Saturday, September 30, 2023

No game night!


It was after 8 when I got up. I had had a hard time sleeping after eating so much pretzel. But they were really good! I took methylene blue and brushed my teeth. I read e-mail, then took magnesium. I read more e-mail and Telegram messages.

I parsed out a week's worth of supplements, watered the plants, annoyed some gophers, then laid out in the sun. When I came in, I made breakfast and ate it while reading more e-mail and Facebook messages. I added to the grocery list.

Chris packed the cooler. I tried to check in with Great Clips, but the site wouldn't let me. Then we went to the post office. I picked up a package of music and locked the swap shop. Then we drove to Tooele listening to the book on CD. We shopped at Luckey's. I walked to Melanie's and talked to them (as well as shopped).

Then we went to Great Clips. There was a half hour wait list of people who were not there. Chris went to Macey's to shop. There were six people cutting hair but the line went slowly with people coming in right as their name came up. I did get in a little early. I had a nice chat with the man who cut my hair. Then I paid and walked back to the car. But it wasn't there. Chris had moved it. I walked back to Great Clips and found him in that column.

From there, we drove back to base listening to the book on CD. We stopped at the commissary for a few more things, then went home and put the food away. I spend hours on e-mail and such, then worked on my blog. Michelle texted to cancel game night because the computer wasn't cooperating and her husband wasn't home to address it.

I made tea and we watched part of one episode of Yellowstone. We didn't like it so he shut it off. He was mad because I hadn't looked it up to see if it had bad language and violence and nudity. It had all three. He went to bed and read a book. I stayed up to listen to ASMR videos, then went to bed too.

Friday, September 29, 2023



I got up after 8. I took methylene blue. I checked e-mail. I drank hydrogen water. I listened to something while pinning an old nightshirt to the inside of Chris' old suit to cover up the old lining. I watered the plants. I laid out in the sun and texted with Tonja.

After lunch and The Highwire, I made a gallon of bleach water and delivered it to the swap shop. I left the door unlocked. I watched a tapping video. When it ended, I drove to the Oktoberfest celebration.

I parked near the parking lot (which was full), and walked up to the building. I didn't see any activities. So I walked through the community club and out the other side. There! I walked up to Chris and we had a chat. Then I noticed the musical chairs competition. Michelle and the colonel were vying for a seat and he pushed her out. Then it was down to him and the CSM, and he won. (Or did the CSM let him win?)

We found a table to sit at. We listened to the German band: electric accordion, percussion, trumpet and alpine horn. We watched the stein-holding contest. Then I participated in the pretzel-eating contest. I didn't win, but I got three large pretzels for free. I ate about 2.5 by the time the guy next to me finished. Thankfully water was provided.

I stayed to talk to Brittany. When I turned around, Chris was participating in the chicken dance contest. I have no idea what criteria it was judged on. I sat and talked to Michelle until it was over. He didn't win.

They did a cow bell number which was impressive. Then they called up 11 people from the audience and gave each one a bell. The lead man (accordionist) pointed to each one when that note came up. That was fun.

I was quite full. The band played one more number, then closed down. I talked to the accordion player, and then to the alpine horn player. He let me play the horn. It was like playing a bugle: no keys, just running up and down the partials. The mouthpiece was smaller than I was used to. We had a nice chat and he gave me his number. Chris gave him a business card. Jamie came by to listen and I gave her money for mowing.

I collected the rest of my last pretzel and finished the water. I found a group of ladies to talk to. Chris joined in for a bit. Then we headed into the club so I could see Revonna. I got to talking to a bunch of people. But I was feeling really full and so I excused myself and we left. He took his car and I walked to the hotel to get mine. I met him at home.

I made tea and wrote part of my blog post. Then we watched one episode of Forever Knight. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish my blog post.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Yoga was not fun


I got up after 7:30, when sleep would not return. I prepared for coffee morning with coffee and exercises. I read outside for half an hour. I meditated and tapped. I started cleaning the bathrooms. I watered the outdoor plants and washed some gopher mounds down the holes.

Michelle came over to talk about visiting her new place of employment and the conversation she had with the manager. She talked as I cleaned the kitchen and washed dishes. Then I got dressed and we went to the gym to walk the track. She continued to talk about the job.

Then we split up and went home. I finished vacuuming and then took a shower. I read e-mail and watched a tapping video. Chris came home from work for a few minutes, then went to Mass.

I found some sewing-themed fabric and cut strips. I sewed them to the four sides of a piece of paper. Then I grabbed my yoga mat and blocks and went to the studio (in the post office). I pinned the sewing flyer to the paper with the fabric border and put it on the bulletin board.

I went inside the studio and used my 10-pass card to pay for myself and for Jenni. Since the class hadn't started yet, I asked the instructor what it would cost me to buy a class and invite anyone on base to come for free. She said she'd send me the info.

Then the class began. I thought we'd be moving more and there was still a lot of pose-holding. My back did not do well and I had to drop out for awhile. At the end, we laid down in corpse pose. I put my blocks under my thighs. She put essential oils on everyone's neck and shoulders. Later we sat up and the class was over. We rolled up our mats and put everything away.

I talked to Jenni in the hallway. After she left, I went into the swap shop to find a silky top to make into a new lining for Chris' jacket. There weren't any. I went home to find Chris was talking to Michele on the phone. They kept talking as I worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Forever Knight. We both got really sleepy. He went to bed, but I stayed up and read e-mail to get the images of vampires out of my mind. Then I went to bed, right around 11.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A productive day


I got up after 7:30, hoping to get some morning sleep. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail. I looked up how to use the Kaatsu device. Then I put on the arm bands and set it for 3 cycles. At times they felt too tight, So I put on the pulse oximeter to make sure the blood flow wasn't cut off. After that, I did 2 cycles with the leg bands. I wore them outside to water the plants, but they tended to fall off. So I guess those weren't tight enough. By request, I went and opened the swap shop.

There was a pair of pants on my sewing table so I put on an audio and listened while I opened up the back seam and pinned it for a smaller seam allowance. I paused the audio when I had to run to the machine. I stitched the belt loops back by hand.

I made and ate breakfast, forgoing any nuts or fruit. I had cheese squares and pickled zucchini. I looked for fabric with a sewing theme, but ran out of time. At 2 I went to Saronna's house, stopping on the way to lock the swap shop. We played music while her son napped. She copied a page from a book I had and we played a patriotic duet. We also played a jazzy version of When the Saints go Marching In.

Then I went by the library to make copies of other songs in the book. I also checked out some TV series for nightly watching. I had a nice chat with the librarians, then went home. I read e-mail and created an order for a set racquets and a can of balls.

That reminded me to go by the gym to buy a 10pass card for yoga. I asked if I could give Jenni one of them and she didn't know, said I had to ask the teacher. So I went home and looked her up on Facebook. I hoped to message her, but could only send a friend request.

I went back to e-mail and deleted several hundred of them. I found a tapping audio, a sequel to the one yesterday and tapped with that. I ate a can of soup for supper. I went outside to wash gopher mounds down their respective holes. No gophers came up to be stoned.

