean clinic. She was glad to see me but told me how sad she was because her two little dogs dug out under the fence and got hit. Both died, one instantly and the other after crawling to the back yard. Someone left a note with no name. It was very sad.
He asked me to check on his student loan. He had written down the username and password, but they did not gain us access to the site. We went through the login process in every way possible. Then we got locked out. We found a way to get a security code by text, but then the site said we had to wait 30 minutes before logging in again. ARRGGHH! So Dr. Lee gave me a foot bath detox. Ahhhhh! Dr. Grace sat with me and talked about the dogs, and how she can't go back to the house, and she will never get another pet. I didn't realize that she has lost upwards of a dozen pets to wild animals during her life. I told her my dog got hit by a car 40+ years ago and I still get sad sometimes.
When the 30 minutes had expired, we got back in and completed the forms necessary to renew the loan arrangements. Then he had me check on another form in process. I had no luck there and called, but the company was already closed. He gave me onion juice and I went home.
Chris was not home. I listened to more audios. I picked dandelion and made and ate a salad. Chris came home around 6. I called William back, and then called Dad. But Dad did not answer so I left a message. I practiced with just the mouthpiece while auditioning some fabric with blocks. I emptied the dishwasher while looking for a clean spoon.
Then it was time for church. I hopped in my car and drove over there, arriving 5 minutes early. I sat in the front pew as usual. Elaine lent me two books and I gave her some bamboo salt. Will asked if I wanted to sing a line during the service and I declined. The service was short, just some singing and Portia talking about her faith walk. Afterward, I moved to the other side of the sanctuary for choir practice. Our director was gone for a funeral in Canada, so Cecelia led us with notes from Jennifer. It lasted longer than usual and I got worried about getting back to post.
But I made it with 9 minutes to spare. Chris was on his laptop. I made tea and took some supplements. Then we watched one episode of ST:NG. He made a sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog and order some lithium orotate.
* This is the song where each line is sung by a different person and then we all sing the refrain. It is pitched for a soprano. *

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Modern Quilt Guild

I woke up hearing my alarm go off in the distance. I thought I stayed in bed for quite some time after that, but all of a sudden I found myself jumping out of bed and it was only 7:40. I brushed and swished. I turned on the router. I took some of my morning supplements. I boiled water and soaked my sprouts. Chris had left the lid of the bread machine up, but when I tried to fill the pan with ingredients, I found that we were out of flour. I listened to episode 8, pausing it to take notes. It was about using essential oils for anxiety and depression. I gathered the recyclables and put them out for pick-up. I put a box of class samples in my car, not sure if I was going to need them or not.
I went to quilting and took the banner to show off. There was also a small bit of sewing left to do and I finished that. Beverly was not there. I talked to the ladies at the table, while Anita and someone else were sandwiching quilts. Thelma had to leave because her granddaughter was sick. Then others left. I talked to another lady who was a retired science teacher. Finally she had to meet her husband. And it was time for me to go as well.
I went to the Asian store for kimbap and bread flour, but they did not have bread flour. So then I went across the street to the neighborhood Walmart and got it there, plus chia and flax seed. When I got home, I ate the kimbap with the last of the kimchi. I also made and ate breakfast. Then I printed out two copies of the donation forms for church.
I went to church and parked in the back. I decided to take my walk along the creek there. But getting to the path proved to be messy. I did not see that the patch of ground was boggy and I walked through it, getting my shoes and socks wet and muddy. I walked 15 minutes west-ish, then turned around and walked back. I took my folder from my car and went into the church office to enter data and print reports. It did not take long. There were men on the roof repairing a leak and they were still there. Then I took the money to the bank to deposit.
From the bank, I went home. I resumed listening to a video from the HomeGrown summit. Chris arrived with a package. It was the CBD oil that I ordered. Jennifer started texting me from the airport. I had to pause the video to answer her. I ate the last piece of pork and an orange. I practiced my trombone briefly, then had to leave.
I went down Drake and took the parkway over to University to the place where the Modern Quilt Guild was meeting. I was early. And I discovered that I had forgotten my phone. Quilt meetings are a target-rich environment, but I had nothing to aim at them. For sew-n-tell, I showed off my banner and a quilt top. During the main meeting, we were supposed to bring a favorite quilting notion. I didn't have one, so I talked about my magnifying glass on a floor stand and said it was too big and heavy to bring. After the meeting, there was a scrap swap. I did not bring scraps because I thought we were swapping bags of them. As it turns out, the scraps were dumped into a big pile on the table and the contributors pulled out what they liked. The president insisted that I collect a bag of scraps and make a mug rug for the group auction in the fall.
The group had collected a box of fabric scraps for dog beds, and they gave them to me. There were also 3 bags of batting scraps. Someone helped me carry all that to my car, and I wish I could remember her name. I thanked her and went home, taking University to Jordan. Chris was ready to watch TV when I got there. I made tea and then joined him in the livingroom. We watched 3 episodes of Night Court and one episode of ST:NG.
Chris did not make his sandwich because he wanted the bread to cool in the fridge over night. He says it cuts better that way. He went to bed and I stayed up to take my evening supplements, blog, swish and do some yoga stretches. I also mixed some essential oils with argan oil and applied it to my ear, and to my forehead and back of my neck, and wrists to help me sleep.
* This is Lauri's quilt from yesterday. *

