Wednesday, September 30, 2020


I had trouble staying asleep due to the hot flashes. Or are they night sweats? I heard my phone alarm ring right after Chris left, so he must have been running late. I got up about 8. The house was warm even though outdoors it went down to 37. So he must have turned the heat on. That made it much easier for me to get out of bed.
I took the first supplement and brushed and swished. I mopped spots off the floor in the kitchen. I read the back of the Portal box. It has a smart camera that can follow you around the room. And with Smart Sound, it enhances the voice of the person talking and decreases background noise. It is also voice-activated. Kind of like Alexa. Facebook is a corporate sponsor of Blue Star families, who is distributing these Portals to military bases for free. There were videos online of people saying they thought the devices were spying. Why do I sense a security issue here?
I turned on the router. I read e-mail, looked into products recommended, and one recipe for no-bake keto cookies.
breakfast, Chris came home for lunch. When I finished breakfast, I worked outside on gopher mounds. There were two. I used moldy cabbage on one and put a rock on top of the one that keeps coming back. I think the other one just got coffee grounds or squash skin.
I watched a video about surveillance capitalism. It means the tech giants collect data about us and use it to predict what we'll do next. They can sell that prediction to retailers, or use it to influence behavior. Pokemon Go was really about getting people to walk by business extablishments.
I whipped up seed crackers, and put them in the oven. Then I laid on the recliner and meditated to Holosync for an hour. I might have fallen asleep for a short time. When it was over, I was ready for supper. I had nuts, beef, kimchi, a tomato, a carrot, seed cracker with guacamole on it.
I started watching a tumbleweed video that Chris sent me a link to. Then Chris came home from work. He put the battery in the mower and I mowed the rest of the lawn. I had to keep stopping to pluck the dandelion stems that bent over and did not get cut down. Afterward, he put the mower away, and I took a survey for Blue Star Familes. It was long and boring. Then I made my magnesium drink whie he downloaded pics from his phone and sent them to family.
We watched the last few episodes of The Good Place, season 4. Everyone dispersed, so I guess there will not be a season 5. I brushed my teeth and posted to my blog (while wearing these annoying blue-blocking glasses).
* This is from our walk on Sunday. *

Monday, September 28, 2020

One smart gopher

Early in the morning, but after Chris left, I was thinking about the missing receipt folder and the day we left Tooele Army Depot to move in here. I remembered that we hid my sewing machine and purse in the electrical room to be sure it didn't get lost or in the way when the movers came. So maybe the folder was in there too? I got my phone from the head of the bed, turned it on, sent Chris a message, then turned it off again.
My back was still sore, but I managed to get out of bed. The house was cold, so I put on my fleece bathrobe. I did the usual morning things. I turned on the router and checked e-mail. I read comments on how to get rid of gophers. Some one suggested putting a raw egg in the tunnels. I saw a backhoe dig a hole in the backyard next door and fill it in again. Hmm.
I made breakfast and started eating. Chris came home for lunch with two packages. One contained blue-blocking glasses, and the other was a new belt for the Dirt Devil. (But it was the wrong size). Chris was almost out of bread, so I put the ingredients in the bread machine for a new loaf. I treated a gopher mound in the front yard. The chewing gum worked in two places but the one in front didn't take the piece and keeps making mounds. I added some green walnut hull tincture that I made in Alabama.
I laid outside in my bathing suit and finished my book. I wiped the sweat off and got dressed. I cecked e-mail and saw a posting about Blue Star Families coming to post. I contacted Chris to find out where that building number is. He said in front of the library. So I put another stamp on a returned envelop and walked down, passing the post office and submitting the envelope. I walked to the tent by the library. I had to sign up for a free membership. She promised that no third party would get that info. She was handing out Facebook Portals (which Facebook had donated) and a survey. I thanked her and walked home, picking up a clod of grass from the vacant house next door. I put it on my lawn, then went inside.
I read e-mail, and watched a couple of informative videos. I had an early supper: beef, kimchi, sprouts, olives. I opened a new bottle of olive oil and it tasted like grass.
I laid in the recliner and put on Holosync. I meditated for almost an hour and then Chris came home from work. We visited for a bit. I had some gelatin, and custard. (It wasn't very custard-like with the mashed banana in it, but it tasted good.)
The gopher mound was back. I scooped up the dirt again. Chris got out the mower and put the battery in. I put on long pants and a light jacket. I mowed the back yard, and then the front yard, and then as much of the side yard as I could before the battery ran down. I asked Chris to bring the battery in for recharging and he also put the mower away.
I made my magnesium drink (with some glycine). Then we watched a DVD from Netflix called Safe House, with Patrick Stewart. It was pretty good. It kept us guessing right up till the end. Then I put on my new blue-blocking glasses to write my blog post before going to bed. I'll see if these glasses help with going to sleep.
* I finally got a decent pic of the rainbow colors made by the window cling. *

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Wild horses couldn't keep us away