I worked on my daily blog post. I had drunk all the loose leaf tea I made at breakfast so I made more with a tea bag. We watched two episodes of Forever Knight, courtesy of Netflix. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to do something.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Learning to make flyers


I got up before 8, hearing Chris leave for work. Odd. I brushed and swished. I took supplements. I sat down at my laptop and searched for flyer templates for sewing. It was a grueling process since the site I went to would not let me do a landscape flyer so I had to add all the elements sideways. Then I downloaded it and sent it to Melissa at the library and asked her to print it for me.

I resumed listening to a podcast on Fletcher Prouty. I checked e-mail and deleted a lot of it. I watered the plants. CJ came by with two boxes of eggs. One was a regular dozen and the other was a set of 18 small eggs.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I laid out on the back porch for a bit. Chris left for work. I created a flyer for band, but it didn't have complete information. I posted it as an announcement for tonight on Facebook. I went to the library to pick up copies of the sewing class flyer. I asked for 3 and she made 4. I left one for the library, then went by the post office and put one up there.

Later I went to Michelle's house with two 18-egg cartons for her to freeze-dry. I let her know that CJ would let us keep and milk two goats next summer. Then we went walking. We talked about her new job and other stuff. Then I went home.

I put my smallest potatoes in the steamer and turned it on. I read e-mail and watched a tapping video. Chris came home from work. I ate steamed potatoes with ghee and salt for supper, thinking it would be easier to digest than raw vegetables.

I went to the chapel early and picked music – mostly band books. Saronna and her family came, but no one else. Her husband had his trumpet, but had forgotten the fingerings. We played from the beginning of the book until we hit The William Tell Overture. It was fun! Then we packed up and the young kids cleaned up their toys, but lost a binkie.

I turned off the lights and headed home. I saw Jessa's car at the post office, so I stopped in to talk, but she was giving a class. So I turned around and went home. Then I got a call from Saronna that her purse was still at the chapel. So I drove back there. Her husband was there with one of the girls, who then found the purse in the chapel yard. All is well that ends well.

I went home and worked on my blog. Then I heated tea and we watched the last two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read the latest e-mail.

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Eagle has Landed (sort of)


I woke up early, hearing Chris putter around, then come back and take his shower. So I got up and got dressed. I packed a large handbag with a book, a bottle of water, bag of local rocks, and my usual glasses etc. I chose a coat. Chris said Michelle was outside in her car with her kids. So we got in Chris' car and she followed us to Michael Army Airfield.

It was full of people. We found a place to park, then wended our way towards the tents. We stood outside the media tent for awhile, but it was cold. So we went inside the larger test where large screen TV's were set up around the edges, and there were lots of round tables. We lined up by the airfield side to watch the helicopters take off for the landing area. Then we watched the monitors for updates on the payload hurtling toward the earth. Finally one parachute deployed and then another, slowing it down enough to land safely in the sand. There was great rejoicing!

I texted Kurt, sending him pics of the landing and then the team coming out to examine the Osiris Rex payload. Finally they wrapped it up, then carried it near a helicopter and attached it. The copter took off and came back to MAAF. But it didn't land. Instead, it gently deposited the payload in a parkingl ot near the clean room. They picked it up and placed it on a car, then rolled it inside the garage-type door. Then they unwrapped it a little and cleaned the cart, and moved it to a cleaner room. Then it was removed from that cart and set on a cleaner one.

The party had broken up so the chaplain took me home. He went to prepare for the service, and I watered my plants, then tuned into the NASA channel to watch more. But there wasn't much more to see. So I read e-mail and made breakfast. I put cheese squares in my handbag.

At 12:50, I grabbed everything and went to the chapel. I met people going in and saw new people in the sanctuary. I set up my trombone, then greeted them. I spoke with Jenni and Rick. Then the service began. Pastor Chris ran the computer while Chaplain Sands did the sermon. We sang songs and he preached emphatically. There was prayer and I played a hymn at the end. Then we chatted in groups and ate cheese squares.

Finally the remaining 4 of us left. I went home and ate some fruit. Chris came home. We read e-mail for hours. I called Michelle and we agreed to meet at the gym at 6:30. I went to the company house to take the sheets from the dryer and fold them and put them away. Then I went by the apple and pear tree and picked some fruit. Then I went to the garden where I saw evidence of frost. Sigh. I picked my potatoes and some of Mauvet's garden.

I went home to change my shoes and afterward headed to the gym. Michelle let me in and we walked the track for quite some time. We investigated the men's sauna to see if it was better than the women's sauna. Yes. But what a pig pen the men's locker room was!

We discussed going to the club (which Chris had opened for the NASA people to party). But then just went home. I read e-mail for awhile, then worked on my blog. I called Chris a few times but he didn't answer. Finally I called his work phone. THEN he answered. He said he had helped to clean up and was leaving. So I finished my blog and he came home.

We watched one episode of Andromeda. I put away my laundry and then we dressed the bed in clean sheets. He went to bed but I stayed up to read e-mail.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Osiris Rex at Clark Planetarium


I got up after 8. I got ready for the day. Then I went to the company house to get the laundry started. While the towels washed, I made the beds with sheets from the closet. Then I went to the post office to unlock the swap shop. I talked to the clerk who had just opened up the postal desk. I mailed Tonja's meds. John came in and joined the conversation.

When the swap shopper left, I locked up and went back to the company house to clean the bathrooms, kitchen and floors. I got the second load in the washer. Then I went home, watered the plants, and took a shower. Chris took a shower while I tried on a bunch of tops, not sure what was appropriate.

He wanted to leave at 11, but we didn't get on the road till 11:30. We listened to the book on CD all the way to the planetarium in SLT. We parked under the Children's Museum and walked over. We found our way upstairs and signed in. Then we went into the IMAX and the presentation started a few minutes later.

It was all about OSIRIS Rex. (The E should be capitalized, but my software keeps changing it to lowercase). They explained what each letter was for, and how the program came to be, and about they chose the asteroid, accomplished the mission and now the payload will be dropped at 4:42am. It was very interesting. But we didn't get handouts.

Then there was a reception on the upper floor. Everyone got a drink ticket but I gave mine to Chris. I got a glass of water and walked around. Finally Chris caught up with me and we joined some scientists from a company. We had a very interesting conversation. Chris left to go to the bathroom and never came back. But Shannon joined me and listened as I asked questions. Then the scientists moved on. Shannon and I went through the food line, trying this and that. We talked to some ladies. Chris came back and she left. And finally we headed out too.

On the ground floor, he thanked the ladies at the NASA table and they had a conversation. Then we went back to the Children's Museum. I wanted to walk through the avenue there that was so nicely set up for people on foot, with seating areas, and a splash pad at the end. There were store fronts, but nothing in them :( Anyway, we walked down and came back, then went to the parking garage. Then I realized I had to go to the bathroom. So we went to the Children's Museum and asked. But they said I would have to pay admission to use their restroom. >$13! So we walked down the street again to the restroom sign but could not find a restroom there. So we kept going. Finally we did find one and all worked out well.

We went back to the garage, and Chris programmed the GPS and we came home, listening to the book on CD. I closed my eyes and might have drifted off during the trip. Then we got back to base before 6.

