Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Heavy rain

Last night, I stayed up to do a castor oil pack. I did it in the guest room and was going to sleep there, but figured Chris might get the wrong idea. I read some of one of the quilting novels while I laid on the bed. It was difficult to get comfortable since the heating pad cord barely reached the bed. After an hour, I turned it off and climbed in bed with Chris.
I got up soon after 8, hearing the rain beat on the roof. I ripped apart the pieces of the panel that I took off the quilt top yesterday. I measured them, intending to cut them down to 12.5, but they already were that size. I measured the ones still part of the quilt. 12.5. Hmm. I decided I needed a larger sample size. I measured random ones and came to the conclusion that I had made the center ones 12 and when I changed rulers, made the rest 12.5. The three central columns were 12 and the two end columns were 12.5. So, I arranged the ripped pieces in an order and then trimmed the three center ones. I sewed them back together in order and onto the quilt.
Thus having sewn, I turned on the router and began my coffee morning. I swished, then drank a quart of water. I made a pot of coffee while I did my exercises and drybrushing. I did several sessions of tapping. While I was tapping, I noticed ringing in my ears. It was like someone was tinkling a bell every 2 seconds in my right ear. But it was gone by the time I finished tapping.
Then I cleaned the bathrooms, and kitchen and swept the floors. I put on the first episode of The Skinny on Fat and did lajin. A few notes: Ancel Keyes invented K-rations so should be known as the father of processed food. He bullied everybody into thinking fat caused heart disease even though smoking was the real killer. Ketones are good for neurodegenerative diseases. Coconut oil contains ketones. There could be a relationship between sunlight and MS.

I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. I called Dad to see how he was doing. He said fine and then proceeded to tell me what wasn't going well. I reminded him to take coconut oil.
I listened to the Charlie Daniels band play The Devil Went Down to Georgia and did paida. Then I went outside to check the mail. The rain had slacked off some. I put felt pads on the bottom of chairs that did not have them already. I was listening to a tapping meditation when Chris came home from work. I paused it to talk to him. Then I resumed the tapping meditation while he logged in to his e-mail.
I had some chicken for supper, and an apple. I took a shower and got dressed for choir practice.
I was sewing Kaffe Fassett strips together and watching the heavy rain. It was very dark and bleak outside. My chest hurt. At 6:30 I was supposed to leave for church. But instead, I texted our choir director that I did not feel well and did not want to drive in the rain. I continued sewing and then cutting triangles until 7. Then I turned on the TV and watched X-files until 8. There was a yellow band across the lower screen warning of flash floods in all the counties of the viewing area.
Then I started watching the season 11 premiere on the network website from my laptop. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Voyager together. Then Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to post to my blog and then turned in as well.
* Beverly took a selfie of us on our walk yesterday. I did not have my phone so I was glad she had hers. *

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Walking with horses

I woke up before 8, dreaming that Chris told me we were moving and the packers were right behind him. They were packing things in boxes while I was trying to pack a suitcase for the plane. I wanted to text my Huntsville friends that I was leaving, but I couldn't remember where he said we were going.
I tried to go back to sleep, but the sound of a large lawn mower kept me awake. When I got up, it was 8:05, so the guy must have started early.
I had realized last night that I needed to finish the Renegades quilt by Sunday. So I pulled out the top and saw that one edge was ruffley. I hadn't measured all the pieces and it came back to bite me. I sewed deeper seams, but somehow that did not solve the problem. They had to come off.
I turned on the router and fired up my laptop. I drank water and checked e-mail. I started listening to an interview from Day 1 of the Tapping World Summit. I paused it half way through to get dressed and go to sewing.
I arrived about quarter of 10 with my bag of fleece strips and my quilt top. There were books and fabric on the table for the taking. I got two quilting novels. I unstitched the ruffley parts from the quilt top, and then crocheted fleece strips onto my rug already in progress. Beverly came and sat with me. I chatted with her and several other ladies. Jane was going to do some handsewing next to me, but she got caught up in other things and packed up without sewing. She was almost to her car before I caught up with her to give her the thimble she left behind.
Beverly and I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I ate a few pieces. Then she drove us to the Korean War Memorial bridge. There was a parking lot and a walking trail. We walked 1.2 miles out and turned around and came back. We passed pastures of horses and cows, and an overflowing stream. When we got back to the car, we went to a nearby thrift store. I was looking for a dehyddrator. Having no luck there, we went to Asbury thrift. They did not have one either. Then we went to one on Bob Wallace. But they were inexplicably closed today.
So we went back to the church and I picked up my car. I drove back to base, and then home. I checked the house mail and found only junk mail. I ate my remaining kimbap with kimchi while finishing the audio from this morning.
I did paida until Chris came home. I mowed the lawn, but it wasn't cutting well. I checked the blade and it was badly nicked. But I don't know where the sharpening tools are, so I mowed a little longer and, when it slowed down, gave up and plugged in the battery to recharge. It was nice to see pumpkin seedlings coming up from where we threw last year's pumpkin.
I put on an audio and listened (sort of) while I made hummus and seed crackers. I also had to listen to Chris rage about the new log-in which made it a LOT harder to log in plus it made him choose between only logging in from work or from home, but both was not an option. It was scary.
I ate some of the old seed crackers and a piece of the new one. I also had some roast chicken and an apple. I checked e-mail and listened to the remaining tapping audio. I finished right about 8. I played a game of Solitaire while Chris finished up what he was doing. Then we sat down to watch two episodes of Voyager. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to read a few more e-mails and post to my blog. I also prepared filtered water for tomorrow.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Fish and fabric

I woke up at 7:15. I needed to use the bathroom and was sorely tempted to go back to bed. But I tapped, then went to the sewing machine to sew a few seams. I laid all the quilt blocks out on the bed (which kept me from getting back in). I contemplated it for awhile and made some decisions. Then I turned on the router. I fired up my laptop to look for a pic of the original quilt that Victoria made from these fabrics. I ended up sorting my photo files so I could find what I wanted more easily. When I found the pic of her quilt, I noticed that she used a bright blue fabric for inset triangles.
Then I turned my attention to my e-mail. I listened to replays from the Regenerative Health Summit while doing lagin. Then I cued up some bluegrass for paida. I checked e-mail again, and started making breakfast. I put in a packet of the mushroom coffee. When I ate it, I was surprised that it did not make a lot of difference to the taste. Nor did I feel caffeinated afterward.
I started listening to a tapping audio on eyesight. I paused it a little after noon. I put on my shoes and took a water bottle. Then I drove to Panda to have lunch with Bertha. She met me in the parking lot and gave me some dark blue fabric to use as a border for a quilt top. Then we went inside. She ordered from the lunch menu and I ordered from the sushi menu. We talked as we ate. And afterward. In fact, we did not notice the time until she said she had to be home at 3, and it was five till. We had already paid, so we just picked up our purses and left. I bid her goodbye in the parking lot and headed to the fish market.
I got to the fish market at 3:05. The lady in charge remembered me. I bought a nice piece of salmon. I headed directly home, but there was a lot of traffic on Airport Road so I covered the fish with my coat to keep it cold. When I got home, I put it in the freezer and checked the house mail. I picked up all the quilt blocks and pieces from the bed. I had just put them away when I heard Chris locking his car. I opened the door to let him in. He handed me a letter from Plan International and a box from Amazon. I opened the box and put away the contents. The letter had been readdressed to Chris' work place. I could not see the original address, but probably Korea. I went online to change the address associated with my account, but the one showing up was current.
I took a walk around the neighborhood. It was sunny but a little cool, so I wore a light jacket. When I got back, I ate some chicken, then I picked dandelion in the back yard and used it in a salad. I ate the salad while listening to another tapping audio for eyesight, and playing Solitaire.
We watched Lucifer at 7. So many commercials – arrgh! We each had a banana. Mine had cinnamon on it and his was cut up in a glass of milk. Then we watched three episodes of Voyager. Chris made his sandwich for tomorrow and I wrote up my blog post.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Trouble with technology