We slept in. I got up at 9 to start the first supplements. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Then I took a shower and got dressed. As I was putting on long pants, the hiking kind, my back siezed. I laid on the bed for a bit, thinking how awful it would be to ride in an ambulance through 80+ twists and turns on the road to Tooele. But then Chris helped me arrange things on the floor so I could lower my feet gradually and soon I was upright again. But I had to be careful about walking and sitting and well, almost every move.
I could not find the Huntsville church service on line, so I watched the WRCotB church service. The pastor talked about how important it was to meet in person (and they will be meeting in person starting next week). I checked e-mail, then called Dad. But he and Faye had just left for grocery shopping so I talked to Patrick instead. He is looking forward to going back to work, someday.
I read more e-mail and articles. I made more spice mix. I told Chris I wanted to go see the trail, even if I couldn't walk it. Chris called the police station and told them we were going to the trail (because that is the protocol). I ate a banana and last piece of fish, then we got in the car and headed to the trail. Chris had an aerial map of the place. We found the parking lot and consulted the map. I figured this kind of thing would be right up my dad's alley. I decided I could walk at least part of it, being desert and flat. So we found the first part of the trail (nothing was marked in any way), and started walking. It seemed like a bad trail to run on because the chance of stepping in a gopher hole was high. Or stepping in equine dung. Neither were good. When the trail left the desert floor and went winding up the mountain, I followed cautiously. Chris had to lend me a hand at the steepest parts, but I made it. I stopped to take pics of lizards and unknown plants, and hoof prints. The scenery was nice, but I was too worried to take my eyes off the trail for long. Also it was sunny but windy. Finally, as we completed the three mile hike, a horse ran by. I pulled out my camera and tried to activate it, but for some reason it was unresponsive. Chris tried it too, then told me to get his camera from his back pack. I made one more swipe and ta-da! I took some pics of the horse, then said where there's one horse, there are others. And sure enough, up on the hill was the herd. Most of them crossed the road when they saw us coming. In fact, they blocked traffic and we heard the car toot it's horn. We got in the car and took more pics as we were driving away. Chris called the police station to tell them that we were leaving the course.
When we got home, I made my breakfast even though it was 3pm. Chris made custard using our last two eggs, coconut milk, and some nuts and berries. I cropped all the pics from this afternoon, read e-mail, then called Faye. She brought Dad back from his walk, and was trying to make my old laptop connect to his printer. She rebooted everything, but as of when we hung up, it still wasn't connecting.
I went outside to deal with the one gopher hole that reappeared in the front yard. I stopped, motionless, when I realized the gopher was back it in and throwing out new dirt. I wished I had my camera. But soon he dropped inside the hole and did not come out again. I scooped up the dirt and sifted out the stones. I put a piece of gum in the open tunnel and some coffee grounds, then filled it in with dirt. I decided to do some older gopher mounds on the other side of the house. Being careful, I was able to get up and down as necessary.
For supper, I had a peach and some of the custard that Chris made, some gelatin, and some kimchi. I ate frozen watermelon while listening to a debate. I found Chris making the bed with clean sheets, and I found the pendent that looks like a dog tag. It was under the lining of the waterbed and I saw it while he had the mattress corner lifted up. Then I made my magnesium drink and we watched 4 episodes of The Good Place. Afterward, I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog. I warned Chris that he might have to stay home and take care of me tomorrow if my back got worse during the night.
* One member of a herd of wild Mustangs *

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Another no-show

I got up at 9,. I started my supplement routine right away, then brushed my teeth. There was a DVD of Insomnia in my laptop so I watched it. I didn't realize it had Robin Williams in it. It also had Hillary Swank, who was in Away, the series about the mission to Mars.
Then I listened to an interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufmann. He said that the PCR test is unreliable for many reasons, one is that each region is using their own DNA primer (which is what the PCR test is supposed to find and make copies of). One primer is found on the human chromosome 8., so everyone tests positive for that one.
At 11:30 I made and ate breakfast. Then I threw together some projects and fabric for the lady who wanted to learn more about sewing. William called and I talked to him for a few minutes while Chris put my sewing machine in my car. I drove to the pavilion, but did not set up. Johnnie joined me as I was unpacking my trunk. We talked for 90 minutes or so. She shared her quilt pattern with me. Then she had to leave. I sat by myself for awhile, then I went to the post office to pick up two packages and found another of my envelopes marked for insufficient postage. Sigh. I went back to the pavilion and played with fabric squares. By 3:30 no one had shown up, so I packed up and went home. I was not a happy camper.
I put on old clothes and processed gopher mounds with a surprise inside (gum). I also used the coffee grounds that Chris left for me. Then I came in to rest and check e-mail. For supper I ate some roast, rice, and salsa. I also had a carrot with hummus. Afterward, I went for a short walk and came back with two smooth stones, a little bigger than a handful.
I ate frozen watermelon while reading e-mail and articles. I played solitaire while listening to the Corbett Report.
I made a magnesium drink and we watched multiple episodes of The Good Place, season 4, which just came out. So far it is better than season 3. Then I ate some gelatin, brushed my teeth and posted to my blog.
* This was the sunset yesterday. *

Finally! Ammonia!