I changed my clothes and went back to the company house to put stuff in the dryer and fold towels and such. I talked to Michelle, then put on a suit and went to the pool. I talked to Jenni in the water, and later Michelle and her family joined us. It got dark and cool. I shivered as I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. They all left but I stayed to chat with the lifeguard. He told me he enjoyed having NASA scientists in the pool today.

I went home and put on dry clothes. I ate a can of olives. I worked on my blog, then whipped up cheese squares for tomorrow while my tea was heating. One of the eggs had two yolks, so I guess we'll be eating twins. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. He went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail. When I went to bed, I had a hard time getting to sleep, again.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The best game night ever


We got up around 8. I got dressed and found some mail in my handbag that I needed to give to Chris. I took the morning supplements. I looked outside and saw that it was 50 degrees. I took out the compost and decided to wait before watering. I read e-mail. Chris took a shower and went to the office. Then I went out to water.

I added items to the shopping list and filled a bottle with water for the trip. Chris came back from the office and packed the cooler. We hit the road and listened to the book on CD. We parked at the dentist office. He went inside and I walked to Melanie's. We chatted and I found something to buy. Then I walked to Joanns for wool. But they had nothing that was 100% wool, not even yarn.

I went to Luckey's and bought a few things, then walked back to the car. I put the food inside and got my book. I went into the dental office and sat to read. But in a few minutes Chris came out and we hit the road.

We stopped at the pharmacy for more of Tonja's meds. Then we drove back to base, listening to more of the book. We stopped at the commissary for a few more things, and then at the post office for packages and to lock the swap shop.

When we got home, we put the food away. I opened the packages. One was a fridge drawer, but it was cracked. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail and watched short newsy videos. I looked into the potato diet. I got Tonja's stuff ready to mail in the morning. Michelle texted to say I could come over any time. I looked up some hints for Myst III. Chris went to the star party. I worked on my blog.

At 8 I went to Michelle's house. I gave her a jar of pickled zucchini. We talked a bit then I started playing the game. Things went REALLY well. I read up on one puzzle and solved it pretty easily. But there were three more that I hadn't, but with trial and error, and process of elimination, I solved them all. What that that get me? A video of a very bitter guy spewing hate and anger.

So I linked back to the main world and found another tusk to break into, allowing me to link to a third world. It was almost 11 so I just wandered around a bit so I would know what hints to look for. Michelle went to bed early so Casey let me out and I headed home, but drove past the headquarters to see if anyone was still at the star party. There weren't any lights on, but then I realized that was because people still had their telescopes out. I went home. Chris was already in bed. I checked Facebook for a message from someone who wanted to visit the swap shop, then went to bed.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Clearing up clutter


I woke up early to use the bathroom then had trouble going back to sleep. I got up after 7. I brushed and swished. It was a cool rainy day, so I did not water outside. I rinsed the sprouts. I went through my cleaning envelopes to remove money and transfer the info onto the contracts so I wouldn't have to keep both. In one envelop, I found a key I forgot to turn in.

Two men came to fix the tub and the toilet. While they worked, I made up more spice mix. I put away all the loaner items and bedding. I put the empty tub in the garage. I put dirty burner bowls in a large metal bowl and covered them with ammonia and boiling water.

After they left, I went by Housing to return the key. Then I went home to make breakfast. I ate it while watching The Highwire. Chris came home for lunch. He pulled out the baking dish with roasted beef tongue in it. I had been enjoying the aroma all morning.

He went back to work. I finished watching and taking notes. I watched some other videos on Telegram. I went to the gym to walk with Michelle. During the walk, the chaplain called to see if I was available. So I said to meet in 15 minutes. We finished our walk. Then I went to the chapel to meet Mr. Sands. We walked around the building and talked about what we needed. I told him what I needed for sewing and band. I also suggested a math ministry – where students could drop in and get help with homework. He told me he wanted to change the narthex to look like an Italian bistro and coffee area.

When I got home, I called Michelle and then Jenni to get their opinions. I ate fruit and seed crackers. I listened to an interview and texted with Tonja. Chris came home with his weekly pizza. I looked up Christmas songs for bands and ordered 4 books. I worked on my blog, then made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Later, he went to bed, and I stayed up to listen to a podcast.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Yoga class


I got up around 7:30. The master bathroom toilet would not flush because the handle was broken, so I used the other bathroom. I texted Chris and he said he had submitted a work order so I should keep my phone with me in case they call.

I got coffee morning underway. I took MMS. I watered the indoor and outdoor plants. I read barefoot in the grass. I finished up meditation and tapping. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, and washed dishes.

I laid out in the sun for a while around noon. Then I took a shower and got dressed in loose clothing. A man came by to fix the internet speed. Chris arrived to handle that.

I read some e-mail, then went to the post office at 2. The new yoga room is across the hall. I was the only one who came and had one-on-one instruction. However, she liked to do her yoga with her eyes shut so she wasn't watching my form for each pose. Some poses were hard to hold. At the end, we did Savasanna, which is just laying on our backs. But it became painful to move after awhile. Then we wiped our mats and blocks with wipes and talked for some time.

I left around 3:30. The chaplain was there checking his mail and he talked about signing up for yoga. I picked up a box from and he carried it to my car for me. I went home and left it there for Chris to get.

I read e-mail and listened to interviews. Eventually Chris came home, dealing with an issue on post. He pointed out the itinerary he had sent me for the NASA Osiris-REx stuff this weekend. We have the opportunity to watch the recovery of the payload on a TV screen in ditto. Why it might take all morning, I don't know.

He made his supper and I wrote my blog post. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. He went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A quick cleaning and guild meeting


I got up at 8. I got dressed and brushed. I shucked the corn from yesterday and cooked it. I wondered if the tassels had seeds, but it turns out that they produce the pollen. Detasseling is a process of removing the tassels of one variety so it will be pollinated by another variety planted beside it.

I fixed Chris' shirt by fusing a patch on the back of the embroidered emblem. Then I read e-mail until the phone rang. It was Sgt King asking me to come to his final inspection in case he didn't pass and needed to sign it over to me so he could leave. I asked if I could come look at his house.

I went over there with cleaning stuff and clean burner bowls. He was with his dad and his cousin. I said it would be cheaper to pay me to help them clean. I showed them places that needed cleaning, then I put ammonia in the tubs and started on windows. They said they couldn't finish the lawn so I told them Jamie would do it for $50. We worked until almost 1. They paid me and I went home so the inspectors wouldn't expect so much. He called later to say the house had passed. I called Jamie to make sure she could do the mowing and she said yes.

I made and ate breakfast, then got my trombone and went to Saronna's house. We played a few tunes, but mostly talked. The whole transposition thing for Bb and Eb instruments is a pain. We had a good time.

Afterward, I stopped by the post office on the way home. I ate some fruit and some of the corn. I looked up Christmas songs in other keys. Then at 5, I signed into Zoom for the quilt guild meeting. When it was my turn to speak, they could not hear me. I tried to sign, but I don't know how, so it was sort of like signing in tongues. Ha!

Chris came home and made his supper. After the meeting, he talked to me. Then we discussed mending his suit, which has a worn out lining. He discovered that he'd also like me to let out the pants that go with it. Sigh.