Monday, March 18, 2019

My staycation is over

I heard the alarm but stayed in bed until almost 8:30. I guess my sleep hasn't adjusted to the new time. I brushed and swished and turned on the router. I boiled water and rinsed the sprouts. I listened to episode 7 of the dementia and anxiety summit. I took my morning supplements. I cut strips for borders and folded them up with the banner. I made and ate breakfast.
I put my machine in the car and went to quilting. We had a good turnout today. I shared a table with Lauri and we discussed some of the movies she lent me. Carolyn came over to ask me about the Alison Wellness Clinic. I re-sewed some of the stitching on the bib because it was puckered. Then I turned it out and pinned it for top-stitching, but I did not have the right color thread. So I put together the segments for the banner border and sewed it all together. At that point, there were only 4 ladies left. But it was after 3, so I packed up and went home.
There were two pieces of mail, one was from Netflix. I brought in my machine. I listened to an episode of the HomeGrown summit. It was about growing tomatoes. I had just started the second presentation when Chris came home. We talked some. I got out my trombone and practiced briefly. But then I realized it was almost 5. I went for a walk.
Chris started the laundry. When I got back, I checked e-mail. I topstitched about half of the bib. At 6:30, we went to the grocery store for our weekly consumables. When we got home, I took everything out of the plastic bags while Chris took laundry from the washer to the dryer. He put the cold food away while I washed the cans. I had bought a papaya, but there was no room in the fridge for it. So I ate it, and a can of soup as well.
Then we watched 3 or 4 episodes of Night Court season 1, courtesy of Netflix. Chris looked up some of the characters. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to write my blog and do some yoga. While downloading the pics from my phone, I saw that there was a text from Dr. Grace. It was a pic of a cute little dog and the words "Call me." Since it was after 11, I texted her back but did not call. If she is looking for a home for the dog, she is barking up the wrong tree.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day

When I woke up, it was cold. I had turned the heat off last night while watching TV and forgot to turn it back on. So I turned it on this morning and took a shower while the house heated up. I found a green dress in my closet and put it on. I read e-mail while swishing and taking most of my morning supplements.
But all of a sudden it was 9 and I had to dash off to church. I got there in time to warmup with the choir. Afterward, I assured Jeanne that I was making progress in the banner. Jim, the treasurer, told me that one of the checks from last week will bounce. Then we had the service. The pastor talked about the history of St. Patrick and drew parallels to today's scripture.
After the service, I talked to Elaine about our common doctor. Jennifer gave me music to practice on trombone for Easter. Ron said there were frozen meals in the kitchen if we wanted any. I asked if they were cabbage and corned beef, but he said no. Then I talked to the interim pastor and his wife before going home.
When I got home, I took the last morning supplement, changed my clothes, and went for a long walk. Anything over half an hour is a long walk. When I got back, I made and ate breakfast while listening to a podcast. Since Chris wasn't here to complain, I listened to several podcasts, usually while playing Solitaire. I forbade myself from going on Pinterest.
I sat at my sewing desk and fixed the hems of Chris' pants. I cleared the piles of fabric from my sewing table and put them in the fabric room by color. I ate the last of the salad, and watched celery juice videos. Lots of people are swearing by the many benefits of drinking 16 oz of celery juice every morning; some for a week, some indefinitely. I drank some kombucha from a bottle I have been saving. I drank a packet of jujube juice and one of onion juice. I made tea, and took my evening supplements.
I drank the tea while watching Now and Then. It was another heart-warming coming-of-age saga. I didn't think Chris would like it, so I watched it now while he is gone. Wednesday, from the Addams family, was in it. I resisted the urge to turn the heat off. I just turned the TV way up.
I brushed and swished and wrote my blog post for today. Afterward, I might practice my trombone and/or do some yoga.

* I saw this tree on my way home from church. *

Saturday, March 16, 2019

This might be The One!

