Friday, November 3, 2017

The Sacred Plant

I stayed in bed, listening to brainwave entrainment, and then setting some intentions for the day.
I got up about 9. I drank water and deleted a round of e-mail. I put on the first episode of The Sacred Plant. My massage therapist called to ask if I could come at 1:30 instead of 4:30. A very good change for Friday traffic.
While I sewed borders on the red and blue project, I listened to the episode. I learned that marijuana was classified as a schedule one drug back in the 30's.. Schedule one is reserved for drugs with no medicinal use. But the federal government has a patent on the medicinal uses of marijuana. At the time, the AMA protested the criminalization of marijuana because it was their most effective treatment for so many conditions.
I finished the blue and red quilt top and spread it out to take its picture.
I washed up and went to my massage. I had no problem with traffic so I arrived early. I sat in the car and read a book for 10 minutes. When she was ready, we went into the massage room to changed the sheets. She left while I undressed and got on the table. Then she came back. She massaged from the hip flexors to my head. Then I rolled over and she did my jaws and neck.
When I was dressed again, we did some psoas stretches. Then we set up the next appointment and I paid her.
I came home by way of the post office. Envelopes but no packages. When I got home, I put away the fabric lying around from several projects. I ate some chicken and seed crackers.
I started watching the first episode of Betrayal, which addresses autoimmune conditions. I paused it to take a walk around the circle – about 20 minutes. Then I resumed the episode, but it kept stalling. I had to reboot my laptop to get it straightened out.
I worked on the Modern Quilt Guild project. It was a round robin kind of thing where you get a partially finished project and a stack of fabric and you complete more of the project in any way you choose, but do not finish it. The idea is to pass it on to the next person. I created a block of twister pieces and then put corners on it to get it up to size with the one that came in the project.
I made and ate a salad. While watching episode 2 of The Sacred Plant, I peeled and ate a pomegranate. I learned that cannabinoids are one of the most important substances in the brain. Many cells have a cannabinoid receptor, particularly in the nervous system, but other organs as well. A runner's high may well be due to an endocannabinoid: internally produced cannabis. Tylenol has an endocannabinoid-mediated mechanism.
When the episode was over, I posted to my blog, intending to watch an episode of The A-Team because it puts me to sleep.

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