We stayed in bed late. I am not sure why. Then we spent some time together before we got up. So by the time I was up and ready to go, it was after 10. Chris put a roast in the oven. I checked e-mail, then went outside to deal with gopher mounds. Several of them had little pieces of blue styrofoam in the mounds. That puzzled me because although my garden kneeling pad is made of blue styrofoam, I have never put pieces of it in a gopher hole. So, is there something else blue, that is underground?
It was after noon when I made breakfast. Chris went to the commissary while I was eating. When he got back, I was ready to go. However, at the last second we both decided to go to the restroom one last time. And, as luck would have it, the doorbell rang. Chris got there first. It was UPS delivering a package for me. Chris opened it and I put the card in my neck pouch.
Then we went to the post office. I picked up a Swansons package and presented the envelop with the sticker about insufficient postage. The clerk said it wouldn't fit through a certain size slot so it was considered a large envelop. (So next time I just iron the masks flatter). I paid the extra postage and mailed it again.
Then we went to Tooele. We almost went to Lehi instead, but when the sign said it was 45 miles away, we turned around and headed back to Tooele. Our first stop was Walgreens, to look for ammonia, but no. Then we went to Luckey's. They didn't have it either, but we got the usual groceries. Then we looked at the farm stand, but it was empty. I went into Melanie's Nutrition, and got coconut milk. But they did not have the sunflower seeds I was looking for. And the hemp seeds were expensive. After that we went to Macey's. We got the rest of our groceries there, but no ammonia. So, I walked to the nearby dollar store (which had hydrogen peroxide when all the other stores were out) and found ammonia. I also got some Juicy Fruit gum, which is what some people recommend for gophers.
When we got home, the roast was done. I had a large helping because I was trying a stomach acids test that says to eat only steak, then see how you feel three hours later. I started reading e-mail, but then Chris remembered that we needed to go to the gym. So we hopped in the car, and drove over. He had to fill out some forms for using the trail. When we got home, he spied new gopher mounds. So I got out my bucket and trowel. I sifted through the dirt to pick out the stones. I dug up the tunnels and filled them with the dirt. I did not bury anything this time. I walked over to an abandoned house and picked up two nice-sized flattish rocks and brought them home.
When I came in, I decided a steak-only meal was just not satisfying. I needed other food, like kimchi and seed crackers and guacamole. I watched Del Bigtree's show from yesterday. He had even more incriminating evidence against Covid vaccines and flu vaccines. I didn't know that if a flu-vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person both got the flu, the vaccinated one will shed much more than the unvaccinated one. And that a quarter of all vaccine injury claims are for the flu vaccine.
After watching that, I turned to Netflix (Chris was gaming with Michele and several others online) and watched a documentary called “/the social delimma”. Any one who uses social media should watch this and see the manipulation that goes on. When it was over, I turned to writing up my blog post. Chris was done gaming, but it was too late to watch TV together.
* A gift for the gophers *

Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall Festival

I stayed in bed until 8. I had slept well with the Chi Shield, but had awakened early when Chris' alarm went off. I could have used more sleep, but I got up to start the day in the usual ways. I checked e-mail and came across products that were tempting, but I had to check them out first. That took most of the morning. I saw next door that a small backhoe came and dug a big hole in the front yard, and then filled it back in. I assumed they took out the water connection since that house will be demolished.
At 11 I made and ate breakfast. Then I went outside to deal with the newest gopher mounds. I found more banana peels amongst the dirt. At 2 I put on my bathing suit and sweated in the sun while reading. Then I washed off and got dressed again. I did some emotional releasing, then checked e-mail again.
At 4, I relaxed into the lounger and put on my headphones. I listened to holosync and hoped to catch a quick nap. But the phone beeped. I checked and found a message from Chris, saying he wanted to introduce me to the colonel's wife. So I finished listening to the first part of the track, then paused it. I called Chris to find out where he was, but he did not pick up. I walked to the post office and dropped an envelop into the box. Then I continued on to the main parking lot where I thought the event was taking place. But no one was there, only a few cars. I decided to walk down to the commissary and past Chris's office. Then I heard music so I went in a new direction. I found myself at a building I had never gone past before. I saw kids climbing a rock wall. As I walked around to the back, I saw a band playing on a dais - mostly guitar, keyboard and drummer, singer, and one trumpet player. They were playing tunes from my era. I wandered back to see people gathered in groups and eating and talking.
I saw Chris sitting at a set of tables. I went over to say hello. He offered me a bite of what he was eating. It was good. Then I realized he was marking a sheet of paper as a judge. There were other judges too, one at each table. One at a time, contestants came by with a sample of what they cooked (or grilled or smoked). Each judge got a sample and a piece of paper on which they wrote the contestant's name and their own name. (Say what?) There were 5 or six categories for judging and a total at the bottom. I helped Chris eat his samples because they added up to a lot of food.
When the judging was over, I had a nice chat with the colonel's wife. Then she introduced me to the chaplain's wife, which I suddenly remembered meeting. Chris brought another lady over to meet me, who wanted to learn more about sewing. I really enjoying having new people to talk to, and to get the word out. One of the ladies agrees with me that this Covid stuff is overblown. Maybe more people do too, since over half of the people were not wearing masks. The band played a slow tune for one couple's anniversary. The couple danced and Chris pulled me away from talking to dance with him. Another couple came and danced too. But most people did not.
It got dark and MWR was going to play an outdoor movie. Chris and I walked back to his office, where he was parked. Actually, I ran part of the way because I needed to use the restroom. Also Chris had to pick up something from his desk, then we got in his car and stopped at the post office on the way home. In our box was an envelop I had mailed yesterday with a note that I owed another 50 cents. So when we got home, I weighed it on my kitchen scale and it was exactly an oz. So why does it need more than one stamp?
I ate some fruit and a tomato. I looked for something to watch on Netflix. But Chris just wanted to watch a movie, so he picked Flashdance and we watched that. Afterward, I had some gelatin and brushed my teeth. Then I wrote my blog post for the day and got ready for bed.
* The masks that got returned for insufficient postage were made from this material. *