I got up at 9 after ruminating for an hour and a half. I brushed and swished and auditioned more fabric for borders. I took my morning supplements (which dissolve under the tongue). I watched a video from the Depression and Anxiety series. They talked mostly about supplements and herbs.
I made and ate breakfast, then took a long walk. When I got back, I called Dad. He seemed to be doing ok. I listened to an audio and ate salad. I laid out one more arrangement of borders on the banner and took a picture. (I think this is the one!)
I mowed yard latitudinally. I jotted notes for my blog as I relistened to the episode that was so informative. Then Chris and Michele called from the hotel in St. Louis. They were dressing up for some live action role playing game. After their call, I watched the next episode of the depression and anxiety series, which had just come out. This one was about diet.
I went through the movies that Lauri gave me and pulled out all the ones we had seen. On the top of the pile of movies we hadn't seen was a flick called Center Stage. It was about the drama of students in a ballet company. I did not think Chris would like it, so I watched it. I paused it several times as Kurt texted me about the coconut he was involved with. When the movie was over, I looked up the actors and actresses. One of the lead dancers played Lt. Uhura. I knew she looked familiar. And now its time for bed.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Somebody help meme!

I got up at 8:15. I got dressed right away since the maintenance man said he would be here first thing in the morning. I brushed and swished. I did not sew because I thought I would be sewing later. I played an audio while I boiled water and rinsed sprouts. I read e-mail, and took my morning supplements. I made up two weeks worth of daily supplements. I made and ate breakfast. Then I called Rebecca to see how long they would be sewing today so I could join them. But she said they got superseded and were not sewing again until next month.
I went for a walk. Afterward, I found myself reviewing memes again while listening to yet another audio. So many audios to catch up on. I composed a post to the Korean clinic page. Just after I hit 'Post', I thought of a better way to word it. I looked for a book that Pat wanted for the library. Amazon was out but the publisher's site had it. I got the house mail and found one piece. (I had been worried that the postal person was putting it in the wrong box). I auditioned about 10 different fabrics for borders on the banner.
The maintenance man came to replace the wax ring under the toilet. While he was here, I ran to the post office to get the mail before it closed. He was gone (and apparently finished) when I got back. He didn't waste any time.
I mowed the back yard longitudinally and started the latitude, but decided it would be dryer tomorrow since the weeds were now shorter. I listened to an audio while jotting notes for my blog. I read memes until my eyes crossed and I missed supper and it was time for bed. Is this the new diet plan?
I decided to watch one episode of Frasier and go to bed. But then Kurt started texting me about a coconut. So I ended up watching three episodes before I wrote my blog and retired for the night (after doing some yoga stretches).
* I couldn't help sharing another Star Trek meme. *

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Happy Pi Day

I heard my alarm go off at 7:30. Chris was already up. I stayed in bed a bit longer. But when I got up, it wasn't long before we were both back in bed. Then he packed up his laptop and headed out. I got up to follow the usual routine. I took my morning supplements. I looked at Star Trek memes again because it was on an open window. I listened to an audio while I clicked on pic after pic. I made and ate breakfast. I checked the guild library to see if the donated books were already there. Then I looked for a project to take to quilting and found the bib I had cut out at Dad's house.
I went to quilting as it started to rain. I talked to Charlotte, who is also helping with the library. She wasn't worried if I did not get all the books labeled. There was a tornado watch in effect, but I set up my machine anyway and had time to pin and sew the bib. I really should have had a roller foot because there were puckers here and there. Then we all packed up to leave although it was early. On my way home, I stopped by the post office. There was only one piece of mail and it was an ad, so I threw it away.
When I got home, I ate a piece of pork and some sauerkraut. I looked at Star Trek memes on Pinterest. I did not mean to spend so much time at it, but I did find a good one for today. I also opened a bag of apple chips and somehow half of the bag disappeared. I snacked on dates and cacao nibs as well.
I got out my crochet hook to fix the rug that I washed and it came unraveled. I auditioned border fabrics for the circle blocks and for the banner. But I was not able to make any decisions. Chris called when he arrived in St. Louis. We did not have much to say so it was a short call.
I saw a very small amount of water (again( by the base of the toilet. So I submitted a work order online to the Housing website. Soon a man came over to check out the toilet. He said the wax ring needed to be replaced and he would be by first thing in the morning to do it.
At 7 my tapping buddy called. We had a really good session working on my issues because she had them too. Then I made tea and took my evening supplements.
I watched Mr. Poppers Penguins. It was a cute movie and I think Chris would have liked it. I assembled the dressmaker's form that Doris gave me. I sat down to write my blog post and was confronted with lines that I couldn't get rid of. I had to do an internet search to find out how to turn them off. It was not simple. Then I wrote all that I could remember, added a pic, and posted it. Then it was time for bed.
* I think Warf is being misquoted from saying "Today is a good day to die".