I woke up at 8. I turned on the router for Chris. I sewed a seam joining two pairs of strip triangles together, and pressed the block. I started drinking my quart of water, then took a shower and got dressed for church. I checked e-mail and finished the quart of water. Then I put on my coat and went to church.
I arrived about 9:25. Jennifer showed me her tatted scarf. It looked crocheted to me but then I don't know anything about tatting. Soon we lined up for warm-up. We sang through our anthem, which was just a hymn. I told Susan about passing my stress test. Then I left to get a bulletin and use the restroom. I spoke to Jeanne about making a Jesus fish with hardanger.
The service began with two short temple talks from committee heads. This is a new thing to acquaint the congregation with how they can support the activities of the church.
After the service, I spoke to several people. Ron gave me a copy of the time and talent sheet for my review. Cecelia reminded me that the choir is supposed to set up and clean up the supper on Wednesday night.
I took some pics on the way out of church to the car. I called Chris and told him to meet me at Publix. I proceeded to the grocery store. I got a cart and started shopping. Chris arrived a few minutes later and met me in aisle 4. He had the grocery list and we picked out a cart full of food. We went home separately. I arrived first and opened the door. Then I helped him bring in the groceries and put them away. I helped him peel garlic and wash sweet potatoes. He roasted onions and peppers in the oven,, along with two chickens and a dish of sweet potatoes. I changed out of my church clothes and made breakfast. When I went to add my new mushroom supplement, I discovered the “Mushroom Coffee” contained actual coffee (in addition to the powdered mushrooms). I don't know how I could have missed that when I placed my order. Chris found it very amusing.
I checked e-mail and followed some links having to do with the tapping summit which starts tomorrow. I looked into two ladies who had applied to join the Monday group's facebook page. No one seemed to know them, so I did not approve their application.
I tried to text a pic of the banner in progress to Jeanne, but my phone would not send it even though I had both the data and the wifi turned on. So she sent her e-mail address. I e-mailed it to her, but she said she could not open it. Technology – sheesh!
I took a walk and did some tapping. I was in conflict over the choir being volunteered to help with the supper on Wednesday night. I never go to the Wednesday suppers, but apparently Cecelia expects me to help anyway. On the one hand, I don't want other people dictating my schedule without my input. On the other, all the other choir members were in the same boat and would want help.
I picked some dandelion, washed it and ate it with avocado oil. I ate sone chicken and a sweet potato. I put the chicken and veggies away.
Chris futzed with the little laptop, trying to get it to connect to wifi so we could stream Netflix to the TV. I suggested we try my old laptop, but it was running Linux and did not have the driver to connect wirelessly. Chris went back to the little laptop , rebooted it AGAIN, and finally we were in business. We watched three episodes of Voyager. They were very enteraining. Then it was blog time. I checked my open windows for clues to what I had done today. I also looked around the house. I wrote what I could remember, posted it, and went to bed.
* This tree is in the church parking lot. *

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Which potassium?

After posting my blog entry for yesterday (Friday) and the first part of this morning (Saturday), I prepared a quart of water and did some stretching. I drank while I read e-mail. Chris started the laundry, then put on headphones and watched videos. So I was the one who heard the washing machine alarm. I put that load in the dryer and started the next one.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I started a Swansons order. To complete it, I researched potassium supplements. But before I found the information I wanted, my tapping buddy contacted me. We continued our work on the issue she wanted to solve.
After two hours, it seemed to be cleared. We agreed not to meet next week because of the tapping world summit. We hung up, and I went for a walk around the circle. When I got back, I remembered that my phone had rung during the skype call, so I called the number back. It was the head of the stewardship committee. We talked for some time. When the call was over, Chris had 4 turkey burgers coming out of the oven. I ate two of them. Then I made a salad with all the leftover greens. I ate while looking into which potassium supplement was best. Most articles said to only take one if prescribed by a doctor. So I looked into adding dehydrated bananas to my order. But there was only one kind and they were small but expensive. I chose sunflower seeds instead.
I listened to an audio while playing Solitaire. Then we watched two episodes of Voyager. I helped Chris dress the bed with clean sheets. I finished my game and then my Swansons order. I checked e-mail, responding to one from Michele. I then posted to my blog for today.
* This is one of the Renegade quilts for Linus project. *

The bright spot in her day

I had stayed up too late working on my blog. I took my evening supplements and went to bed with my mp3 headphones. It took awhile to get to sleep, but I did not have to get up during the night.
I woke up at 8 on Friday morning but did not get up until 8:30. My purse and market bag were hanging on the front door to dry because my water bottle had spilled yesterday. All the contents were on the floor. I spied the tiny band that goes to my watch, so I glued it back in place. Then I shook out my purse and bag and threw them in the wash. I collected throw rugs, shook them out, and added them to the pile to make a full load.
While they were washing, I found some matching thread for the maroon border strip. I did a basting stitch close to the edge and snugged it up. I sprayed it with some water and stretched the other edge. Then I ironed it to the curve of the 2 foot circle. Having sewn something, I turned on the router.
While the router warmed up, I answered a text on my phone. It was from my massage therapist who had an opening for this afternoon. I asked if she minded if there were radioisotopes in my sweat. She said no. I wondered if there were radioisotopes in my saliva and if I needed to throw out my toothbrush. I swept the floor and the porch, then turned on my laptop.
I checked e-mail, and then took my blood test results outside because it was such a nice day. I carefully read the numbers and highlighted the ones that were out of range or on the very edge. Then I came in to look them up on the internet. I did some tapping, and then ate a banana. I pulled the handbags out of the dryer and put the rugs back in the bathrooms. I decided not to delay breakfast any longer because I might turn to serious snacking instead. I made and ate breakfast and continued looking at test results.
I washed up and got dressed. I left home about 1:50. I went to the bank and got cash for the massage. Then I stopped at the nearby Michaels, looking for a can of spray starch. I couldn't find it and had to ask. It wasn't exactly starch, but they had a fabric stiffener. I bought it and headed to the health store.
My therapist was still working with another client, so I wandered around the store and looked for kombucha. I did not find that, but they had walnuts, which I happened to need. I sat and waited and tapped. When she was done, Gabrielle came out to get me. I gave her a quick version of what happened to me. She told me that the creases in my earlobes were not on the heart line but on the tinnitus line. That made me feel a little better. Then I laid on the table and she gave me the full body workup. She made jokes about me glowing in the dark. I guess I was the bright spot in her day.
Afterward, I paid her and bought a package of walnuts from the ladies at the front desk. I went home, stopping at the post office, but not finding any mail. It was such a nice day that I took a walk around the neighborhood. Then I did some lajin and read outside for awhile. Then, as daylight faded, I picked some dandelion for supper.
I made my salad and ate it while reading e-mail and listening to an audio. There was a message from Chris that he had reached the Atlanta airport.

I started watching an episode of The 4400. I got a message from my tapping buddy. She was going through something at work. I also got a message from Chris that he plane landed early and he would be home in 45 minutes. I messaged back and forth with my buddy and agreed to work together tomorrow when I had more time. When Chris came through the door, I greeted him, then finished my conversation with her while he unpacked.
We watched two episodes of Voyager. Then we fell into each others arms and went to bed – lights on, router still up, and apparently fridge door slightly ajar.
I did not sleep well. I kept waking up with hot flashes. When I did get up, I searched through my little boxes of essential oils, looking for a bottle of potassium iodide. But it wasn't there. Chris showed me the water that came out of the fridge during the night. That's when I found out the door had been ajar.
I got dressed and put up my hair. Then I sewed a fat strip to a strip triangle and sewed the triangles in pairs. The router was already on, so I sat down at my laptop. It was on too. The 4400 episode I was watching was still cued up so I finished watching it. Then I wrote my blog entry for yesterday and posted it.
* this is one of the orphan blocks contributed Tuesday night. *