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Endless mounds

I slept with the Chi Shield next to me in bed. And I slept pretty well. I got up around 7:30 when the alarm went off. I did my special exercises, and drybrushed. I made coffee, and did a lot of tapping. I mopped the bathroom floor, and parts of the tile floor in the common area.
I went outside to clean up 4 or 5 gopher mounds. I picked the rocks out of the dirt, then spread the dirt. There were banana peels in the dirt, but I did not see cotton balls. I also watered the plants and the grass in certain areas.
I walked to the post office to mail an envelop. Then I walked to Self-help to see if he knew how deep the sprinklers were buried. He said they must be deeper than 6 inches because the rototillers dug that far and no one ever hit a sprinkler line that way. Heading back, Chris and Aaron pulled up in a car. So I asked them how deep the sprinklers were, and they didn't know either but thought it was a good question. After they drove off, I walked home, noting that there were vehicles parked at the vacant houses.
I read e-mail for while. Then I laid on the recliner and listened to an hour of Holosync. I was hoping it would put me to sleep like it did yesterday but it didn't. I emoted in the closet, releasing tension. Then I finished sewing two masks using black thread.
Chris came home from work and started watching Michele game on Youtube. I scrubbed the kitchen sink. I decided to go for a walk, but when I got outside, there were more gopher mounds. I could not resist. I used a rake to disperse them and raise the flattened grass. But I still had to do some of that by hand. I also dug pebbles out of a patch of ground near the driveway. For some reason the neighbors dog did not come out and bark at me. But there was a crow that sounded like it had the hiccups.
I went inside when it got dark. I ate some gelatin.
When Chris was ready, we watched Top Gun. He paused it several times to explain what was going on. I never did quite get the combat scenes. Then I ate some more gelatin, brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog post.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Two kinds of rocks

I stayed in bed late after a restless night. The artillery did not practice in the dark, but I had trouble sleeping anyway. So I got a late start on the morning. I took the first supplements, then got dressed and went outside to water the plants. (I am not sure they got watered yesterday). I fired up the internet and read the documents at
The outdoors warmed up quickly. I opened some windows. I handled some gopher mounds that I could not see from inside the house.
At 11, I made and ate breakfast. Chris did not come home at noon, so I ate half of the last banana. He dropped by about 1 for a quick lunch. As per a suggestion by my friend MaryAnn, I put peppermint essential oil on a cottonball and put it in a gopher hole. I covered the hole lightly so the cottonball would not be smothered. My hand got peppermint oil on it and it was a little intense. When I discovered other gopher holes, I was much more careful not to touch the oil when picking up the cottonballs. When the mounds were gone and the holes were filled, I kept digging for rocks to put in the rock bed. Strangely, most rocks were either round, like a river rock, or pointed, like an arrowhead.
I cut out masks and sewed while playing informational videos. I stopped at the point where I needed to attach the elastic. I needed to measure the elastic on Chris' masks. Five o'clock came and went and Retreat was not played. Waiting for Chris, I ate a piece of fish and a handful of nuts. I picked dandelion and made a salad for supper. I put on headphones and listened to Holosync and fell asleep for a bit.
It was after 7 when I got up. I finished two of the masks, sanitized them, and sealed them in an envelop. Only then did I realized I had not photographed them. When Chris was ready, we watched part of West Side Story on VHS. But it wasn't a good rendition of it, so we stopped it and looked for something else. We decided on Zorro the Gay Blade, one of Chris' favorite movies. George Hamilton must have had a good time filming it.
When it was over, it was after 11. I wrote to my blog and got ready for bed.
* Chris says it's not an arrowhead. *