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The interrupted morning

I got up at 8. I brushed and swished and did more sewing on the fish. I made coffee and started reading e-mail. Chris called to ask if anyone had come over to fix the roof and I said no, but that I didn't want anyone coming over while I was in the bathroom. Well, later a man came over and said the roofer would be over when he finished the house across the street. Then the man asked if he could change out the water heater. I said ok, but thought “I don't have time for this.” He shut off the water, and started draining the heater. I exercised and drybrushed. He came back and said he only needed to change a part after all. When he had done it, I asked him not to come back before noon. I finished my meditation morning with music and tapping, and put on an audio. I could listen as I cleaned. When I was done, I got ready to walk. As I locked the door behind me, I saw the roofer drive up in a truck. I asked if he needed to see inside because I was leaving. He said no, but kept talking about how he was going to do such a good job. I said “fine” and tried to leave but he kept on. Finally I had to tell him I was short on time. I walked around the circle, not having time for more. He was on the roof when I got back. I showered, dressed and ate a fat bomb.
I gathered up Korean packaging and went to see the Korean doctors. I checked online to find the status of an application we had filled out together. Then I helped them write a sheet of fermented juices and their benefits. Afterward, we did a list of herbal teas. These were all new top-of-the-line products made in Korea by a new company. Many of them I had never heard of and cost over $100 a bottle. I promised to add them to their Facebook page.
Then he brought me a basin of hot water and gave me a foot detox and massage. He told me that acupuncture was a good treatment for tremor. Afterward, she started giving me a finger massage, bending each finger backwards. She got interrupted by a walk-in customer. The massage made my fingers hurt so I took the opportunity to pack up and say it was time to leave. She gave me some ginger tea to take home.
Chris was home when I got there. The roofer was still on the roof, banging away. I listened to more of the audio from earlier. I made and ate salad and the last of the pork heart. I also ate my daily portion of nuts. I called Dad, but did not talk long.
I paused the audio, and went to church. There was still daylight when I left, but hardly any when I arrived. The members were gathering for the Holden Evening Service. I sat in my usual pew. Doris gave me a bag of patterns. Then the service started. A variety of people took singing parts in the service. So there was singing, and then Patrick got up and gave his faith story. Then there was more singing, and the service was over.
After the service, the choir gathered to practice. There was one new piece and we sang through all the music for the rest of the month. We were done by 8:10. I ran by the office to drop off the bank bag. Roz talked to me in the parking lot. Then I met Doris by my car. She gave me a dressmakers dummy. A really nice one, too. I thanked her and went home.
Chris was waiting. I made tea. Then we sat in the living room and watched a movie from Netflix called The Circle with Tom Hanks. It was good, but every introverts nightmare. I wrote up my blog post for the day. I took the bathroom rugs out of the dryer and put them back where they belong.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Finally, kimbap.

I got up at 8:30. (I am not adjusting to the time change well). I got dressed in case the maintenance people come. I brushed and swished. I took some stitches out of the fish to reposition the tail, then started another thread. I put out the recyclables. I turned to the router and found it already on. I read e-mail and listened to an audio and took notes. I rolled up the banner with a spool of thread to take along. I left later than usual because Chris said they were having a live shooter exercise and the gate would be closed. So I waited until 10 and had no problem getting off post.
I was late arriving at quilting. I took pics of some quilts laid out on a table. I talked with ladies sitting at a round table, while others were sandwiching quilts in another room. I worked on the fish and got it all sewn down. Beverly gave me some blocks that needed sashing or border fabric. Then she and Anita worked on blanket stitching.
I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I saw they raised the price to $6. I took it home and left it there while I went for a walk. I checked on the daffodil I spotted most recently. I did not see anything else coming up nearby.
When I got back, I ate the kimbap with kimchi, and finished an audio. I made more toothpaste mix, and washed up. I poured some vodka in a small dropper bottle for Jennifer. Then I drove to the church. I recorded the offerings for Sunday and Ash Wednesday, and printed reports. I sent Jennifer a text to let her know where to find the bottle.
On the way to the bank I stopped at the dentist office. I let them know that I had a new credit card number. Then I went to the bank to make the deposits. Afterward, I drove to the place where my massage therapist works.
I was early, so I walked around checking out the high-priced supplements. I met a man who does some kind of energy balancing. We were just getting into exactly what he does when his client arrived so I walked away. Gabriele was just replacing the sheets on the bed. She and I talked for some time about 5G. Then she left while I got undressed and laid under the sheets. When she came back, she gave me the usual whole body massage. She gave special attention to my left shoulder and said there might be a muscle or ligament tear. After I got dressed, I paid her and left so she could meet her next client.
It took me a long time to get home. There are two places that I have to make a left turn and each one had a short light. I don't know if they were shorter today than usual, but it certainly took a lot longer.
When I got home, there were books on the chair on the front porch. Pat had left them for me to label. I had a headache, so I kind of left them there for the time being. I made and ate breakfast, but that did not help. I listened to the next episode of the Depression, Anxiety and Dementia summit. When Chris was ready, I pulled three videos out of Lauri's bag and let him choose. We watched a Night at the Museum sequel. Afterward, Chris made his lunch and laid out his clothes for tomorrow. I took my evening supplements and soaked the sprouts. I warmed some cans of coconut milk so I could shake and mix the contents. Then I sat down to write my blog.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Too much Star Trek?