Daylight was waning, so I went out to mow for as long as I could. When I came in, I finished up my blog post and submitted it. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. As usual, he went to bed and I stayed up to read.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Playing swing tunes


I got up around 8. I unplugged the lawn mower battery. It was not hot. I got dressed, then sat down to compose an announcement for band this evening. It got me reading other things online. I tried mending while listening to an interview, but the light wasn't good enough in the den. Eventually I pushed myself away from the computer and watered the outdoor plants. Then I went in my sewing room to finish letting out two pairs of pants.

He came home for lunch as I was ironing the new seams flat. Then I laid them on his bed. I laid out on the back porch for awhile since warm sunny days are coming to an end. Then I made breakfast and read e-mail while I ate. He went back to work.

It was after 2 when I started working on the jacket. I paused it to go to the library to return the book on CD and get the next one in the series. Brittany was filling in and she had trouble with the computer, so she wrote down the number for Melissa to enter when she got back.

I went home and ripped out a strip from a ripped pair of pants to use for mending the jacket. I ironed all its edges under, then started sewing it down by hand. I paused to go meet Michelle at the gym. I tried to sign up for yoga at the desk, but this was their first sign-up and things did not go well. So Michelle and I walked the upper track for over 30 minutes, talking. Then we came down and tried again. This time they were able to take my money. But at $20 a class, I may not be taking many classes.

Michelle left and I went home. I ate a pig's foot and read e-mail. Chris came home from work. I went to the garden to pull up the rest of the corn. I picked from Mauvet's garden too and brought home two cobs and some green tomatoes.

Then it was time for band. I put music and a trombone in the car and went to the chapel. I got there as the Clarks pulled up. Randy brought his sax, but needed to go off by himself and re-learn the fingerings. That was ok, so I passed out the parts to “It Don't Mean a Thing” and Saronna and Kelli played with me. It was so good! Then we played Christmas songs from the hymnal. As it got dark, the lighting became inadequate. So we packed up early.

When I got home, I ate some papaya and worked on my blog. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed later and I stayed up looking for an under-shelf fridge drawer that Michelle sent me a pic of, but hers was sold through Amazon.

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Inter-denominational Service


I got up before 8. It occurred to me that if I met the chaplain and asst at the chapel at 8:30, I could make sure Sgt King got his braided bread. I could also find the hymn numbers for the ones I chose. So I got up and dressed and went to the chapel.

I got there just after Sgt King. I carried in my trombone and started looking up the hymns. But one of them wasn't in the chapel hymnal so I had to pick another closing hymn. The chaplain came in and then Michelle did. We discussed moving tables to the back of the narthex. I decided to pass out hymnals and discovered that they were incredibly dusty. So I got some paper towels and wiped them as I placed them under chairs. Then as I wiped Bibles, the men placed them under chairs. We checked the restrooms to make sure they were clean and stocked. The others left while I dusted and scrubbed in the sanctuary.

I decided to go out and walk in as if I had never been there before and see how things looked. I got no further than the front door. All the windows were dirty and buggy and webby. I went home for a squeegee and watered my outdoor plants. Then I came back with a bucket and cloths and stepstool. I washed the windows and door frames inside and out. It looked good, but I wondered if anyone would notice.

At noon I went home to make and eat breakfast. Then I got dressed for church. Chris wasn't quite ready so I went by myself. When I got there, the parking lot was almost full. I have never seen that before. I went in and went up front to assemble my trombone. I sat there as Chris came in and we all got ready for the service. Most of the seats were filled.

So the chaplain spoke and the LDS bishop and president both spoke. Then Pastor Josh had his guitar and played two praise hymns. Pastor Chris gave his 5-minute sermon in about 20 minutes. Then our new chaplain gave his sermon. He became very impassioned and I worried for his blood pressure at times. Then Saronna and Sophia and I played our two hymns, which dovetailed perfectly with the sermons.

After the service, Michelle had food set up in the fellowship hall. I got my food from the fridge and added it to one of the tables. I went back to the main room to chat, then we all moved to the food line. Then I sat near Michelle to tell her what a good job she did. I also asked if she noticed the clean windows, and she said no but she heard someone say the place was really clean. I chatted with others as they went by. Finally as people left, we cleaned up the food and tablecloths. I licked some chocolate frosting from the empty cake plates. (I paid for that later).

So we all went home in our own car. Chris changed his clothes while I sprinkled cinnamon on the remaining frosting. I ate that and it helped with the headache. Then I changed my clothes, too.

I read e-mail for awhile and ate some of the small apples. Then I went to the pear tree and picked some from the ground and two from the tree. Most of the tree ones were still green.

When I got home, I mowed the side yard until the mower battery ran down. I plugged it in and put the mower away. Then I ate a pig's foot while listening to an interview on metabolic health.

Finally it was time to work on my blog (while eating sticks of jicama). I heated tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. I retired to my computer and Chris went to bed. When I noticed it was after 11, I went through my nightly routine and headed to bed.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cleaning and Sewing and Sauna


I got up after hearing the 8am alarm. I got dressed, did some picking up and putting away. I watered the indoor plants. I wrapped up the braided bread to take it to the chapel since there is no room in our fridge. I took two tablecloths and went to the company house. I started the sheets in the washer, then used the table to wipe the tablecloths clean. After that, I went to the garden to fix the leak and reset the timer to once a day. I watered with the hose, then pulled up all the corn stalks that didn't have ears. Some had really small ears, like baby corn, but even those were touched by rot. Huh.

I went by the chapel and found out that I didn't bring the bread. Sigh. I went home to jot notes for my blog and to look up the problem with corn. I found a recipe to spray. I read hints for Myst III, as far as I have gotten. I went back to the company house to throw the towels in the wash. I dropped off the bread and cheese squares and seed crackers at the chapel..When I got back, I watered the outdoor plants. Then I asked Chris for a massage. Later, while he took his shower, I laid out in the sun. When he was done, I took my shower, then made and ate breakfast.

I got my stuff ready and Chris put the sewing machine in my car. We rode together to the chapel and he helped me get all the stuff out of the closet, then he walked home. I went back to the company house to throw the towels in the dryer. Then back to the chapel. Wilhelm came in and I asked him to plug up the machines. He was happy to do it.

I helped him work on his fusible pumpkin and others followed. He pushed the pedal while I guided the needle around the outside edge of the pumpkin. I had him guide the fabric for sewing the inner curves and he did well enough. The others completed their projects and I took their pics. Isadora decided to make hers quilted. Without asking how, she just did it and it was mostly ok.

She and Saronna helped me pack up. I went home to rehydrate and eat some papaya while listening to a podcast. Then I went to the company house to dress the bed and clean. Michelle went to the chapel after I left in order to dress the tables and decorate and drop off food for tomorrow. She found mice poop and started texted me and others about it. I said I could be there in half an hour to help, but they decided to meet at 8:30 tomorrow to move the tables to the back of the narthex. Sigh. I finished cleaning and called her thinking we can handle this on our own, but she wanted to get the chaplain and his asst to help, so ok.