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mounds of fun today

I got up before 8. I unwrapped a DVD marked Alternatives to Dentists. It would not play on my laptop so I put it on the desktop. I gave up and went to the bathroom. But when I got back, it was playing. I watched the whole thing, even though he could have said it all in much less time. I jotted a few notes. I put some masks in an envelop for Faye. I filled an envelop for Kurt, too. I walked to the post office to mail them. When I got back, I dealt with two gopher mounds.
I made and ate breakfast and watched gopher trap videos. Chris came home for lunch and put fish in the oven. I posted another announcement to the Dugway page. This will be the third time. I hope someone shows up. Later I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun. I am almost finished with the book.
I put on shorts and a tank top to handle the rest of the gopher mounds. I saved food waste from yesterday to pack in the tunnels. The banana peels I buried yesterday were back topside. I came inside, washed the dirt from my hands and fingernails. Then I read e-mail.
I put on a video called Secret Ingredients. While it played, I parsed out 14 days of supplements for breakfast, mid-afternoon, and supper. Then I ordered more of those that ran out. I read the gophers don't like strong smells, so I looked up bad smells and couldn't use anything on the list.
I dealt with another gopher mound by the street. I was spreading the dirt when Chris came home from work. He took the fish out of the oven. We each had a piece for supper. (I'll bet some raw fish might smell pretty badly).
When it was getting dark, I took a short walk around the block. Then I watched more gopher videos until 8:30. I shut the windows when the sprinklers came on.
I mixed magnesium in water and drank it. We watched Mannequin 2. Then I brushed my teeth and sat down to write my blog, but I watched gopher videos instead. This is gopher war!
* This is the squash Chris cooked over the weekend. *

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The gophers may be moving

Since the artillery started practice at midnight, Chris gave me a pair of earplugs. And I think I slept pretty well after that. They didn't stop the hot flashes though. So I woke early, then tried to go back to sleep. We stayed in bed late, until I couldn't stand it anymore and got up.
I watched our church in Huntsville on my laptop. Everyone did a good job. I could not see which man was singing, but later I saw his name in the bulletin pdf. Afterward, I took shower and got dressed. I read e-mail and looked into ordering picture glass until breakfast, then made and ate my concoction of superfoods.
Afterward, I went outside to deal with a gopher mound. I stuffed my banana peel in it. But then another mound appeared. I got Chris' coffee grounds for that one. But then a third one showed up. I rooted through the trash and found some egg shells. The next one got a corn cob. I think I treated five in all. Each one was further from the house. So my guess is they want to know how far away they have to go to build the next burrow.
I put on my bathing suit and read in the sun. It wasn't particularly hot today, so not as satisfying. After half an hour, I got dressed and picked small rocks out of the lawn. I found a few more gopher trails underneath. They could be old ones.
When I came in, I washed the dirt from my hands. I worked on 4 masks, listening to interviews from the gut summit. I finished two and almost finished the last two. But I was hungry so I stopped for supper.
I ate leftovers for supper, finishing off the squash casserole, and a packet of tuna. I played Solitaire and listened to an interview where Dr. Andrew Kaufmann proves that Covid has never fulfilled Koch's postulates (for determining if a given microbe is the cause of a given disease). I laid against the heating pad because it felt so good and it was getting cooler outside.
When I heard the sprinklers come on, I notified Chris and made my magnesium drink. We watched the second half of My Fair Lady. Then we decided to watch West Side Story tomorrow. As he loaded it in the player for later, he realized we already had picked Mannequin 2. Oh well. There are plenty of nights to fill. I ate the rest of the gelatin and wrote myself a note to make more tomorrow. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* two stained glass masks *

It was like Christmas

I had trouble sleeping last night because of the little booms in the distance. Chris slept through it of course. In the morning the booms continued. I asked and he said it was artillery practicing both day and night, and they'll be here for two weeks. Sigh.
Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. After a while we got up to start the day. I looked outside for gopher mounds, but there weren't any. There was evidence of rain, so I don't know it that made a difference. It didn't seem to bother the artillery. While Chris played his game, I tried screaming in the closet to see how muffled it was. He said he could hear it but it was soft.
I read the technical and study specs on Aries Tech (reduces EMF effects on biological organisms), decided to order one, then noticed they are on sale tomorrow. I checked e-mail and saw three packages have come in. I got dressed to go to the post office. Then Chris asked if that sound was rain and I said I don't know yet what rain sounds like in the desert. But yes, it was rain. I went outside to see if people were dancing in the streets, but no.
At 11:30, I made and ate breakfast. Chris sliced up more of the zucchini and put it in the oven to crisp. I was planning to make seed crackers, and he told me to just add them to the oven (which was at 250). So I whipped up a batch and threw them in, and did not set the timer.
Chris went to the commissary and the post office. I screamed in the closet again. (It relieves stress) Then I went outside to pick up the pie plate that blew into the yard. I saw that a gopher had dug a mound since this morning. I sifted out the little rocks and put the dirt in the pie plate. When I tested for the hole with a knitting needle, I found a big one. I took a scoop of dirt out and it seemed to be a main tunnel. I got some coffee grounds and a banana peel to put down there. I watered it in but did not fill it with dirt. I also threw in the seeds from the zucchini.
Chris came back with 4 packages for me. It was like Christmas because I forgot what I ordered, and it had to be something I wanted or I wouldn't have ordered it. I used a pair of kitchen scissors to open them. The scissors were dull so I sharpened them on a needle. That worked like a charm.
I worked on some face masks that were already cut out - the last of the ones that were cut. But then I heard the skype sound from my laptop. It was Kurt and Faye, having a skype birthday party for Kurt. Dad joined us, too. They all seemed to be doing well. We talked politics, geodes, and birds.
After the call, I pulled the seed crackers from the oven. I made a salad for supper. Chris took the zucchini out. It was oily this time, but he liked it that way. It was good. Then Chris and I took a walk around the neighborhood. I had to put on pants because the temperature was dropping.
When we got back, Chris and I started watching an episode of “24”, but it got pretty violent. So he tried some of the other loose DVD's, but they wouldn't play. Then he chose a VHS copy of My Fair Lady. We watched half of the musical. Afterward, we put clean sheets on the bed. Then, I ate some gelatin and typed up my blog, ready for bed.
* zucchini chips *