I was up waaaaay too late last night looking at Star Trek memes. So, I slept in until 9. I was not happy about that. But there was nothing to be done. I did my usual morning routine. I started sewing the fish to the banner. I took my morning supplements, with the recommended spacing. I read e-mail and made and ate breakfast. No maintenance people showed up.
It was raining, though. I put my machine in the car and drove to quilting. They were just finishing lunch. I set up my machine in the back. I made another row to sew to my quilt top. Then I cut and sewed borders on: all while participating in the room conversation. About 2:30 I started packing up and put some of the group stuff away. I wasn't the last to leave, so I left one iron out. It was no longer raining, so I was comfortable rolling my machine out to the car to go home.
When I got home and parked, I saw my neighbor out cleaning leaves from her flower bed. I stopped to chat with her. While we were chatting, Chris came home, but he did not seem to see us. When the conversation was over, I went home to greet Chris. He was arguing with the credit card company because they had sent me a new credit card, but there was not one for him. The rep said one was sent out. The manager said only mine was sent. But then the call was transferred to the security department who said Chris' card was in the mail. Sigh. At least we got an extra 5000 miles added to our card.
It was sunny by then so I took a walk. When I got back, I listened to a video. Instead of watching it, I read more Star Trek memes. I dined on a pork heart, then made and ate a salad. Later I had some blueberries for dessert. I noticed that my massage therapist sent a message saying she had a cancellation for tomorrow afternoon.
It was after 8 when I called Dad. He had finished his glass of water, but said he was behind on eating because he was trying to write a check and his tremor kept getting in the way. After the call, Chris and I watched the sequel to Percy Jackson, something about sea monsters. Afterward, Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog. Hopefully I can avoid getting on Pinterest: Every night when I lay down, I hear the ST:NG theme music in my head.

Time change

I heard my alarm go off at 7:30, but it felt like 6:30 because of the time change. Chris was already up, but he came back to the bedroom to make sure I was awake. I stayed in bed until 8. I brushed and swished and pinned the fish to the banner. I took my morning supplements. I checked e-mail shortly, then got ready for church.
I got to the church in plenty of time to warm up with the choir. I gave Cecelia a bottle of calcium. I wrote a check for HAP and put it in an envelop. Susan made the pre-service announcements. Then the interim pastor led the service. He talked about basic training. Chris would have liked it. After the service, Doris offered me her dress form and said she'd bring it Wednesday night. I offered to share some vodka with Jennifer so she could make some lavender oil. We went into the fellowship hall and had grapes and apple slices. Then the pastor introduced his plan for helping us find a new pastor and defining who we are as a church. Then he and his wife led a class on expectations.
When I got home, I made and ate breakfast. Then I changed my clothes. I put the poinsettias outside. I gathered up our extra grocery bags and we went to Publix. I put the bags in recycling. We picked out food for the week, and went home. I unbagged the groceries and Chris put them away. It was such a nice day that I went for a long walk. I saw daffodils in new places. When I got back, I listened to audios. I looked at Pinterest, and played Solitaire. Chris cooked pork and asparagus. I picked dandelion and made a salad. We both enjoyed the pork and asparagus.
I peeled ginger and turmeric root to make tea. We watched a movie called Percy Jackson. It was one of the movies in Lauri's bag. I did not realize that Chris had seen it with Michele in Seoul. But it was interesting. Afterward, Chris went to bed and I stayed up to take my evening supplements and write to my blog.
* From Pinterest *

Saturday, March 9, 2019

A sew day of sorts

I stayed in bed even after my alarm went off. Chris was already up, applying for jobs and playing an online game. I roused myself about 8 and started my morning routine. I figured out how to sew around the corner of the fish. I drank water and took my morning supplements. Then Chris gave me a massage with coconut oil. He rubbed all the parts that the massage therapist didn't. Afterward, I took a shower and got dressed. I made breakfast and ate it while watching episode 9 of GMOs Revealed.
A friend of mine has a quilting studio nearby and opened it for group sewing today. So I contacted her on Facebook to see when she was open. After she replied, I hopped in my car, taking the banner with me. I headed off post, but the intersection by the commissary was closed. So I had to go around to the Patton Road gate to get to Drake and then to Leeman Ferry. I pulled over at the ice rink to call for more directions. Following her advice, I backtracked to her studio behind a security place.
I went in with my banner project. Melissa gave me a tour of the place. Then we all sat and talked. Pat and I sewed. She also told me all about her ex-husband and eventually my eyes glazed over. Fortunately, there was thunder and lightning so we packed up and left. I went back to post the usual way and the intersection was now open. I went home, noting it was almost dark and raining hard. I grabbed my project and ran inside.
I sat at my laptop and cued up another episode of GMO's Revealed. As I listened, I ripped the stitching out of another curtain panel. I searched the internet for a quilt book for the guild and ordered it when I found it. The outside alarm system announced a tornado, but all we had was rain.
Then I started looking at Star Trek memes on Pinterest. Some of them were very funny. Chris cooked a pork heart and yucca root for supper. I opened the last coconut and finished that. Then I ate some of the supper and also made a salad. I kept on reading Pinterest submissions and finally had to get up and walk away so we could watch TV.
We watched The Mysterious Island with Dwayne Johnson. The storm hit hard. Lots of rain. And then we heard the drip-drip-drip. There was water coming out of the AC vent in the ceiling. I put a bowl under it and Chris called the maintenance hotline. We went back to our computers. I got sucked into more Star Trek memes. When I finally broke free, I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Melissa's longarm *