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I passed the test

I heard my alarm at go off at 7. I had the phone lying on the ironing board outside the bedroom. I needed 5 minutes to wake up from my dream and start drinking water. Eventually I went to the kitchen to take some vitamin C and some coconut oil.
I washed up and got dressed. I sewed and pressed seams for the strip triangle project. I put my hair up in a pony tail and noticed the big shocks of white hair at the corners of the back of my neck. I carefully shaved them off. Then I turned on the router.
I checked e-mail, and listened to the Perfect Health paraliminal. I packed a bag of seed crackers and a bottle of filtered water and a can of coconut water. I also brought a large blue scarf, in case the office was chilly.
I left about 9:58. I stopped for gas. Afterward I could not find a pen to write the transaction in my car book. Then I resumed my trip to the cardiologist. When I got to the final traffic light and turned left, I found myself in the exit lane. Thankfully it was short and soon I was in the parking lot – sort of. I went into the building and up to the desk. The lady gave me a clipboard of papers to fill out. I sat down and started writing on the first page. I did not get very far before a young man called my name. So I got up to go with him. He took the first sheet and said I could fill out the other one later. He took me to a small room where he explained the process and had me put on a gown. He took my blood pressure and put a port in my left arm. I don't like needles, but getting stuck was far less traumatic than being told they were going to put radioisotopes in my bloodstream. The young man assured me that it would not go through my liver and that it would be gone from my body by tomorrow.
Next he took me to another room with a tread mill. He left and a young lady hooked me up to a machine. There was a man there helping her. I got on the tread mill and watched the TV in front of it. I walked slowly at first, but it picked up speed and incline. She said 140 was the target heart rate for my age. But she didn't stop me there. My heart went up to at least 163 before it was over. I was starting to get a little winded. The man injected the radioisotopes into the port on my arm. He said my liver would have no problem cleaning them from my bloodstream and that I shouldn't go to any nuclear sites for a few days because I might show up on their machines.
The woman took me to a small waiting room to eat my snack and drink. The sign on the wall said it was very important to eat the snack provided. I guess my seed crackers were an approved snack. I ate about half and drank the coconut water.
Next I went to a room with a large imaging machine. I laid on a slider and it slid me towards the tube. I had to raise my hands over my head so a flat imager could work its way around my heart to take pics. I watched my heart on the monitor because the imager got a little close at times and I wondered if it was going to run into me.
The port was removed, as well as the stickers. He put gauze on my arm and wrapped it with a purple stretchy band. He asked if I wanted the results sent to me or if I wanted to talk to the doctor. I picked the doctor option. He told me to come back at 1. It was only 11:15. I got dressed and sat on a couch by the checkout window to finish filling out the paperwork. I submitted it and was told I could go. I went to my car and thought about what to do for the next hour and a half. I decided to go to Stitch-Its and chat (since I had no sewing stuff with me).
So I did. Rebecca showed me the block of the month project she had started back when I was teaching it at the modern quilt guild. She had 12 blocks but two were repeats since she did not have the directions for the last two. I promised to send her a pic of my version of the quilt. She also had a sheet of diagrams for another quilt I had taught, but not the instructions to go with it. I promised to send her that as well. I talked with a few other people, then headed back to the cardiologist.
I got there 10 minutes early. They put me in a small exam room. When the cardiologist showed up, he had a med student with him. The doc told me my heart was fine, no blockages. He said I was free to go. I said I still had chest pain. He said it wasn't due to my heart and to have a nice day. I asked for the blood work results from the ER. He left to get them. I waited. The med student returned with it. I asked questions about a few of the numbers, and what I should do now. He recommended getting a GP. Then I thanked him and he took me to Checkout. But the lady did not need to see me, so I then went home.
On the way, I stopped at the post office. I picked up two packages. When I got home, I was so hungry that I started snacking, telling myself that it was just one or two snacks so I could get through the process of making breakfast. But one snack turned into another, and became more than a meal. So I put on short and went walking. I went to the creek and walked on the rocks, which is supposed to be good for the brain and for balance and for the ankles. When I got back, I read a book outside in the back yard with my bare feet in the grass.
When my eyes got tired, I came inside. I found the picture and instructions for Rebecca and sent them to her by Facebook message. I listened to audios and the snacking started again. I turned to sewing, and did a few seams and pressed them. I rearranged the banner components. Then I made up 14 day worth of supplements. I prepared and ate breakfast.
I played around on my laptop for a few minutes until my tapping buddy called. We talked and tapped together for almost 2 hours. Then I watched an episode of The 4400. Because I had gone to my Pinterest page to get the pic for Rebecca, I noticed it was out of date. I went through my photo files for the last 6 months to post all the items I had made. Then I sat down to write this lengthy post.
* Donna at Stitch-Its made this. *

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Checking messages

I woke up to the sound of rain. It came and went and came back: like a kid playing with the light switch. It was about 8:30 when I got up. I sewed two seams on the strip triangle project. Then I turned on the router and my laptop. I read e-mail. I did some paida to a piece of music called The Dark side of the Rainbow.
I started my coffee morning around 9. While I was meditating, I realized that Grandma was my age when she bought her cabinet Pfaff, which I now have. Between meditations, I noticed how brightly the sun was shining. So I took a break to mow the back lawn. What is this world coming to when the lawn needs mowing in February? I finished my meditations. I cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchens and swept the wood floors.
It occurred to me to check my phone for messages. It alerts me to texts, but not to phone messages. There were four. One was from the cardiologist's office, confirming the time of my appointment on Thursday. It came with instructions about not eating or drinking for 3 hours before, and no coffee or sodas or chocolate for 24 hours. I was going to make up a new batch of supplements, but decided to do only one day in case the doctor says to take a break on certain ones. Then I made breakfast, but had to leave out the cacao nibs. :(
After breakfast, I turned to tapping. Several audios in a row featured it. Sewing followed that. I found a pale orange fabric that mimicked one used in the strip triangles. I cut a strip, and pinned strips for another set of triangles. Then I tried out different fabrics for the fish on the banner. White was too light for the outside of the fish and for the inside. I tried a tan fabric, but by then the daylight was no longer strong enough.
I picked dandelion before it got too dark. I made my usual salad with it. I jotted some notes for my blog. I took a shower, and got dressed for choir practice. I had a few minutes left before leaving for the church, so I.started writing down what supplements I take in the morning.
I left for church just after 6:30. Taking the parkway, it should have been plenty of time. But tonight there was an accident on the parkway and I got caught in the backup. As a result, I was 15 minutes late for the church service. Jennifer had wanted me there to see her presentation of Mary Magdelene. When I got to the church, I dropped off some canned goods for Patty's Pantry, then scooted in the side door and sat in my usual pew. Jennifer was already giving her talk. After that part of the service was over, we sang a song and some new liturgy. Charlie gave me his copy of the service because I had forgotten to pick one up. After the service, the choir gathered to rehearse. Jennifer had said it would only take until 8:15 but it ran to 8:25. So I did not stick around afterward.
I took Bailey Cove/Carl T Jones/Airport Road/Johnson Road back to the gate on Drake. I'm sure the guard was glad it was almost quitting time. When I got home, I checked the mail and my e-mail and finished reading an article.

I watched an episode of The 4400 on Netflix. Then I finished jotting down my evening supplements and started on the ones I add as powders to my breakfast. I set my phone alarm for 7am to give me half an hour to eat or drink before the 3 hour cutoff. I put my quart of water at the head of my bed in case I didn't feel like getting up at 7. I downloaded pics from my phone and finished writing my blog post.
* This is one of the 'sew and tell' from yesterday. *

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dear Jane

I heard the alarm go off at 7:30. But I hadn't slept well, so I turned over for another half hour. I got up about 8. I sewed two small squares together, then turned on the router. I read e-mail and drank a quart of water. I listened to an interview while doing lajin. Then I put on some music for doing paida.
I took my green quilt top and went to the Sew Faithful gathering. Jane was showing her Dear Jane quilt that she had just finished. It was impressive and it took her less than a year. We talked at length and she showed me the book with the all the patterns in it. No two blocks are alike and the border is made of long, pieced triangles. We both would have liked to meet the original Jane who made that complicated quilt all those years ago.
Then I sat with Beverly and Beverly. I cut fleece strips as we talked. Anita came over and one Beverly left. Anita and the remaining Beverly spent some time adding up what she had put into a quilt of baby clothes.
When they were done, Beverly and I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I also got another large container of kimchi, already fermented. I was so hungry that I ate a few pieces in her car. But I am such a good friend that I did not open the kimchi container:)
We went to Brahan Spring Park. There we walked through a forested area with frisbee golf stands in it. We also walked around a football stadium. By the time we got back, we had walked 1.2 miles in half an hour. She took me back to the church. I picked up my car and drove home.
I ate my kimbap with the kimchi, followed by a banana. Then I took a piece of packing tape and patted it on the back of my calf where a sticker bush had scratched it and left tiny spines. Some came off with the tape. Then I put some hydrogen peroxide on a wad a toilet paper and gently scrubbed the area. The rest of the spines came off, but it still stung a little.
I read e-mail for awhile. I got the munchies and needed to put some distance between me and the kitchen. So I got out the mower and started on the back lawn. I had to mow over and over to get a good cut, so when the worst part was mown, I put the mower up and plugged in the battery to get a good charge. Then I checked the house mail and drove to the post office to check our box (nothing). When I got back, I turned my attention to sewing. I took the triangles from yesterday and matched them up in sets of 4. Then I sewed them together in those groups.
At 5, I picked dandelion in the back yard, then washed it with my salad greens and added olives and sunflower seeds and hummus and a boiled egg. I ate it while reading an article.
I went to the meeting of the modern quilt guild. I got there pretty quickly – I guess the lights on University are timed. I was only a few minutes late and the place was full. The president publicly thanked me for helping with the audit. She went on with her remarks and then we did 'sew and tell'. It was almost my turn and my phone rang. I tried to get it out of my purse and shut it off. They hung up just as I got a hold of it. So I checked the phone log and it came up 'cardiologist'. The only thing they could want at 6:15pm is a schedule change. So I let it go and did my show and tell with the two leaf block quilt tops. Then as show and tell progressed, I took pics with my phone.
After the meeting, I stayed to talk for a bit, then went home. It was such a nice night, clear and balmy. When I got home, I checked e-mail. Facebook said there was a message so I checked it. Seems my mother-in-law has been trying to call and not getting through and she got worried. So I called. Al answered because Cecily had gone to bed. We talked for close to an hour. He asked about Dad. And we talked about cataracts and cars and stress tests. After the call, I took my evening supplements and posted to my blog.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Beautiful spring day!