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Weekly trip

I ate more gelatin last night before bed. I am not sure I slept any better, but my skin certainly has improved. I stayed in bed late, hoping Chris would wake up and want to cuddle, but he kept sleeping. So eventually I got up by myself. I started the day in the usual ways. I cleaned up a gopher mound. I was out of hair, so I put a banana peel in the hole before I filled it.
I measured the broken glass in 4 picture frames in case JoAnn's has replacement glass. I listened to episode 10 of Alzheimers summit - all about the importance of sleep. Then I listened to part of Ben Greenfields podcast on vitamins and minerals and how they are absorbed.
I made and ate breakfast. We moved a desk from the garage to the diningroom. (I'm not sure there are many more moves left in that desk.) Chris sliced zucchini into two baking dishes and put them in the oven to crisp up. I put some slices in with my fermented cabbage, and we still have plenty left.
We went to the commissary for anything they had that was on our list. Chris got a roast, and some other stuff. They did not have ammonia or wax beans. We took the food home and put it away. Chris put ice packs in the cooler and I put filtered water in a water bottle. We got in his car and went to Tooele. First we stopped at Luckey's. We got a few things, but no ammonia or wax beans. Then we went to the farm stand. The tomatoes were soft and the peaches were hard, but I got some of each anyway. The lady told me that next week is their last week. Then I went into Melanie's for a beet drink and some coconut milk. I was hoping for unflavored gelatin, but they didn't have it. I walked next door to JoAnn's, hoping for replacement glass, but no luck. I got back in the car and we went to Macey's. Still no ammonia or wax beans. ???? On the way out of Toole, Chris pulled over at a parking lot taco stand. I sat in the car while he used his Spanish on the attendant. He finally came back with a piping hot sandwich.
By the time we got back to Dugway, it wasn't so hot. We put away all the other groceries and then Chris sat at his laptop to eat the chorizo sandwich. He gave me a bite. I picked some dandelion and made a salad. I also had half of an odd squash. We tried the zucchini chips. They were ok. I went for a walk, stopped at the post office (nothing in our box), then walked the long way back.
I read e-mail until 8. We watched two episodes of The Gamers. Again, it amused Chris more than me, but it was nice to see him so happy. Then I brushed my teeth, and typed up my blog post for the day. Soon I shall have a bit of gelatin and get ready for bed.
* Chris orders a chorizo sandwich in Spanish. *

Friday, September 18, 2020

The masks are in the mail

Apparently I didn't have enough gelatin because I woke up several times during the night. I did not get up immediately when my alarm went off. I checked for gopher mounds and saw one. I played piano and sang loudly. I looked up the actors in Away to see if I knew them from anywhere else. I looked up how to spot geodes, and I ordered a belt for the Dirt Devil.
I made and ate breakfast. I went outside with a bucket and coffee grounds. Chris came home for lunch while I was treating the gopher hole. I found a second hole after I had used all the coffee grounds on the first one. But there was some hair on the back porch and I used that. I watered the plants up front.
I listened to The Highwire. He interviewed two doctors that wrote a book called “Corona, False Alarm?” The one doctor said more people die per day of other coronaviruses than of the one the world is so worried about. Del also talked about Li-meng Yan, the Chinese scientist who fled to America. She says the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab.
I laid out in the sun in my bathing suit. The dogs next door barked at me. It's annoying but what can be done? I washed off and got dressed again. I checked e-mail, then listened to Burt Goldman's presentation on quantum jumping.
I had leftovers for supper. Chris came home from work. I sanitized 4 masks and put them in an addressed envelop. I put on my shoes and headed for the post office. Halfway there, I ran into Johnnie and Brian coming back from a walk. We had a nice chat, but I had to hold the envelop behind my back to keep it safe from drops of water flying off of nearby sprinklers. After our chat, I continued on to the post office and dropped the envelop in the box. Then I walked around in front of the post office and went by some buildings, one of which has mint growing in front of it. I harvested a few sprigs and walked home. When I got there, I put the sprigs in water. Then I examined the stones I have been collecting for signs of geodes. I hammered one with another rock but it did not break. Chris heard it and came out. He said it wasn't a geode.
I was about to call Myra when I thought of looking up something. I don't remember what it was, but then I found myself reading funny t-shirts on Pinterest. After a while, I broke away and called Myra and we had a nice chat. We're on the same page with this whole virus thing.
After our chat, I made my magnesium drink and chewed a few mint leaves. Chris and I watched two episodes of The Gamers from a DVD he had. Chris got more of the jokes than I did. Then I sat down to type up my blog and get ready for bed.
* These are the masks I finished yesterday. *