I went home and called Jenni to meet me at the pool. Then I jotted notes for my blog. I changed into my suit and took the big clock. When I got there, I took the clock into the pool area and made sure the battery was all the way in. But once I got in the pool and swam around, I could tell the hands were not moving. Sigh.

Jenni was there and we did some aerobics together. I got out at 6:45 to turn on the sauna. We swam for another half hour, then went to the sauna. But it was only 100 degrees. So we sat and talked for 35 minutes, at which point it was 130, but neither of us was sweating. So we went home. I changed into dry clothes and ate a pickled pigs foot. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched one episode of Andromeda, then listened to the rest of the book on CD, which wasn't too long. I put it with my purse to return on Monday.

We dressed the bed with clean sheets, then he went to bed while I stayed up to do something. It was after 11 when I came to bed.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Braided bread


I slept in until after 9. I got up and got dressed. I watered the plants outside. I checked out some hints for Myst III. I read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I added to the grocery list, then we packed the cooler and headed to the post office. I went in and got the mail and some packages. Then we went to Tooele, listening to the book on CD. I did not fall asleep this time.

We stopped at the Mexican store for pigs feet. We also got an aloe leaf and a papaya. $40! Then we went to Luckeys for some groceries. I went to Melanie's and had a nice chat with Sophia about farmer's markets. She said Amish markets are the best because she loved their braided bread.

Then we went to Macey's. Chris hit a couple places looking for an inflation machine for the riding lawn mower tire. Then we went back to base, and to the commissary for a few last things. When we got home, we put away the groceries. I read e-mail and Telegram messages. Then I started making bread for Sgt King since Sunday is his last day. I put it in the oven to rise and it didn't seem to. So I started another bowl of yeast and water and sugar. While it rose, I went to the garden to disperse coffee grounds. I tried the irrigation system and it was leaking badly. So I watered by hose and turned off the timer. One corn stalk looked dead, so I rescued the ear on it. It was small and partly eaten. So I grabbed a bunch more. None were good looking. I went by Mauvet's garden and picked an ear and a tomato. When she moved, she said people could pick her garden.

I went home. The bread HAD risen so I beat it down again in the bread machine, then rolled it into ropes and braided it. I cut the bad spots from the corn and put them in water to boil. Then, since I had yeasty water, I threw some flour in it and made some dough. I added that to the same cookie sheet with the braid.

When the oven was hot, I threw them in to bake, not sure how long it would take. I finished listening to an interview with Dr. Jane Ruby. It was about the covid ward of a hospital in NY, and how the ward was being run and funded by the Dept of Defense. People were being treated for covid, but nothing else, not dehydration, blood pressure, etc. Her guest had to get her mother out of there to recover.

I worked on my blog. I filled a bottle with the last of the tea. I took the big water container and went to Michelle's house. I gave her one of the small corn cobs. Her husband had the game up on the TV. She and I talked and then I started to play. He went to bed early because he is going on a long hike tomorrow. While I played, she cut out baby burp cloths from flannel. We finished at the same time. Then we chatted a bit more and I went home.

Chris was in bed reading. I got ready for bed and hit the hay.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Cheese squares and seed crackers for Sunday


I got up at 7:30. It was too cold to go outside, so I stayed in and made seed crackers and cheese squares. Then I went out to water the plants and wash down gopher mounds. I also called the bank to set up Zelle. It was not simple. I had to go online to set it up and it kept timing out on me while I tried to read the terms and agreements. Basically it says no matter what goes wrong, or how much fault they are at, you have no recourse against them.

I trimmed off the crunchy edges of the cheese and ate it. I cut the rest into 2” squares. Then I beat the coconut on the porch until it cracked open and ate the meat inside. Then I put on another interview and went to my sewing room to get the pair of pants that Chris wanted let out. But now, there were TWO pairs of pants. Sigh.

I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. I also ripped the back seam out of both pairs of pants. I looked up fusible applique to come up with a project for Saturday - something easy enough for kids to do. I decided on a pumpkin. I couldn't find the right pic so I had to sew up a sample. Then I posted the class to Facebook.

I went to the library to return a book. Melissa was outside talking to someone. She told me to go ahead into the library, but then a guy came over and told me that the toys had been moved from the yoga room. And then an older gentleman came out and we had a lovely chat for some time. Melissa left and came back and left again. After he left, I went in and found a new book, #6. She and I talked about #5, and using the ACS room for gaming purposes.

I went home for supper. I ate a pig foot while talking to Jenni who was at the swap shop. Chris came home with a pizza. I hung up and told him about my earlier conversations. Then I picked a salad from my tower garden and ate that while listening to an interview.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Andromeda. He went to bed while I read e-mail and parsed supplements for the next week.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The last of the keys


I woke up hearing Chris in the shower. I waited until he went to work, then got up to start coffee morning. I also started taking MMS every hour. After all the usual coffee morning elements, I started cleaning the bathrooms. When I realized that Phantom of the Opera was playing, I turned my attention to the kitchen so I could sing along.

I laid outside in the sun for a bit, then took my shower. I got dressed and went to an inspection. It went well except for the microwave, but I cleaned it while she inspected the rest of the apartment.

I went by Housing to turn in the keys. Then I wen t home to finish cleaning. I met Michelle at Self-Help where we each got a jar of touch-up paint. I went home to take the last dose of MMS but wasn't feeling so good so I skipped it. I went to the gym and we did a weighted workout.

When I got home, I took some activated charcoal and read outside. When I finished the book, I laid down. I got up around 6 and started eating frozen watermelon and reading e-mail. Chris came home after Mass and buying a cake for Sgt King's going-away party.

It was after 8 when I started working on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. He went to bed and I stayed up listening to an interview.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

All of the loaner stuff comes back


I got up before 8. I got ready for the day. I called my bank but had to leave a message. Then I went out to water and fertilize the plants. This is t he last stretch before the first frost so....

I spent all morning cutting up a huge zucchini to make zucchini relish, pickles and soup. Then I made and ate breakfast. Chris gave me a key to a house where our loaned bedding was. Around 12:45 I went to the first apartment for inspection. They passed it quickly.

I went home to finish the soup. I called Michelle to meet me at the second apartment. We went through it to make sure it was ready for inspection tomorrow. Then we went to my house to pick up the key to the house. I also put out egg boxes for CJ. Finally we went to 629B to get the bedding and shower curtain. It had nice loaner furniture in it so I called Chris to find out if it was being kept for visitors. But I think the answer was no.

I went home to change my shoes, bring in the eggs, and then stopped by the post office. Then I went to the gym where Michelle and I walked the track for half an hour. Then she got a call and I went to the library. I talked to Melissa. She told me that Mr. Luna knew where the rest of the loaner stuff was.

So I went to the Community club to see him. He said Gary knew, who was over by the library. So I went back to the library building. I found Gary and he said he would drop it off at the swap shop at 5:15. So I went home for a while, then to the swap shop. The stuff was already sitting there. I went through it all to sort out what was my personal stuff. Some of it was unknown to me. And it was damp.

I called Chris for help carrying it, but he was busy so I called Michelle. She came over and helped me move the stuff to my trunk. She showed me a pic of the chapel, looking better than ever. Then I went to the Community Club for the community meeting. I saw Tiffany there and talked to her and her husband. Then I joined those gathered for the meeting.