I had trouble getting to sleep. When I realized I had forgotten to take my evening supplements, I got up and swallowed them. I went back to bed, wearing my mp3 headphones. But the batter ran out before I fell asleep. Eventually I fell asleep anyway.
I got up at 8:45, thinking it was earlier. I finished a strip block and sewed corners on quilt top. Then I turned on the router, and checked e-mail. I drank a quart of water while listening to an audio. I got e-mail from Chris so I wrote back and suggested he skype me. Then I went on with e-mail until he called. We talked for 10 minutes or so. He is having great weather too, there in Soto Cano. I opened the doors to let in fresh air.
After he hung up, I put on an interview and did lajin. Then I put on some music with a strong beat and did paida. I made and ate breakfast while listening to the rest of the interview.
I lost track of time with the interview and got to quilting even later than usual. I was going to put blue borders on the Renegades quilt, but Bertha did not bring the blue fabric. She suggested we get together sometime for lunch and she would bring it. I asked her to hold up the leaf block quilt top so I could photograph it now that all the corners are on. I put my two strip blocks in the charity quilt box. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon talking with the ladies while I sewed fat strips to leftover strip triangles and trimmed them all down. I laid out the triangles and took a picture. Carolyn suggested black sashing to give the viewer's eye a chance to rest.
At four I packed up and we left. I drove back to post, under an overcast sky. When I got home, I brought my sewing gear in from the car, and then went for a walk. I walked mostly on the sidewalk, but sometimes on the curb to practice my balance.
When I got back, I picked some dandelion in the back yard. I put the last of the fish in the toaster oven. I made a big salad, including dandelion, and ate it, then the fish. I checked e-mail and listened to interviews. I did one paraliminal.
I considered watching Lucifer, but it seemed to be a repeat. So I watched one episode of The 4400 instead. Then I closed the house doors, noting how the air inside was much improved by the fresh air. I took my evening supplements. I posted to my blog while sipping kava tea.
* Do these blocks need black sashing? Or are they better as a riot of color? *

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Miswak is what?

Last night I set my phone alarm for 7:25. Then I listened to a sleep paraliminal. I went to bed and slept through the night. When I got up to use the restroom, the alarm rang.
I sewed a strip on the second strip block, having finished the first one. I checked e-mail, and read about miswak sticks which are used for brushing teeth. They are supposed to be better than toothbrushes and no toothpaste is needed. It is also called a peelu stick. I took a shower and put on a black dress for Lent. I wore flats so I could go grocery shopping later. I picked up Jennifer's peanut butter (from Swansons) and headed out.
As I arrived the choir was a few minutes from gathering. I gave Jennifer her peanut butter. She gave me some fabric she didn't want anymore. The choir assembled at the front of the church and sang through our song. Then we sang Happy Birthday to Jennifer. Afterward, I stopped by the restroom. Susan was there and she suggested I might have GERD if my chest pain was not cardiac. I made a note to look into it. I picked up a bulletin and sat in my usual seat. Since the service had been moved to 10 and we practiced our song at 9:25, we had longer wait than usual for the service to begin.
The president of the congregation gave a short temple talk. A few other people announced things too. Then the service began. I could not find my glasses so I read and sang as best I could. After the service, I talked to Doc and his wife. He works at the Pentagon now. I asked if there was anything open for Chris. Jennifer brought me money for the peanutbutter and we talked about other stuff.
I drove to Publix. It was a nice sunny day. I shopped without a list since it was so short anyway. I hadn't had breakfast and shopping on an empty stomach wasn't the greatest idea. I may have gotten a few extra things.
When I went to check out, one of my apples was rotten. The cashier sent someone to get me another apple. But she came back with a non-organic one. Another guy went and got me a real organic apple, but in the meantime the cashier had put my order aside to help the next person in line. So when it was my turn again, I had to go to customer service with a barcode ticket. The man there added the price of the apple and processed my order. He commented on my dress and asked where I got it. Good will. He told me he got a good deal on a peacoat at Goodwill.
I took my food to the car and put it in the trunk. I drove down Whitesburg to eyeball the place where I will have my stress test on Thursday. Then I went home. I took the bags inside. I changed my clothes and put the food away. I ate some of the beet chips and the whole jar of marinated artichoke hearts. I checked e-mail and looked up GERD. I made and ate breakfast. I did a meditation.
It seemed like a good idea to walk on a sunny day, but at the furthest point, it started to rain. I took a street that looks like most of the houses have been torn down and the remaining two are just waiting for the same fate. One empty driveway sported a small patch of daffodils. I wondered if I could 'liberate' them. I walked through the area looking for more plantings, but did not find any. The rain stopped and I got home ok.
I sat outside and read a book while resting my barefeet in the wet grass. Then I listened to an interview inside. I moved my laptop to a different side of the table, just for a change. Then I turned my attention to the banner. I cut strips for the circle borders and chose some alternate backgrounds. I wasn't satisfied with any of them, but perhaps a fresh look in the morning will help me decide. I cleared the worktable, and got out the leaf block quilt. I finished up the remaining two corner triangles and pinned them to the corners.
For some reason, I found myself back at my laptop. I did a meditation and read the latest e-mail. I placed an order for a miswak stick. Then I watched one episode of The 4400 on Netflix, who conveniently kept my place. Chris doesn't like it so it works out well to watch it while he is gone.
I made a cup of hot bone broth and kava tea. When the episode was over, I posted to my blog and went to bed.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Chris goes to Honduras

The episode of Voyage we watched last night was about the doctor adding daydreaming subroutines to his program. It reminded me that I hadn't done that in a long time. Too impractical. But maybe worth a try now. So I imagined living on Voyager and I fell asleep.
I woke with Chris at 4am when he got ready for his trip. I was having hot flashes anyway, so I used the bathroom and went to kiss him goodbye. Then I went back to bed.
I think I slept but I also did lots of ruminating. I got up just before 8. I sewed two strips and pinned one for tomorrow. I turned on the router and checked e-mail. Chris sent a message from the Atlanta airport. I listened to an interview while doing lajin. I also listened to a paraliminal. I forget which one. Then I downloaded a 'short' e-book and started reading it and answering the questions. It took longer than I thought and I never did finish it.
I made and ate breakfast around noon. I listened to another paraliminal (guided meditation crossed with hypnosis). Then I did some paida while listening to John Denver songs. That was a lot of fun.
I looked up a map of the post and found a new road that I did not realized was a road before. The rain had stopped so I went for a walk down it. It was nice to get some good fresh air, and I was back in half an hour.
I read more of the e-book. And I did some inspired tapping about a banana. I got a message from Chris that he was on base in Soto Cano. I tried to call but it did not go through. I listened to a few interviews from the gut health summit. I looked up non-cardiac causes of chest pain. I cut circles of fabric for the banner. The bread was a full circle but the grape fabric was not big enough for an entire circle. Still, it might be close enough.
I made and ate a salad, and watched an episode of X-Files from the Fox website with no problem. But, when I tried to watch another one, all I got was the 5 minute preview pass and even that was just watching the swirling circle. Then I watched a movie on Youtube called Tammy and the Millionaire. I played Solitaire while I watched.
Then it was time for bed. I took my evening supplements and wrote my blog while wondering how to set an alarm for tomorrow morning. From now on, church starts 45 minutes earlier.
* After all this rain, the grass needs cutting. *