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Jello and sleep?

I got up soon after my alarm rang at 7:30. I made a protein drink and an H2 drink. I brushed and swished. I did my Wednesday exercises. (I did not turn on the router, which made everything go faster.) I made coffee. I did over an hour of tapping and meditation. Then I cleaned the master bathroom. I went outside to treat a new gopher mound. It seemed to be connected to a main tunnel, so I put the coffee grounds in there and a banana peel. I watered it in well. I also watered the plants in front of the house and some patches of grass.
I washed dishes in the kitchen sink and wiped the stove. I cleaned the counters. I vacuumed in the den, but the Hoover wasn't picking up much. I turned it over and discovered that the beater bar wasn't turning. I pulled all the lint and threads from it, then took the lower plate off. The belt was broken!
I was cleaning out the area when Chris came home. He could only stay a few minutes today. He suggested that I order a belt from the manufacturor's website. He offered to get out the Kirby for me, but it was close enough for me to get it from the garage. I made sure the belt was good, then vacuumed the den. It didn't pick up everything either. Sigh.
I made unflavored jello using coconut water and put it in the fridge to firm up. I made dandelion tea, but forgot to drink it. I put on my bathing suit and laid outside and read. After about 45 minutes, I came in and took a shower. I listened to Ben Greenfield interview Joel Green about a book he wrote. I deleted spam messages, and read articles about gelatin improving sleep. Why have I not heard of this before? I unpacked some small boxes of desk supplies hoping the bobbins might be there (since they aren't anywhere else). I could just scream. One empty bobbin showed up and I wound black thread on it. I started 4 pre-cut masks using black thread.
The sun was getting low, so I went for a walk. I investigated a pile of mulch in the desert. I picked up two rocks nearby. On my way home, I saw Melissa at the park so I stopped to talk to her. When I came in, I ate some gelatin and read e-mail until Chris was ready to watch TV. I made a magnesium drink. We watched two episodes of Away, finishing season 1 and discovered that there is no second season! Arrgh! Then I wrote up my blog post and got ready for bed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Where did the bobbins go?

I woke up hearing Reveille, and then the sprinklers started. I didn't know why they were running late. I was still tired from all the hot flashes so I stayed in bed. I got up at 8.
After taking the first supplement and while swishing, I put a pot of water on the stove and shucked four ears of corn. One was missing kernels at the base of it. I had to break the cobs in half to fit in the pot. While they boiled, I started a loaf of bread for Chris. I looked outside, but there were no gopher mounds today.
I read e-mail until breakfast time. I ate breakfast, then made more green mix and ordered more green powders for next time. I listened to part of Ben's podcast with Joel Green and took notes on how to improve sleep and gut health. Then I put on my bathing suit and laid outside and read for almost an hour. I came in, washed off and redressed. I sang songs from CATS with Youtube, then I played piano for a bit.
I decided to sew up more of the masks that were cut out, but I needed black thread. I hunted high and low for my bobbins but did not find them. I remembered they were in a little blue doughnut and it was packed in a tub with a pink lid. But that tub did not have them now. I looked in lots of other places and found a bobbin here or there, but no black ones, and the empty ones were not like the ones in the blue doughnut. It made me so frustrated that I got a headache. I laid down in the den for awhile, trying to relax
At 5 I signed into the monthly Zoom meeting with the Modern Quilt Guild in Huntsville. Chris came home from work, made his own supper, and fried up a package of mushrooms for me. I ate some while I watched the meeting. I made myself a note about the 'made fabric' challenge. I signed out at 7. I watered the plants in front. I took a walk, gathered some smooth stones, and brought them home. I told Chris I was ready to watch TV. Since he was not, I jotted notes for my blog and deleted a bunch of e-mail I will never have time to read.
We watched two episodes of Away, then I typed up my blog post and hoped to find a clue to the bobbins location in a dream.
* I found this pic on the net. I have a red one and a blue one. *