Friday, March 8, 2019

The glitch

I woke up hearing Chris' alarm. It was hard to go back to sleep, but I stayed in bed. I heard my alarm go off. I still didn't want to get up and then I heard the rain. So it was 8:30 till I rousted myself, found my socks and started the morning routine. I trimmed the corners of the fish shape and started needle-turn applique to affix it to the banner. Bending over the table like that was not good for my back, so I didn't do it for long. Then I turned on the router and boiled water and rinsed the sprouts.
I took my morning supplements and listened to the tapping summit wrap-up. At 11 I made and ate breakfast. While listening to an audio, I played Solitaire and apparently hit a glitch in the system where I did not get enough cards to finish the game. Probably the last round just disappeared. I restarted it several times but to no avail. I turned the volume up so I could do more applique. I also sewed 2 more rows of squares to the quilt top of squares. I ripped apart some curtains that I bought on a rummage sale while listening to podcasts. Then I looked up how to sharpen a seam ripper. Sadly I have no steel wool.
I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I spied daffodils growing behind an abandoned house and wondered what else might be planted near them. Chris was home when I got back. I finished two Ben Greenfield podcasts, and heated the last of the beef. I made more chia/flax mix for tomorrow. I deleted e-mail, and jotted notes for my blog. Faye called and we caught up. Then I called Dad. He had had 10 oz of water today. He sounded better than yesterday.
I moved my laptop to the guest room. Soon my tapping buddy contacted me. We tapped for her situation and the outcome was favorable. By then it was 8:30. Chris was ready to watch TV, so we sat through 2 episodes of ST:NG. Then, I made tea and drank it while posting to my blog. Chris went to bed and I shall soon follow.
* This is the back of a quilt I posted earlier. I love this print. *

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Can fabric solve everything?

I got up before 7, not sure how late it was and wanting to have time to listen to all the presentations for Day 10. I brushed and swished, but did not sew. I turned on the router and boiled water for soaking nuts. I rinsed the new set of sprout seeds. I listened to the rest of the presentations for Day 10 except for the 15 minute meditation. During that time, I got dressed and made breakfast.
A little after 10, I headed out to see the doctor. I had memorized the route, counting the number of possible right turns off of the road around Adtran. The count by the map was four, but I counted 10 by the time I reached the right road. Thankfully I was not far from the office and got there in time. I waited a little bit, but then the doctor ushered me back to a room where she did an environmental allergy test; molds and trees and grasses and such. I was expecting heavy metals to be included. Anyway, after the machine identified the things I react to, she went through a number of flower essence remedies and selected the ones that would quell the reactions. Then I went up front to pay for the session and the three environmental remedies plus the food remedies from last time.
On the way home, I went around Adtran again, but on the other side. The map had indicated 6 right turns, but again I counted 10 when I got to the right return road. From there I went back to the arsenal. I checked the mail, which there was none. I went for a walk, looking for daffodils. I saw the new playground equipment being set up. I wondered if that had anything to do with the military housing fiasco. Later, walking into the woods to investigate a yellow flower, I almost stepped on a good sized snake. He looked alive and I did not hang around to test that theory. I did find daffodils, noting their location for later.
When I got home, I ate brussel sprouts and the last piece of lamb. Then I put my machine in the car and went to quilting. Leanne showed me her new (to her) Singer featherweight. I laid out my quilt top and auditioned borders. But it was square and I wanted it to be rectangular. So I found some scrap fabric in the back room and cut square to make another row. Pat talked about library stuff and handed me a donated book. She also mentioned a book she had texted me about over a month ago. Then we packed up and pulled the shades. Her daughter came to get her and I went home.
When I got home, it was only 2:30. I listened to a podcast on 5G and found other podcasts to listen to while I checked and deleted e-mail. Chris came home with 2 Swanson packages. I opened the boxes and put away the items. I mowed part of the lawn. I ironed circles onto black backgrounds as Rebecca's project indicated. Then I sewed the circles down. I pressed the squares I had cut earlier. Then I finished a podcast and did the tapping meditation. I made and ate a salad, using up the last of the sprouts I had grown. I called Dad.
I started an interview on what animals can teach us about nutrition. I paused it to take my laptop to the guest room to meet with my tapping buddy. But she was tired so we rescheduled. I made tea and listened more of the interview. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of ST:NG together. Then he made his lunch and got ready for bed while I wrote up my blog post for today.
* Someone gave me this pencil on Monday. I think it was Rebecca, but it might have been Lauri. *