Friday, February 16, 2018

Another gray day

I woke up at 6 hearing Chris get ready for work. I had slept through the night. Yay! I slept again and got up just before 8. I sewed a strip and pinned the next one. I turned on the router. I wrote letters on the banner pattern and taped it to the wall.
I started reading e-mail. I did lajin while listening to a paraliminal. The cardiologist office called and said I needed to come to an appt this afternoon for insurance purposes. I reluctantly agreed, but called the insurance company afterward and confirmed that a dr visit and pre-cert were not necessary. The clerk said the office was probably calling the wrong number and gave me the right one. I did another round of lajin (for the other leg). Then I called the office to tell them the new number. They said they'd call and get back to me.
I made up some new batches of mixtures with the new shipment of powders. The office called back and agreed the pre-cert was not necessary but next Thursday was the soonest they could do the stress test anyway. They gave me the option of coming in this afternoon or not. I chose not, since the insurance would only cover what was over our deductible, probably nothing.
I scrubbed the old crock pot container. It did not get clean enough to be worth donating. I hated to throw it away and wondered what else it might be good for. I listened to another paraliminal since the 3 day free offer should have ended at 10am.
I looked through my fabrics to find some alternate choices. I thought about how I was going to assemble the banner. I did not want to cut a large curved strip out of a perfectly good rectangle of fabric. Nor did I want to cut a strip at 45 degrees, again ruining a good rectangle. So I cut off a slightly biased strip from an ugly fabric and ironed it to match the curve of the circle to see how well it worked. It did ok until I sprayed it with water. From the smell, I realized it was not water after all, but one of my essential oil mixtures.
I left it to dry and made and ate breakfast. I played one game of Solitaire. I ate Chris' last banana. He likes them green anyway and this one was going soft. I listened to another paraliminal (with headphones) to aid digestion. Then another one just because I could. I wanted to go for a walk, but was surprised to see that it had started raining. I looked into the possibility of embroidering the letters on the banner. I tried every way I could think of to invoke my embroidery software but it insisted it could not detect the dongle. I checked e-mail, and then Chris came home with a package from Swansons. He changed clothes and started sorting laundry from the hamper. I gave him a reason to put it off for awhile, since he was leaving for a week. Then he resumed the laundry and I took a nap.
Later I made a salad for supper. In my e-mail there were lots of interviews to listen to and some tapping meditations. After supper we ran the dishwasher. I suggested we watch TV early since he was going to bed early.
So w watched two episodes of Voyager. Then I folded laundry while Chris packed his bags. I put mine away, as well as the kitchen towels. Then I sat down to write my blog and he went to bed.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Moving on to other projects

I woke up at 6, hearing Chris leave for work. Then I heard footsteps in the room. It was a little disconcerting. I tried to go back to sleep, but my tummy was rumbling. I got up for the bathroom and took two charcoal tablets, then went back to bed. My tummy was better but I still could not fall asleep. I finally got up at 7:45. I sewed a strip and pinned one for tomorrow morning. I finalized the radio surveys to go in the mail, but forgot to take them out. I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I washed some dishes. I looked up atrial fibrillation. The doctors office called at 8:30 to schedule stress test for this afternoon. She said no food or water for 3 hours before. I drank coconut water for the electrolytes. The doctors office called back: The insurance company wanted 5 business days to do a precertification. So the appt was pushed to next Thursday. I listened to a paraliminal on happiness while doing lajin. I read more e-mail, then put on an audio while I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed and went to Stitch-Its.
I arrived a little earlier than usual. I visited with various people. Someone brought fabric to give away so I chose a few pieces of fruit fabrics. I played with leftover strip triangles, and did some sewing. My tummy was rumbling again and I concluded that I had had too much vitamin C.
I packed up and went home. I did what I had to do. I checked the house mail and put the surveys in, then went for a walk. It was such a nice day that I did not need a coat. I found an old road and followed it, but it just ended in the forest near someone's back yard. So I came home. I responded to my sister's e-mail. She said she called but my phone did not notice.
Chris came home from work. He said he was not selected for the job in PA. I heated the remaining fish for supper. Chris made his own supper and started playing the dinosaur game with Michele. I was trying to listen to an audio, but his voice interfered, so I took my laptop to the guest room and plugged it in. I listened for a bit then paused.
I worked on my banner. I traced the lines on the paper with a black marker. I took the bread fabric and the grape fabric to my sewing room to choose matching border fabrics. I arranged them on the diagram.
I made a cup of hot bone broth and sat in front of my laptop. My tapping buddy contacted me. I told her about my ER visit. Then we tapped on her issue for an hour or so. It seemed to go well.
I laid down on the couch while Chris wrapped up his game with Michele. Then we watched an episode of Voyager. Chris paused it when Faye called. I reassured her that I am fine. I asked about Dad's health. After she hung up, we finished the episode. Then Chris made his sandwich for tomorrow and I stayed up to blog.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Heart check for Valentines Day

I woke up about 6 with a hot flash. I got up to go to the bathroom. I felt a squeezing sensation in my upper left chest. It was the first time I felt anything like that. I laid down again, I did some tapping, I took some vitamin C. Nothing seemed to help. I kept my phone with me just in case. I did not have pain in my left arm, or stomach. But I felt something was very wrong. My legs were weak and I was a little unsteady. I called Faye, but got her voice mail. I called Dad to wish him a happy valentines's day in case it was the last thing I ever said. I worried a lot so I got on my laptop and looked up heart attacks. Finally I called Chris and told him I needed to be driven somewhere. He came home from work. He was going to take me to the big hospital, but I chose Crestwood Medical instead. We got there about 7:30. I was clutching my chest and told the receptionist I had chest pain. She handed me a form to fill out and called for triage. It was a short form. I scribbled my basic info and we waited for 5 or 10 minutes. Then a lady called us back to room 1. She had me lie down and she put a monitor on my finger. She put stickers on my chest and legs and did an EEG. Another lady put a port in my left arm (because she couldn't get the vein in my right arm.) She took blood. I was all trembley at that point: the kind of trembling I get when cold or given opiates. They told me to relax and they left. I wanted to tap, but with a monitor on one hand and a port in the other, it was difficult. Plus they said it would interfere with the EKG results.
A doctor came in, asked a few questions about drinking, smoking, family history. He recommended Adavan and potassium. He left. More wait time. Should have brought a book. A nurse came in and gave me a low dose of Adavan, four aspirin and two potassium tablets. Then she did an in-room x-ray. Later I was wheeled to a cat-scan and given a contrast. It made me feel hot, but not for long. She told me to drink lots of water later. She took me back to my room and let me use the restroom at the end of the hall. She did another EEG but with a different machine so I got a whole new set of stickers and wires. Then she left and we waited. I played with the monitor by holding my breath until the alarm went off. No one ever came. I also tried reducing my heartrate below 85, but was unsuccessful. Finally the doctor came back and said my heart was fine, and gave me a card for an internist. He wrote the name of a cardiologist on my patient form and recommended a stress test.
We waited again. Finally a nurse came to take the EKG wires off and the blood pressure cuff and the finger monitor. She carefully removed the port. She said I could get dressed and meet her in the hall. Well, I was still covered in wires from the first EKG. I disconnected them. Chris pulled both sets of stickers off. Ouch! I got dressed and we found her in the hall. She showed us to registration. A lady there had me sign paperwork and pay $200 for discharge. She said there would be bills from the doctor and the radiologist, etc. It was 11:30 when we left.
Chris wanted to stop by the bank, then get gas. Finally we were home. He dropped me off and went back to work. I called the insurance company to find doctors on their list. The ones recommended from the emergency room were not on the list. I was given two names. Then I went to the insurance website. Those names were not on there. I found another one and called for an appt. They insisted I call the insurance again and ask if a referral was needed. So I did, and called back. Then they said they needed a doctors order for the stress test. I scanned the one from the ER into the computer and e-mailed it to them. At the same time as all of this, I started a loaf of bread for Chris and boiled water for coffee. I completed my coffee detox while waiting for them to call back. Chris came home from work with a large box from One item was for Jennifer. I e-mailed her to see if she wanted me to bring it to church, but she did not respond. I ate a banana, and then breakfast. I took a shower and got dressed.
We went to church to the Ash Wednesday service. I forgot the item, but Jennifer hadn't gotten my e-mail so she didn't miss it. The service lasted about an hour. Since it was the second service of the day, it was not well attended. Afterward, the choir gathered to sing over the song for Sunday. It took about 20 minutes. The chest pain started up again and people asked about it. I admitted I had been to the ER and given a good report.
Chris and I went home on Airport, so as to take in the lights of the city coming over the hill. When we got home, we watched two episodes of Voyager, probably because it was a two-parter. I took more vitamin C and my evening supplements. Knowing Chris is going to be gone next week, I decided to sleep in the master bedroom until he leaves.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lots of firsts