There was generalized chatting until Chris came back with his food. Then Charity went through old business and new business, so to speak. We discussed activities well into December.

After the meeting, some people went to the volleyball game already in progress. Chris and I went home. I ate a pickled pigs foot, and worked on my blog. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda, beginning season 5.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

No one for band practice


I got up around 8. I pressed the shorts that I finished yesterday, and noticed that Chris had dropped another pair of pants on my sewing table. I auditioned boxes for Tonja's meds. I ended up using a flat rate box. I got dressed and went to the post office to mail it, but they weren't open yet.

I watered the outdoor plants, then I went back to the post office. I mailed her package and picked up so many parcels that the postmaster helped me carry them to my car. Then I went to check on one of the apartments. I found some things to scrub, some of which got better and some didn't. I went to the 'hotel' to meet Jamie. We cleaned together and finished early. We talked about dividing up the money for the last two houses. She promised to come by later. I went to the commissary to get avocado dip. When I got home, Chris was there. I asked him to cut up the jicama. After eating breakfast, I ate jicama sticks with avocado dip.

I read e-mail for a bit, then went outside to mow the back yard. Still no Jamie. Michelle texted about walking. So I headed her way, stopping at Housing to make appointments for having the apartments inspected. She and I walked around the track of the gym for half an hour or so, then I had to go open the swap shop for someone who wanted some figurines for a work project.

When I got home, I ate some fruit. Then I went outside to mow on the side of the house. Jamie's son came by to drop off the money she had from Venmo. I quit mowing before 6. I ate a pickled pig's foot. Mary called and I talked to her until time for band practice.

I took my trombone and some of the patriotic music I bought. I set up in the chapel and waited. I called Chris to see of anyone responded to the posts that I made announcing it this afternoon. Nope. Then I got a text from Dylan's mom saying he wasn't interested in band anymore. Michelle came over and we walked around the block. She was back on her emotional rollercoaster.

It was after 8 when I got home. Chris texted me an promo that the colonel texted him. I downloaded it from my phone and posted it to the Facebook pages. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up to read e-mail.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Finally, the oxygen machine is gone


I got up after 8. I got dressed and watered the plants and flattened gopher mounds. I watered the inside plants as well. Then I sprayed fertilizer on the plants. I finished parsing supplements. Then I listened to interviews from the menopause summit while playing Solitaire. I took notes. But some doctors contradicted the advice of others.

I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church. I put seed crackers in a container and took my trombone to the chapel. I was the first one there, so I unlocked the door and went in. I set up my trombone, then went to a back room to look at band music.

The new chaplain walked in and while we were talking, more people came, including the visiting pastor. When we were all seated, the visiting pastor said a prayer and jumped into his sermon on Revelation, partly about the rapture and partly about the 7 years of tribulation.

Afterward, Saronna and I played two hymns and the service ended. We all stood around talking. Then the chaplain offered to carry out my trombone. Jenny followed me home and I brought out the oxygen machine which she had offered to take back to the hospital.

I read e-mail and ate fruit. Chris finished his afternoon game. I worked on my modified shorts. I brought the handwork part to my computer to do as we discussed the evening game. Then when we took a break, I went to my machine and finished them up. I tried them on and they fit.

In the game, we fought with the giant spider to find the little girl. Then we found her body and treasures. We took her body back to her people. They were saddened, and asked us to travel with them the rest of the way. So we did. When we got to the city, we turned in the professors books, then went to the judge who read the professor's will and gave us each gold pieces. Then she asked us to help investigate the case against a creature being charged with crimes and sentenced to burn.

After the game, I worked on my blog. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. We both sat at our laptops for awhile, then he went to bed. But he stayed up reading until I came to bed.

* My updated shorts *

Sunday, September 10, 2023

MMMM, pickled pigs feet


I got up around 8. I made a list of stuff I planned to to today. I watered the outdoor plants and trimmed the tomatoes. I looked for videos on pruning tomatoes, then all of a sudden it was 9. I went to the company house to start the laundry. Only one bed was stripped so I got the sheets in the washer.

When I got home, I looked at Myst III hints and read e-mail until 10:30. I went back to the company house to put the towels and bath mats in the washer. I asked Chris for a massage. Afterward, we both took showers and got dressed. I laid out in the sun for a few minutes. Then I went to the company house to put the towels and bathmats in the dryer and make the bed.

I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I texted people. I went back to the company house to clean the kitchen and bathrooms and sweep the floors. That took an hour. I went home and Chris gave me keys that Michelle dropped off. So I went to those apartments to make a list of what still needed to be done.

When I got back, it was overcast. Chris was folding laundry. I took out the side seams in my shorts and auditioned fabric strips to make them more comfortable. I hate to say how wide the strips needed to be.

Then Jenni texted to say she was going to the pool. So I quit and put on my bathing suit. I met her at the pool. It was warm enough so we went in and did water aerobics, then just swam around and talked. Then the Harwells came. The dad and kids jumped in and played around. The dad said he could make a flyer image for the interfaith service next week.

When my hour was up, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I sat and talked with Shannon. Jenni came over, too. When the pool closed, she and I went inside to the sauna, but it wasn't hot because someone had turned it off. Odd, because no one was there.

I went home and changed clothes. I ate one of the pickled pigs feet. It was so good! Then I sat down to write my blog. Afterward, I made tea and we watched one episode of Andromeda. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up till 11. He was still reading in bed when I came in to do my bedtime stretches. Then I hit the lights and we went to sleep.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Mexican market


I got up after 8. I mended his pants and jackets. He said he didn't care what fabric I used. Hmmm... puppies on pink? I looked for meme pics to go with that. Then I watered the plants and annoyed the gophers.

I made and ate breakfast, and laid out in the sun. I ate some pistachios. Chris came back from the office, ready to go. I added to the grocery list. He packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's, then Melanie's. Then I went to Joanns. I got some lining fabric for Chris' suit jacket and some sewing needles. I also found fabric on sale. It took a long time to check out. The buy 3 get two free, did not reflect well on the receipt. I think I'll call the main office and file a complaint.

Then we went to Macey's, and stopped at the main pharmacy for the rest of Tonja's meds. Afterward we tried to go to the thrift store, but they closed at 5 so I just ran through the store and we left. Chris parked at the county building and used the restroom (once he found it). I found a dark room with chairs so I sat and palmed for awhile.

When he was done, we walked to the Mexican market. We looked around. They had a red pickle in a bag, frozen beef tongue, and brined pig's feet. There were other things too, but that's what I wanted. So then we walked our purchases back to the car, put them in the cooler and retraced our steps.

Past the store, was a Mexican restaurant. We went in and got a table for 6. We perused the menu until the Colonel and his family arrived. They sat down and we chatted and ordered. I got ceviche, which was like pico di gallo with shrimp. It was very good.

After we ate and talked for awhile, we paid and left. Chris and I drove back to base listening to the book on CD. I nearly fell asleep again. When we got to the main gate, we were selected as the random car to search. So we had to open everything and stand to the side while they inspected the inside and underside of the car. I wished it were cleaner.