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday

I woke up hearing Chris get ready for work. I stayed in bed until my alarm went off. Then I got up to brush and swish. I made some copies of a donation sheet. I cut a fish shape from the dark gray fabric. But the curve wasn't quite right. But I had to move on.
I drank lemon water and boiled water for coffee. I put on a presentation from the Tapping Summit. I took niacin and did my exercises when the flush hit. But I forgot to drybrush beforehand. I finished all the tapping presentations and added some of my own as meditations.
I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and mopped all the floors. Then, because it was a sunny day albeit cold, I went for a short walk. It was all I had time for. Afterward, I took a shower, but did not wash my hair because I did not have time to dry it I got an e-mail from Chris that he needed bread for tomorrow, so I quickly threw the ingredients into the bread machine and ate half of fat bomb.
I drove to the Korean clinic and apologized for being late. She wanted me to figure out how to get her extra tax payment back from California. Then there was a bill for car insurance that was too high. Then I dealt with a credit card bill that had late charges. She gave me a steamed sweet potato and a clementine, a jar of bamboo salt and a box of fresh jujube juice packets.
It was after 4 when I got home. Chris was there already. I told him about the tax problem and he said the owner should call the JAG office and they would take care of it. That sounded like a darn fine plan to me. I started making breakfast. Faye called. She was having bad luck with her car and her fridge. I finished breakfast, forgetting the fermented cod liver oil. I jotted notes for my blog, then cracked open a coconut, drank the water and ate some of the meat.
It was time to leave. I stopped at the gas station for a fill-up. Then I went to church to practice with the choir. It was a short practice because of the Ash Wednesday service. The pastor and I talked about having the base commander come visit us with the head of housing to inspect the premises. He lives so close to me that I could throw a stone through his window.
The service started promptly at 7. It was quicker than I anticipated. The pastor spoke about Ash Wednesday not being depressing even though it is a celebration of death. It ended with everyone lining up to take communion by intinction, get ashes imposed on their forehead, then walking out the door in silence.
I went home and finished eating the coconut. I made the usual tea, then sat in the livingroom with Chris and watched two episodes of ST:NG. Finally I sat down to write my blog post for the day. I plan to do my nightly yoga and go to bed.
* A quilt made for a man had a stroke or something like that. It is full of Bible verses. *

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chilly day but no precipitation

I got up before 7, having a hot flash. But the good thing was, it was the first, so I got to sleep all night (after the initial lying awake staring at the ceiling). I brushed and swished and got dressed. I found some gray anti-scorch fabric to audition as a background for the fish. I turned on the router and continued a tapping audio from last night. I took my morning supplements. I gathered the recyclables and put them out at the curb. I wrote some checks and put them in the mail.
Then I finished the audio. I ate a fat bomb, and made breakfast. In doing so, I had to make more chia/flax mix. I ate while reading e-mail. Then it was time to go quilting.
I arrived after 10 and mere seconds before Beverly. I worked on binding while we sat and talked with the other ladies. I finished the binding while watching Beverly lay out hexagon blocks, and Drunkard's Path blocks.
It was too cold to walk, and since I had already had breakfast, I skipped kimbap. I went home and ate beef with kimchi. Then I grabbed my red folder and drove to the church. Lars had already counted the money. I entered the donation info into the computer and printed the reports. Then I took the money to the bank for deposit. On the way home, I stopped at the gas station on post. I did not think I would have to wait at 3:15 in the afternoon, but all 10 spots were full. When I got up to the pump, I discovered that I did not have a credit card. So I went home.
My car said it was 42 degrees so I went for a walk. When I got back, Chris was home. I listened to last presentation of Day 8. I found some darker gray fabric for the fish and made a template. I listened to other podcasts. I made and ate salad.
I called Dad. The conversation was slow and painful. He did not sound like a man who should be in charge of his own meds, but he was in the middle of laying them out for the week. Then I listened to the first presentation for Day 9. Afterward, I made tea, and took my evening supplements. I jotted notes for my blog, then started listening to the second presentation and paused it when Chris turned on the TV.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we retired to our laptops. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The unexpected