I got up about 8:15, not feeling wellrested. The bedroom is so dark, I can hardly tell if it is daytime. I sewed a strip and turned on the router. I checked e-mail rather quickly. I drank a quart of water. I got dressed and headed to Sew Faithful quilters. Both Beverlys were there already. We talked about the trip to Wilson's and the great fabric sale and looked at magazines. When most ladies had gone, Beverly got out the ironing board. I ironed her quilt backing. Then she and Anita taped it to a table and spray-basted it with batting and a quilt top. Beverly had another one ready, so I ironed that backing too, and they sandwiched it. After a little more chatting, we broke up. We each went home to prepare to go walking.
I drove home and exchanged my flats for walking shoes. I also ate a couple of broiled onions and grabbed a seed cracker. I ate it while driving to the Asian store. I purchased a package of kimbap. I ate a few pieces in the parking lot, and a few more at red lights. I drove down Bob Wallace to the parkway. I intended to stay on the access roads until I got to the Oakwood exit, but it doesn't work that way. I had to get on the parkway to avoid going downtown. But amazingly, I wasn't all that nervous about it. Finally I got to Beverly's house. She was ready to walk, so we took her car and went downtown to Greene Street. We walked a path that was on the Liz Hurley route and involved walking uphill. We chatted the whole way so it wasn't bad. Also, we saw some amazing houses. Many were historical. Probably expensive, too.
Then we went back to her house. She showed me projects she was working on. I paid her for the quilt backing fabric. I could not believe that she got it for $5 a yard AND 40% off.
When I got back from Beverly's house, I ate the rest of the kimbap with the rest of the kimchi. I poked out all the little yellow pieces of radish. When Chris came home from work, he ate them. There was no mail from either the office or the mailbox. I read e-mail and played Solitaire while listening to paraliminals. They are free to stream for the next three days. I did the ones for ideal weight, for sleep, and for deep relaxation.
Pat had texted me about two books that she wanted for the guild library. So I ordered them on Amazon, along with some kava supplements.
Jennifer had given me a Wrawp pizza crust. It was gluten-free and vegan. Basically it was made out of vegetables. I sliced up some cheese on it, and stuck it in the toaster oven. When the cheese was melted, I took it out. I asked Chris what else would be good on it. He suggested tomato sauce, but I didn't want to open a whole can for one little crust. I spread some leftover fish on it and stuck it back in the oven to heat. When I ate it, it was pretty good, though a little stiff.
I listened to a few more paraliminals. They were roughly 15 minutes long. But the last one was over 20, so I was late brushing my teeth and getting my coat on.
I went to church. They were just wrapping up their Mardi Gras dinner. I thought the stewardship meeting started at 7, but it was 7:30. So I sat in the little room and selected a book from the shelf to read. Within half an hour, 3 more people arrived. The men who usually give the financial reports were not there. So we mostly talked about time and talent. The idea under discussion was
At 8:35 I packed up, said a quick goodbye, and headed home before the gate closed. Earlier I thought about stopping on the way home for a card to give Chris. But there wasn't time to stop.
When I got home, Chris was on his laptop. I drank some kava tea. Then we watched one episode of Voyager. We had a little discussion about the future. He told me he is going to Soto Cano for a week. Then he made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and think how I will approach my sleeping problem tonight.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A four-legged quilt

I read a few pages from a book before I did my stretches and went to bed. I was comfortable again last night, but my gut was working overtime. I had to get up and take some charcoal tablets. At least, that is what I think I took. It was dark and I didn't want to turn the lights on. So I had trouble getting to sleep and I did not stay asleep.
I heard Chris shower and go to work, then I went back to sleep. I had a dream that I rented a little plane, flew to another country to buy something and came back. I parked the plane and went home, but later thought I must have forgotten some after-flight activities. So I went back to the airport. I remember being surprised that no one asked to see my pilot's license. Also, when I tried to sew, someone had taken my machine apart and not put it back together. That must have been before I went back to the airport.
I got up at 8:45, feeling pretty good. I sewed a strip and pinned one for tomorrow. I turned on the router and my laptop. I brushed my teeth and then drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I did a tapping meditation. I did some lajin. I found another tapping audio in my e-mail. Yahoo was working pretty well as long as I kept it in its own window. I did paida while listening to John Denver songs like Thank God I'm a Country Boy. I read more e-mail. Then I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed and filled a water bottle. I put my leaf block quilt in a bag with the remaining fabrics. My sewing gear was still in the car from yesterday, so I just took the project and my water bottle out to the car.
I drove down Drake, noting the road work and trying to decide if certain parts had been recently paved or not. The ladies were eating lunch when I arrived. I set up my machine and pulled out a project.
I worked on the scrap Renegades quilt. I assembled more square+strip units. I thought I needed more strips, but actually I had more than I needed to make it 48 by 58. Bertha told me to stop by her house sometime and get some dark blue to make a border, then call it finished. I then turned my attention to making corners for the leaf block quilt.
At 3:15 we started packing up. I left soon after but the road work on Drake slowed traffic. They were paving it. I got home about 3:45.
I heated a bowl of fish in the toaster oven. I made a salad. I checked e-mail, and played brain games. I finally found the bread and grape fabrics I had been looking for. I just needed to find the right border fabrics.
I opened an envelop to find a Valentine card from MaryAnn. I tried to write a thank you e-mail, but Yahoo fought me every step of the way. Hopefully, the third time was charmed.
I made a batch of seed crackers. I used three of the eggs I bought from Tina yesterday. I hardboiled the remaining 9. I bagged the recyclables and put them out at the curb.
We watched two episodes of Voyager. I tried to download the pics from my phone, but alternate photo software kept hijacking my attempts. Finally Chris came over and did it in two tries. Then he went to bed.
I took my evening supplements. I brushed my teeth and rubbed some salve on the itchy spot above my ear. I got out the old heating pad so I wouldn't have to bother Chris later. I sat at my laptop for some time, trying to recall all the events of the day. Then I did my exercises and assembled a castor oil pack, the newest idea in my arsenal of attempts to fall asleep.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The unexpected

I was very comfortable last night. The mp3 headphones with a sleep track, the light sheet, the ceiling fan – all very relaxing but still sleep eluded me for some time. I got up twice during the night to use the bathroom.
When I woke up, it was after 9. Chris was on his laptop. I stitched a strip to one of the strip blocks and then I opened my laptop. I deleted a bunch of e-mails I did not have time to read. Then I took my shower and got dressed for church. There wasn't enough time to fix breakfast, so Chris offered me his last banana. I ate that, then put some seed crackers in a bag for lunch. As I was filling my water bottle, I knocked a glass off the counter top and it broke. Chris swept it up for me. I asked him to put my sewing gear in my trunk because my left wrist hurt. He did that in his socks. I took my purse and the sample of sleep salve for Jennifer and went to church.
I arrived 5 minutes late for choir warm-up. So, in 5 more minutes, we were done. I gave the salve to Jennifer and she gave me some gluten-free pizza crusts. The ingredient list read like a salad. I got a bulletin and went to the bathroom. Then I chatted with my seatmates. Dawn told me her grandson was back from Korea. It did not click until later that he was here with her in church. I made a mental note to speak to him after the service.
The service went well. The pastor spoke about the winds of change and how we need to adapt. After the service, Dawn's grandson had left. But the other Jennifer was there with her family. I haven't seen them in several years. I got to talk to her and her husband, who is going to his next job soon. We traded numbers in case we get a chance to play music together.
I shook hands with the pastor and left. I drove to the monthly sew-in for Renegades. They were having lunch when I came in with my cart of supplies. I parked it out of the way, and joined them, having some fresh fruit and my seed crackers. After eating, they told me about the grab bags. Each person was to choose a paper bag and sew something with the fabric inside. I chose the one unmarked bag. It contained fat quarters in blue and green prints. Some of them were just what I needed for my Renegade project already in progress. So I cut strips and squares and combined them with what I already had. Everyone was so busy that they didn't talk much. Others finished their quilt tops and I took pics. Two ladies worked together and made three quilt tops. Mine was still unfinished and I started it in November!
Anyway, we put up the tables and chairs while Tina ran the vacuum. She was selling eggs fresh from her chickens so I bought a carton (even though I knew Chris had gone to Publix while I was sewing). I wondered if the eggs from the first laying of the season were any different.
It was after 5 when I got home. Chris was roasting onions and peppers in the oven. I changed my clothes, then made and ate my special breakfast, then had some of the onions – all while checking e-mail or listening to an audio. I also played some Solitaire while listening.
At 8 we sat down to watch three episodes of Voyager. Chris stayed up to make his sandwich and to look up some of the familiar guest stars. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to take my evening supplements and post to my blog. I thought I might read a few pages from a book to see if that helped me sleep.
* Isn't Tina's quilt top lovely? It was from her paper bag. *