When we got home, we put the food away. I wrote my blog and got ready for game night. Surprisingly, Chris went, and got there before I did. He talked to Michelle about an interview she did, then he left. Casey had the game on the TV. I played and Michelle tried to help me with the sewing meme's. She picked photos of the Grinch.

Around 10:40 the game froze. I had already done everything I knew to do, so I just saved the game, or tried to. Casey did it from his laptop. Then I went home. Chris was still up. But soon he went to bed and I stayed up to look up the last thing I did on Myst III.

* Who would buy smart clothing? *

Friday, September 8, 2023



I got up soon after Chris left. I got ready for the day. I turned on my phone. There was a link to download the Paylocity app. I had to turn on the internet and my phone's wifi in order to do it. I signed in, but didn't know what to do from there, so I signed out. I watered the outdoor plants and sprayed fertilizer on them. When I tried to turn on the hose, the water wouldn't come. Michelle was the last to use it so I called her and she came over. She did what I did, and the water came on. So strange. We talked and she left. I vacuumed the hall and bedroom, finishing my Wednesday tasks.

Just before 10, I went to the barracks known to some as a hotel. I tried to sign in on the Paylocity app, but it didn't work. Tara showed me around and told me what they do in each room; what gets laundered and when. Her supervisor came over and we talked briefly. I helped strip beds and do laundry.

At noon I went home. I made and ate breakfast while watching The Highwire. I read e-mail and listened to some health interviews.

I mended three pairs of Chris' suit pants. I was working on a 4th when the setting sun came through the window into my face and I couldn't see well enough to continue.

I went to the garden and sprayed fertilizer. Mauvet had posted that anyone could pick the garden she left behind, so I fertilized hers too and picked a zucchini. A really big one.

When I got home, I ate a pickled egg and hardboiled 18 small ones. I picked greens and made a salad. Chris came back late. I did my blog, then made tea. We only had time to watch one episode of Andromeda. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail and peel eggs.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Filling out forms for a job I don't really want


I got up before 7 because my back hurt. We were in each others way so I waited for him to leave, then got ready for coffee morning. I brushed and swished. I sat with the Chillow. I did most of my special exercises and some drybrushing. Then I meditated and tapped. Now and then I checked my phone and there were people who wanted me to call them back.

Phantom of the Opera came up before I finished. So I washed dishes before cleaning the bathrooms just so I could sing along. I also went out to water the plants. Then Chris came home for lunch. Finally I made the phone calls. They promised to send me forms to sign.

I started mopping the hallway and Michelle came over to clean the carpet shampooer. Then she wanted to talk. Finally I said it was time to take the last dose of MMS, so she left, after trading dirty burner bowls for clean ones. But just after I took it, she called to say she was eligible for an interview. We made plans to meet at 3:30 for walking and workout.

The document was in my e-mail so I read through it and signed. Then a company e-mail took me to other documents to sign. I worked on that until 3:30, then went to the gym to meet Michelle. She was late so I went into the weight room and got started. She joined me later and used other machines until I finished, then we did the other weight room, and then we walked the track.

Leaving the gym, we passed the crab apple tree. I wondered if they were any less tart now and she picked one for me and I ate it, then remembered that today is Wednesday and I don't eat on Wednesdays. Sigh.

I went home and looked at the forms again. I got them all done except for the withholding form. There was no way to skip it. Considering how little I would make, I don't see why it is necessary. And I didn't want to file it without Chris' approval.

A company I ordered from yesterday said my bank wouldn't process tie payment because the address didn't match. So I called BoA and they had both of my addresses. I deleted the order and re-did it with the post office address.

Chris came home for a few minutes before going to Mass at the chapel. I listened to a podcast while playing Solitaire. Chris came back and was looking for his shoe shine kit. We looked everywhere and I finally found it by reaching into his bag. Then we discussed the withholding forms and got that squared away.

I continued listening until 8 ish. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up a little later.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The lost key


I got up around 7:30. I got ready for the day. I called Housing to make an appt for inspection. She gave me 9:30. So at 8:30 I went up on the hill to gather my cleaning stuff. But I found things to clean, like the window tracks which get watered by the sprinklers every day. I also scrubbed the basins with baking soda. Then I worked on walls in the garage until the inspectors showed up. I explained to Collie how things were. Then Connie came with the paperwork and I explained to her as well. It was decided to get the hoses out so I carried off the unattached ones. I went by Housing to turn in the key, but I couldn't find it. So I went home and scoured my car. Then I took things out and vacuumed. After an hour, I finally found it in the folds of my bleach smock. I turned in the key and went home to finish vacuuming.

Then, as I started watering, my phone rang. I was afraid it was someone wanting their house cleaned, but it was a repair man wanting to fix the sink sprayer. So I told him to come over. He did, and had trouble replacing the head, but eventually found the right part and now it works.

I finished watering and annoying gophers. I made and ate breakfast, sitting outside. I read e-mail for awhile. Then at 2, I went to Saronna's house to play. Her older daughter was home sick so we got a late start. We sight-read a few hymns, and talked about other pieces. Then her alarm rang to pick up the kids from school.

I went home. I ordered toys for Halloween. Jamie sent me her hours and I figured out how much we each get. I whipped up seed crackers. I listened to interviews while rinsing the sprouts and getting the gunk out. Chris came home from work. I scooped out the insides of a watermelon and put them in two gallon bags to freeze. Then I cut up the rind and put it in the compost.

I picked greens from the tower garden and made a salad. I used the dressing that Chris made. After eating, I worked on my blog post. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to make an order.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Pool party


I got up before 8. I looked outside and it was 55 degrees and had rained. I decided the plants didn't need more water. So, I got dressed and took supplements. Then I went up to the CSM's house to clean.

First I scrubbed the burner grates, again. Still not clean. Then I washed doors and spots on walls. I vacuumed up dead bugs. Well, not so dead, because when I emptied the dust cup, the bugs started moving. I put that bag in the garage. As I was finishing up the walls, Jamie arrived with her son. He cleaned baseboards while she cleaned tubs and toilets.

After 3.5 hours, I went home. I helped Chris carry chicken to his car. Then we went by his office for plates, and plasticware etc. We took it all to the pool. We set up the tables that Jamie left from the last pool party, covered them with tablecloths, and set the food on top. Other people came and placed their foods, too. Roy brought his grill and cooked several flavors of chicken wings. We also had fruit, cookies, cupcakes, potato salad, wraps, and lots of chips. Chris brought beer and hard cider and water. Other people brought soft drinks. I tried the hard cider and it made me feel weird.

The water temp (82) was higher than the air temp. So only a few kids braved the pool. But 2 hours later, the sun came out. I was not in my suit, so I just sat and talked with people. At 4 I went to get Chris and told him I was ready to go. Charity helped us grab our stuff and we went home. I posted about band practice, then read e-mail and listened to Telegram videos. Jamie said she finished the house and put my stuff in the laundry room. Yea! At 7 I went to the chapel for band practice. Saronna and Sophia and Dylan came. We played patriotic songs from the end of the hymnal. Then I pulled out some band stuff, but it didn't go so well.