I got up about 8:30. I brushed and swished and auditioned the fish on the banner. I turned on the router and boiled water for nuts. I got dressed because the repair man was coming to replace the water heater. I listened to tapping audios from Day 7. I took my morning supplements and drank a quart of water. I checked e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to a presentation and started taking an online survey from my bank. The presentation ended, but the survey continued. Finally I just stopped answering questions. I bundled up against the cold and went to quilting.
It was 12:30 till I got there. The ladies had finished lunch and several were packing to leave. I talked to Bertha and then Rebecca. Rebecca gave me some fabric scraps from a project that I helped her choose borders for. After Bertha had left, Lauri gave me a big bag of movies on DVD to watch. Rebecca borrowed one. After two hours of socializing, I got out my machine to sew. I had brought black thread for the circle project, but did not have any blank bobbins. So instead, I finished up the project from yesterday while talking to Maryanne. We were waiting for Rachael to get back from Tuesday Morning where she was buying jelly rolls. She got back about 4pm, then we all packed up and headed out.
When I got home, Chris was here. I brought in the mail. He had left a package on my chair from I put them away. I looked through my junk mail and tossed it. I checked the water heater and it seemed to be the same one as before. I looked through a bag of scraps and pulled some out. I ate a bowl of blueberries and cinnamon while looking at e-mail. I listened to some podcasts. I made a lot of salad and ate it in two shifts. I finished the last tapping meditation from yesterday. I called Dad to see if he drank his water and ate the coconut oil fat bombs. He said he spent the day doing a load of laundry and calling the garbage company because the trash was not picked up at the time he went out.
I started a new tapping audio from Day 8 and ate cashews. I read Housing's notice about a freeze warning tonight. I made tea consisting of ginger, turmeric, kava, and something Korean – possibly Solomon Seal. I wrote up my blog post until Chris was ready. Then we sat down to watch two episodes of ST:NG. I finished my blog post and got ready for bed.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wishing I could do this day over again

I got up about 8:15. I took my morning supplements and checked e-mail. Then I took a shower and got dressed for church. The first dress I put on did not fit, so I chose another one, also blue since the choir director thought we should all wear the same color. There was no time for breakfast, but I did eat a fat bomb. I also took a bag of seed crackers for lunch.
It was raining hard at 9 when I headed out to church. I got there in time to warm up with the choir. I got compliments on my dress. After practice, Don showed up, whom I hadn't seen for a month. He sold his house and moved to a retirement home. He missed his house. We sat through the service together. Instead of a sermon, a lady from HAP (Huntsville Assistance Program) talked about the work they do and how they help people become self-sufficient. Afterward, on the way out, the new pastor and I compared addresses since we live on the same street.
By the time I got to my car, I was wet. I called Chris and asked him to do the grocery shopping by himself. Then I went to another church where ladies were making quilts for Linus Project. I did not have to worry about my sewing machine getting wet because Faye bought me a rolling case to protect it.
The ladies helped me set up a table. Lynette showed me the stacks of squares in different sizes. I chose the 4” ones. Since I was coming in late, I just started sewing light patches to dark patches, not bothering to find some artistic plan.
At noon we broke for lunch. I contributed seed crackers. We had a pretty nice lunch judging by how quietly we ate it. Afterward the food was put away and we went back to sewing. I made a bunch of 16-patches and ironed them. I was just finishing up when people started packing up. So I left the last one unfinished, and packed my own stuff, then vacuumed the room. By the time I finished, the other ladies had put away the tables and fabric bins. It was perfect timing. And, the rain had stopped, so I could load my car without an umbrella.
When I got home, I admitted to Chris that I had lost my credit card. He gave me the number from the back of his so I could call the company. I did not know the cc number so I gave my ssn. That got no response from the system so I gave them Chris' ssn. When I chose the option to report a lost card, the system canceled his card. ARRGH! Chris typed in a bunch of 0's until an operator came on the line. She turned me over to an account rep. He said he could not reinstate the card. I got him to cancel my card and send us new ones. He said it would take 4 to 6 business days. Chris got very upset and demanded to speak to the supervisor. But no one could change that. I hoped we could get the cards by Friday.
Then I wanted to call the bank to replace that card as well. I remembered my ID falling out of the pocket necklace and wondered if the cards had fallen out and maybe slipped under my sewing desk. I asked Chris to tip the desk so I could look and then....I spotted the missing cards sitting on the window sill. I swear they were not there earlier. Headslap x 3.
Chris had roasted beef in the oven and a pan of brussel sprouts. He likes them because they are crunchy on the outside. He put some beef and broth in a bowl for me and I added some of the mashed yucca root. I ate that while finishing a tapping audio from Day 6.
Chris and I took a nap. When we got up, I saw a message from our neighbor asking if I had a sifter. I checked and found two. Her husband came over and I gave him both. I made and ate a small salad, using the sprouts I have been raising. I put water on to boil and made tea while listening to the last tapping audio. Afterward, I played piano, waiting for Chris. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris looked up one on Imdb and discovered that Teri Hatcher did appear. I sat down to write my blog and swish. Chris played on his laptop, probably waiting for me. I downloaded today's pics from my phone to the laptop and deleted them from the phone, just as I do every night. But this time, they were not on the laptop. I looked up how to undelete them from the phone, but it requires software I do not have. Sigh.
* A pic from yesterday since today's pics have ceased to exist. *