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Going in circles

I did not sleep any better last night. I used the sleep salve, did the stretches and listened to a sleep track. I had the ceiling fan on, but once I was drenched in sweat, it made me cold. I dimly heard the rain and went back to sleep. I had a dream that I was in the little blue house with Michele. I found tree caterpillars on the kitchen table. Puzzled, I looked out at the tree outside the kitchen window. The tree began to move to the left. Suddenly I realized that the house was moving to the right. I shouted to Michele that we needed to get out, now. We punched a hole in the wall and crawled out. The house slid down to the creek and crashed into the fence. Then my dad and sister and brothers appeared. Dad hitched the house to his old station wagon and hauled it back to its foundation. William used a drill to reattach it so it couldn't move again. I used his phone to take pics because I could not find mine. There appeared a room that I didn't remember, which looked like an attic. There was a camping trailer in there, filled with baby clothes. Mom said something and I woke up.
It was still raining. It was after 9 when I got up. I told Chris my dream. We ended up in bed together (which must have been HIS dream). I got up later, sewed a strip, and then checked my e-mail. I listened to an audio while doing lajin stretching. I listened to an audio on the history and health effects of cell phones. Chris took a shower. I did some paida, then made and ate breakfast while listening to another audio. I charged my mp3 headphones, and transferred an mp3 file to it for healthy teeth.
I sketched a banner design on a scrap sheet of paper. It has been in my mind for several years now. I tweaked the design, and chose some colors based on the liturgical calendar. I went looking for the bread and grape fabrics I had picked out years ago, but did not find them. I chose some alternates. I found a sheet of packing paper. I hunted my circle-drawing ruler. I used it to draw two 24" intersecting circles.
I went back to e-mail, and finished the order and the Swansons order. I futzed around with Yahoo because it was really slow and unresponsive, even with all my tricks. I tried to update Windows 10 as per Yahoo's recommendation, but it wouldn't because of McAfee which it said was incompatible. Then I futzed around with until they let me watch an episode of X-Files, but I could not play a second one. I played some brain games instead.
I found a larger piece of paper in the garage. I drew the circles as I envisioned them on the banner. I put a sheet on the guest bed to replace the blanket which was too hot. I put some sleep salve in an empty butter container for Jennifer tomorrow. Then I jotted notes for my blog. I folded some laundry while Chris got ready to watch TV. We both nearly fell asleep watching two episodes of Voyager. I took my evening supplements and got my mp3 headphones and hot flash spray ready. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Sewing with the Celebration Quilters

Last night I tapped with a Gary Williams video on sleep. I did my stretches and drank some kava tea. I went to bed with the tablet. I guess it didn't take too well to being completely discharged. It was working erratically at first, but I finally got it to play some rain noise and a sleep track. I had the same experience as last night: it took awhile to fall asleep, I had to get up once to pee, and I was either too hot or too cold or both.
I got up around 8, hearing Chris return from work. He had signed the paper for furlough. He said he was going to chase me around the house all day. I told him I was going sewing. He got on his laptop while I sewed a strip, and then checked my e-mail. Presently he got a call to come back to work. I listened to an audio while doing two rounds of lajin. I tried to find out how long this new continuing resolution was supposed to last.
It was getting on towards 10, which is when Celebration Quilters start. I thought Beverly might call so we could arrive at the same time. But I didn't hear from her. I plugged in my phone to charge for a few minutes while I gathered my sewing stuff and packed a lunch. I hadn't had breakfast and I caved to the temptation to eat it right away. I took my quilting stuff to the car and forgot the phone.
I arrived about 10:30. Beverly wasn't there. I claimed a place in the back of the room and set up my sewing machine. We had a discussion of continuing resolutions before going on to other subjects. Eventually some of the ladies went to lunch and others went out to get it and brought it back so they could talk to me while they ate. I worked on corners for my leaf block quilt. I pressed the two corners I had made while they were gone. But I discovered I did not have enough orange fabric to make the remaining two. So I unpacked a scrap project from Renegades. I worked on that for awhile. Then the group seemed to be breaking up. I packed up my scraps, trying to separate the ones ones that were deceptively the wrong size. I left about 2:30.
It did not take long to get home and I used the access road to the parkway, which I usually avoid. I wanted to get a few things done before Chris got home. I got ready to do some paida, when I heard the door open. Apparently the powers that be let everyone go 59 minutes early. Arrgh!
I filled out the radio survey from Neilsen for Thursday and Friday. Chris answered my questions so I could do his form as well. I made and ate breakfast. I made up more green powder mix. Usually there are 4 ingredients but I must have run out of one. I used my laptop to access to place another order. I compared prices with Swansons who carried a few of the same things. Jennifer called to tell me the Sleep Essentials that she ordered worked for her. And she had something she wanted to tap one, but then she got a call and had to hang up.
Chris cooked some fish in the oven for me. He put spices on it and poured white wine over it. While he was cooking, I found a really big black plastic bag in the garage and I taped it over the window in the guest room. I also ate some cashews with butter, and a papaya. I saved the seeds. When the fish was done, I ate several portions, it was that good. I put the rest in the fridge. Chris ran the dishwasher. I was searching for some music with a strong beat and came across a video of belly-slapping music. What people won't do on Youtube. Then there was the concert of instruments made of ice.
When Chris finished what he was watching, he turned on the TV. We watched two episodes of Voyager. Then he got tired and went to bed. I stayed up to blog, wishing I had jotted a few notes so I could remember everything that happened. I was out of evening supplement doses, so I made up a set of 9. I swallowed one and put the rest away. Then I wrote this blog post, hoping again to get a good night's sleep.
* This quilt is from the Monday group. *

Thursday, February 8, 2018

It pays to get up early

Last night I watched a relaxing brain video. I swallowed some clove powder and did some stretches. Then I went in the guest room. I put sleep salve on my feet and eyeshades on my head. Sleep was not swift, but it did seem a little easier than before. I got up once to use the bathroom and had trouble going back to sleep. I was both too hot and too cold at the same time. But at some point I must have slept well, because I woke up earlier than usual.
I got up before 8 and sewed a side triangle into my quilt. Then I turned on the router. I drank a quart of lemon water while reading e-mail. I squeezed in some Lajin and paida while listening to an audio from the Regenerative Health Summit: Sunlight, cold showers, and infrared light energize the mitochondria. Letting yourself get cold in the winter turns on your winter metabolism.
I put on another audio and ironed scrap strips from Tuesday. Then I walked outside in the back yard, enjoying the sun and looking for dandelion and sprouting pumpkin seeds. None of the seeds had sprouted and the dandelion that I found were really small.
I made and ate breakfast, and watched a video on emotion and digestion,. It wasn't very in formative. I was ready to leave for sewing but my phone was down to 9%. I plugged it into the spare battery that Faye gave us for Christmas. Then I put on my coat and rolled my cart to the car.
It was after noon while I arrived at Stitch-Its. As I visited with the other ladies, I finished sewing in all the side triangles. Susan took pics of the two unsigned blocks and put them on the Facebook page to see who would recognize them. I packed up and drove home.
When I got home, I plugged in the spare battery to recharge. I took a half hour walk. When I got back, I washed up enough greens for two salads. Chris came home from work. I ate all the salad while taking notes on an interview on EMFs. Then I taped packing paper over the window in the guest room to make it darker. I also made up a fresh batch of spice mix for breakfast.
I moved my laptop to the guest room for privacy. I played a few brain games. During the second one, my tapping buddy called. We talked, we tapped, we felt better.
When the call was over, I went to the dining room to let Chris know I was ready to watch TV. There was some roasted cauliflower and peppers on the stove. I ate some and put the rest away. Then we watched two episodes of Voyager.
Chris made his sandwich while I prepared my blog entry. Then I made my next attempt at a good night's rest.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Solutions for sleep

I got up at 8:45. I sewed a side triangle onto the quilt. Then I turned on the router and put water in the coffee maker to heat. I swished for 20 minutes and checked e-mail. I listened to an audio on sleep while starting my exercises. I jotted a few notes. I took some niacin and switched to drybrushing. I exercised while the niacin flush took hold. I boiled water for coffee. I went through the whole coffee morning procedure. I had to turn off the heating unit so I could hear my meditation music. It got cold in the house so I laid down with the infrared heating pad while the heater ran. When the temp came back up, I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms.
I made up a mixture of different forms of vitamin C. Then I made 13 days worth of supplements. I worked on my next Swanson's order. I did some paida. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to a tapping audio. Chris came home in the middle of it. I paused it to talk to him, then put on headphones and finished it. I took a shower and got dressed to go out. I watched paidalajin videos on Youtube. Then I pinned one edge of the next side triangle to the quilt. I bundled up warmly and went out.
I drovet to choir practice. I wish I had worn warmer shoes. The temp had dropped a lot from earlier today. I dropped off Sunday's music and picked up the new anthem. We practiced three songs with a substitute organist. It went well enough. The director told us she had signed the choir up to serve on one of the Soup and Sandwich nights in Lent. She also said there would be no practice next week because of the Ash Wednesday service.
When I got home, I checked the house mail and there was none. I ate some dried mangoes, and some cashews with butter. I checked e-mail while Chris ended his game with Michele. I took my evening supplements.
We watched two episodes of Voyager. The second one was a throw-back to the 30's that took place on the holodeck. It was very amusing. I got ready for bed and put stuff in the guest room in anticipation. Chris shut down his computer and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and to solve my sleep problem. I plugged in my tablet because it has sleep audios on it, but it was too far gone to use tonight.
* This is a charity quilt that Bertha quilted, seen on Monday. *