When I got home, I wrote up my blog post and jotted down my cleaning hours. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed after that, but I stayed up to work on e-mail.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Picking pears


I got up after 7. I read e-mail for a while, and compared prices of supplements on several sites. I finally got an order together and the electricity went out. I asked Chris for a massage, but he wanted to be alert for the power coming back on. I watered the outdoor plants. Then I went to my mending pile. I tried to reinforce a metal clip in his pants with the sewing machine, running the handwheel. But it still bent the needle. Then the power came back on, but not the internet. I took several pairs outside to open the back seam so I could let them out. Chris let me know when the internet was back up and I tried again to place my order.

I placed an order then compared more prices and ordered again from another company, saving 25% off the first order. Wow! Then we put an old sheet over the bed and Chris gave me a massage. We took our showers. I wanted to repair the old sheet, but the needle was bent. Argh! I searched high and low for my repository of needles. What bothered me most was that I could not remember what kind of container it was in: bag? Box? Bin? I found a single pack and replaced the needle, but by then Chris had tossed the sheet in the wash.

I went back to the internet and the power went out again. Not for long, but it took the internet down, too, which takes a while to regroup. I made and ate breakfast. I headed to the bedroom to get dressed. The power went out again, so I reached into my closet and wore the first dress I grabbed. Then I collected my cheese snack and trombone and drove to the chapel.

Sgt King was there and others came in, including the new chaplain. But they were here to see how things work. So we waited for Pastor Chris, who got stopped at the gate and got searched. Saronna, Sophia, and I played a hymn suggested by the new chaplain. Then Pastor Chris talked about chapter 4 of Revelation. Afterward, the three of us played another hymn suggested by Jenni. Then we all chatted in groups and had snack. It went long. I went home and changed clothes. I ate some fruit. I read e-mail and played Solitaire. There was no family game because … just because I guess. I ate the leftover fish for supper and a pickled egg.

I texted Michelle about picking apples and she agreed. So I met her at the apple tree. She had her husband and a ladder. But just then it started to rain, so we went to her house to wait it out. She packaged some powdered eggs for me. Then we went back. We started with the pear tree. I was content picking off the ground but she wanted the higher up ones. Casey moved the ladder for her. Then we went to the apple tree. It was loaded with small apples. Again, she picked from the ladder and I picked from the ground. She gave me all of them.

Finally it got dark and we parted ways. I brought the fruit and eggs inside. I worked on my blog and then we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Afterward, we made up the bed with clean sheets. He went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Lizard learns to sew


I got up at 8. I got dressed and went out to water the plants. I also used the spray fertilizer. Then I carried in what was in the front seat of the car. I went to the company house to get the sheets started. I threw in the duvet cover as well. I may regret that when I have to put it back on.

Then I went to the garden. It was extremely weedy. I fixed the irrigation system and sprayed my corn and potatoes. I also did Christina's garden. And I went home to jot notes for my blog. I also submitted an invoice to the company for cleaning last month.

We went to the swap shop to move the shelving. I moved boxes that someone had put there, When Gary and his sons arrived, they moved the shelving unit to the back wall. They also moved the circular shelving. Saronna and her family came in. Then they brought in the boxes from the other room. Chris got frustrated because he wanted me to organize the place before bringing in the boxes, but I didn't know how.

We went home. I went by the company house to throw the sheets in the dryer and put the next load in. Then I worked on making a sample sewing project. I collected strips to add to the pile. Then I made and ate breakfast. Chris helped me load stuff in the car. We moved it into the chapel. I went to the company house and the stuff in the dryer was wet, so I turned it on again.

I went back to the chapel and set up for sewing class. I hooked up the machines and got out the materials. Moira was first to come, but then she headed to the play room. Her family came, as well as Jenni and Isadora (with her dog). I showed them the sample apron and the alternate way to cut it. They all started cutting. Wilhelm brought his own scissors which were not big enough to cut through the seams. So he brought the jeans to me as he got to each seam.

I helped them sew on the bottom hem and make the sash. Wilhelm's edge was cut so badly that I had to finagle the bottom band to cover that space. I sewed while he sat in my lap and pushed the pedal and lifted the pressure foot. Frustratingly, he had a gelly lizard with him who 'had' to sit on the machine and watch.

Everyone finished and went home, except Jenni. She was moving from one machine to another for various reasons. But once she had my undivided attention, she was able to finish her project. Then she helped me pack up and put stuff in my car. She also helped me bring in the stack of band music and put it in a storage room.

On the way home, I checked the company house and threw towels in the dryer. At home, I read e-mail, and ate some fruit. Then I went back and cleaned that house and put the cover back on the duvet (took 20 minutes).

I went home and quickly changed into my bathing suit. I took the clock and went to the pool. Gene was there, talking to the lifeguard from the water. I got in and found it was COLD! Apparently the power blips knocked out the boiler. Gene left and I swam laps while talking to the lifeguard. The clock did not advance at all. At 7:45, it was getting dark and the pool closed, so I went home. I took a hot shower and put away the laundry that Chris had folded.

I ate some fish for supper. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched Andromeda. Then he went to bed while I stayed to to catch up.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

New game - Myst III


I got up around 8. I got dressed and watered the plants outside. I made up supplements for the week. I called my bank and had to leave a message. No one called me back. I took my phone and went up the hill to clean. T47 called on the way so I had to pull over and take the call. Then I completed my trip.

I parked outside and went in the garage. Usually I leave the garage open, but the wind was just too strong. I closed the door so I could remove and clean the pieces of the garage fridge. I also scrubbed burner bowls. Again, I had to field a call from a T47 rep. They want me to sign up to be an on-call person.

90 minutes later, I went home and made breakfast. I added a few things to the grocery list. Then Chris packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at Macey's, then Melanie's. I gave them the banking numbers that they needed to make payments to First Bank of Fern. I also bought some berberine. Then I went to Cal Ranch for a watering can, but they had been put away for the season. I called Tonja to talk about the meds she needed picked up. Then we went to Macey's. On the way back, we stopped at the pharmacy and picked up a bagful of meds. Wow!

We listened to the book on CD on the way back. I nearly fell asleep. We stopped at the commissary for a few last things. Then we went home to unpack the car. I threw the receipts in with Tonja's stuff to mail to her. Then Chris put fish in the oven to bake. I jotted notes for my blog. Chris cooked fish for supper. I picked greens for a salad. I read e-mail and played Solitaire. I read about the AQS online quilt show with entries from many states and countries. There were none from Utah so I entered some of mine.

I posted to my blog for yesterday. Then it was game night. I took the water container and a bottle of tea and went to Michelle's house. Her husband had queued up Myst III. I had no idea what I was in for, but it went well enough. I had to get used to the new way the screen moved. And I had to sit a lot closer to the screen. Although the movement made my eyes hurt a little, I actually got a lot done. Possibly because from experience playing Myst and Riven. (hint: if you see a lever, push it). By 11pm, I had figured out that all the 3-way telescopes had to be lined up from one to the other with the colored bulb on top of each one showing the order.

I saved the game and shut it down. Casey had already carried the water out to my car and the stock pot that Michelle had borrowed earlier. She had boiled a turkey carcass and she gave me a jar of broth. I thanked them and drove home. Chris was still up. I went to bed and he followed.