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

It's just not the same

I got up at 8:30, surprised that I hadn't had to get up during the night. Was it the sleep salve? I sewed a strip on one of the strip blocks. Then I drank water and read e-mail until Yahoo went down. I listened to a podcast while doing lajin, then listened to Old Suzanna while doing paida. There are some racy lyrics to that song! Then I got dressed and went to quilting.
I talked to Jane, and looked at magazines she had brought in to share. Greta handed me a pattern for a barn block that we should all make for Jane's birthday (in secret). I signed a card for Jodi whose mother has been diagnosed with cancer. I crocheted a few more strips to my fleece rug. Beverly showed up to talk but did not have her quilt. Greta gave her a barn pattern, too. After everyone left, we talked about the barn block as we picked fabric strips out of a large scrap bag intended for dog beds. Later Anita showed up to claim what was left for the animal shelter.
I got in Beverly's car and we went to the Asian market. We stopped at the thrift shop next door first, but they had no crock pots. Then we got kimbap. I checked for natto, but all of them seemed to have sugar and MSG. Then we went to Thrift Mart. We checked in the kitchen section. There was a crock pot insert but it was round. Beverly found a fleece blanket. When we went to pay, the clerk said they sell 5 or 6 crockpots a day.
So we went to another thrift shop nearby. They had a complete crock pot for $18. It looked new and had a locking lid. Then we went to the one in Madison. They had complete crock pots. So I asked in the back if he had any inserts. He did not, but he marked the large one down to $10.00. I decided that was a pretty good deal, even if it left me with an extra electrical warmer.
Beverly drove us back to the church to pick up my car. It was raining. I drove home, and checked the mail. The whole wall of boxes was open, like an open vending machine. I took out our mail, which included one for our neighbor. I put it with her mail, then tried to close the wall but it would not close.
When I got inside, I ate the kimbap with kimchi while reading e-mail. Then I brought the crockpot in, washed it, and left the pieces to dry. I drove to the hotel on post to see if they had a lost and found. They did, but it was under the care of the head housekeeper who had left for the day. The clerk wrote a note and added my phone number.
When I got back, I listened to an audio while playing Solitaire. Chris came home and changed clothes. I showed him the crock pot. We tried the insert in the old crock pot and it was a smidge too big. Maybe if I had bought just an insert, I would have wasted my money.
I listened to another audio while sewing two of the side triangles to the quilt top. Then I had to plug in laptop to recharge. I ate an avocado, some seed crackers, and coconut butter. I played brain games, and leveled up on one. I drank bone broth with ginger,. I did a Meditation in Minutes video with headphones. I got a phone call from the Nielsen people prodding me to do their radio survey, which came in the mail today.
Chris played the dinosaur game with Michele until I reminded him of the time. Then we watched a movie from Netflix called “12:01”. It was kind of like Groundhog Day but on a more serious note. After it was over, Chris got ready for bed. I took my evening supplements and wrote up my blog post. I facebooked Myra to welcome her back from Korea. We texted until I finished my blog post, and then I went to bed.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Impressive bird

Last night I put sleep salve on the bottoms of my feet and then covered them with socks. I did feel sleepy sooner, but was hoping to actually fall asleep right away.
I got up at 9. I sewed a strip to the strip block. Then I turned on the router. While it warmed up, I started a loaf of bread for Chris. I washed my hands and wiped the measuring spoons and counter top in case remnants of flour were triggering some sort of gluten sensitivity if I touched it.
Then I turned on the laptop to check e-mail. I put on an audio while I did two rounds of lajin. I also did some paida. I swallowed some XCT oil and some coconut oil. When I returned to my laptop, I had trouble with Yahoo. At first it was just slow, in both browsers. But then it stopped working altogether, which is when I figured it that it was actually the site itself. But, it meant that I could not read my e-mail.
So I got dressed and went to quilting. There was road work on Drake. It did not slow traffic much, but it did coat my car in dust. Again.
When I got there, the parking lot was much fuller than usual. I rolled my cart inside and there were plenty of people having lunch. I set up my machine on a table in the back of the room. There were no chairs left. Laurie suggested I borrow one from another table in the back. I visited with a few ladies, looking at what they were working on. Carolyn had an impressive rooster made of flowers and leaves. Then I settled down to work on my side triangles. I listened to the conversation around me. It was nice. Bertha talked about the stitch camp they were going to this weekend and invited me to go. But it seemed awfully last minute.
One by one, they left until only Lauri and I remained. Then Sheryl arrived and set up her machine. I finished sewing strips to my side triangles. At 4 I packed up my machine and project and left. The sun was setting and shone in my eyes as I drove down Drake.
When I got home, Chris was there, on his laptop. I took my supplements and some ghee. Then I made and ate breakfast. I checked e-mail. sent a message telling me to complete my training. I clicked on the link and played the games. I was disappointed with my scores. I blame the trackpad for slowing me down. I assembled the recyclables and put them out on the porch.
Chris' alarm rang. I did not know what he was timing, until he turned on the TV. Then I remembered that Lucifer plays on Monday night. So I finished the piece of aloe I was eating and sat with him to watch the show. Then we watched three episodes of Voyager. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This rooster is made of fussy-cut flowers and leaves fused to a background. I am impressed. *

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Brain training

I got up around 8. I sewed a strip to one of the strip blocks. I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. I did two rounds of lajin. I stopped to take a shower and get dressed for church. I ate a few seed crackers with hummus. Then I put on my coat and went to church.
I got there just as the choir was warming up. We went through the piece several times and it went better than on Wednesday night. I sat with Don, as usual. The pastor gave the announcements and then the service started. I wrote my last check for the monthly offering. After the service, I spoke to Jennifer about choir practice being late during the season of Lent. But she assured me that we would be finished by 8:15 (so I can get back to base before the gate closes.)
When I got out to my car, I called Chris and told him I was on my way to Publix. I proceeded to Publix, parked and got a cart. I started shopping. Chris came in with a cart, but put it back when he saw that I had one. We shopped together. At the end, he got in line while I went back for cashews. Then we went home separately. Because of where I was parked, it was easier to get on Whitesburg and come down Drake. There was no road work. But Chris beat me home even though he had to load the groceries in his car first and unload at home. I helped him put away the groceries. I washed all the cans. Chris gave me a new book of checks. I made and ate breakfast while listening to an audio. At 4:15 I went for a long walk in the neighborhood. When I got back, I ate the remaining cashews with butter.
I went looking for my wedding ring, which has been missing since we moved here. I found my engagement ring so I put that on. I played brain games from I got bad relative scores on games I thought I did well at. I got a really good score on one that I thought I did badly at. I ate some ground beef casserole and mushroom soup. I washed the new dish drainer from the humane society thrift shop. I swapped it out for the broken plastic one. I jotted some notes for my blog.
I made a small batch of sleep salve. Because it involved melting beeswax, it took awhile. I put the 180 drops of essential oils in a separate jar. When the was was melted with the coconut oil, I added the olive oil. When it had cooled down slightly, I poured it in the jar with the essential oils. I left it to harden while Chris and I watched three episodes of Voyager. We looked up some of the guest stars. I posted to my blog and then we went to bed.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sewing Saturday

I had gas again last night and could not blame it on bean soup. So I blamed it on the salad instead.
I got up at 8:45. I could not find the strip blocks, so I sewed two scrap squares together to fulfill my resolution. I took a packet of vitamin C and read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I also ate some figs. About 11 I got dressed and packed part of my leaf block project in my rolling cart. I put the machine and tools in my trunk and headed out.
I drove to the Bailey Cove library, where members of the Modern Quilt Guild were having a sewing Saturday. First I helped Amanda hand-sew a sleeve to the back of a quilt that they were submitting to a show. Then I cut my green blocks into triangles. I also cut a bunch of one inch orange strips. I waffled a bit on whether they should be sewn in as strips or as piping. I decided they needed to show up more, so I sewed them to the bias edges of the green triangles as strips. I noticed the intestinal gas coming back and decided it must be the figs. I talked to the ladies while we all sewed. Then at 3:30, I packed up and came home.
I did three rounds of lajin. There was some tapping with the audio I was listening to. I made a big salad and checked e-mail. I watched a video on brain plasticity, then played brain games on the website. I thought I did alright, but it said my scores were comparatively low. Curious. I played one called Apples to Zebras and unlocked the next level. Chris made a big pan of ground beef something. It had onions and yellow peppers in it. We both had two helpings.
Then We watched three episodes of Voyager. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to take my evening supplements and post to my blog.
* This is Amanda's project. *