Monday, September 14, 2020

A closet drinker

I woke up early, but stayed in bed late. I got up at 8. I started with supplements, and swished for 20 minutes. I cleaned the filter on the Hoover, then swept the carpeted areas, but the machine did not pick up all the white specks like it should have. I trimmed the grass that was growing in with Chris' cacti. I pulled some masculine fabrics from the fabric closet.
I checked e-mail and submitted a Swanson's order that I thought I had done three days ago. I put the charcoal packs outside to sit in the sun. I cleaned up 3 or 4 gopher mounds, one of which is the repeating mound. The banana peel I shoved down the hole yesterday was buried in the pile. I used today's banana peel in several places. I did something on the computer until breakfast time. Then I made and ate breakfast. I watched a video but I can't remember what it was. I played songs from Phantom of the Opera and sang along. I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun, reading.
I finished the masks from Saturday and made two more. I took a pic and sent it to Cherry. I pulled out some leftovers for supper. Chris came home from work and made his own supper. I looked up the Tooele quilt guild online to see where they meet and decide if it is worth an hour's drive each way to go tomorrow.
I went for a long walk. I went down to the community garden to see if there was room for the irises that were left behind. I continued my walk around by the school and met a man sweeping his sidewalk. I came around by the post office and then up the back way. I choose two smooth stones from around a tree, and headed home. Then it was time to watch TV. We watched two episodes of Away. Then we searched the house for my 16 oz drinking cup. I finally found it in the fabric closet. Then I sat down at my laptop to type up my blog so I can get ready for bed.


We got up about 8:30. I could hear the alarm ringing from the den. I took supplements and checked e-mail. I looked into air purifiers since someone was having a sale. At 10:15 we took a shower and got ready for church. I read e-mail until Chris was ready. Then we got in his car and he drove us to the chapel.
We put on our masks before going inside. I met the chaplain and his wife introduced herself. She and I talked about how much of a difference hydration can make to older people. Then I sat with Chris in the second pew. Seats were marked off so everyone was separated. A man with a guitar played three praise songs and invited us to sing with him. It was surprisingly hard to sing and breathe with a mask on! Chris sang the songs, too, which surprised me. Then the chaplain gave the sermon. I didn't follow it very well. After that we all sang a hymn, and then we were dismissed. I talked to the lady in the pew behind us. She is the art teacher at the school. Then Chris asked if I was ready to leave. So we left.
When we got home, we changed clothes. I made and ate breakfast, then listened to the sermon from the Huntsville church. I had no trouble following it. I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun and read. The thermometer said it was 100. Afterward, I put my shorts and tank top back on. I opened a coconut and drank the water. I cleaned up the reappearing gopher mound, which was larger than usual. (I read that a gopher can move up to 1.5 tons of dirt in a year.) I arranged the scalloped fencing along the side of the house. I watered here and there. I picked small rocks out of the yard.
I went back in the house. I started watching a BBC presentation of “Hypernormalization”. I didn't follow it real well, but the gist seemed to be that our governments are spinning events to make things go their way. It's all about perception. I assembled supper from leftovers in the fridge and ate some jackfruit as well. I watched a video about choosing one in the store and how to open it.
I paused Hypernormalization. I went for a walk and ended up at the post office where I got the mail from Saturday. I also picked a sprig of an interesting plant growing in the parking lot. I had to stop several times to pick all the sharp seed pods from my left shoe. Apparently the sole is so thin that the spikes go through to my foot.
I took the mail home to Chris and walked to the back of a house scheduled for demo and got two river rocks to add to my flower bed. I raked the gopher dirt into the grass. Then I finished watching Hypernormalization. By then it was after 8. We watched two episodes of Away. I got dressed for bed and brushed my teeth, then posted to my blog.
* I got this pic of goat head thorns from the internet. *

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Second sewing day

We got up at 8:30. We each had our morning drinks, I packed up my sewing machine while he drank his coffee. Then he gave me a coconut oil massage. Afterward, I tried to file down the corn on my foot. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I checked e-mail while Chris talked to Michele about the game she joined last night.

I made and ate breakfast and watched some summit videos. Then I packed my sewing machine and mask pieces into the carrying case. Chris helped me put that and the box of sewing magazines in the car. I drove down to the pavilion and set up everything on tables. I plugged in the machine and started sewing. Then Johnnie arrived with her chair. I paused sewing and we chatted about the giant dahlia quilt and railroad ties and so forth. It was after 2 when Melissa came to see us. I sanitized her mask with the uv wand and did Johnnie's as well. She talked with us for awhile, then had to go. Johnnie and I continued to chat and then she left a little before 4. I stayed to finish the two masks I had started, but could only go so far because I didn't have the white elastic with me. The I packed up and went home.

When I got home, Chris helped me bring in the machine and magazines. I took the midafternoon supplements. I went over to Johnnie's house to see what they did with the railroad ties. I rang the doorbell, but no one answered. I walked around the side to see how they had buried it in the ground to make a low edging for their wildflowers. Then I headed home. But they were in the camper and noticed me and came out to say hi. They showed me their flowerbed, and then the gopher traps in tunnels. Then I got a block of instruction on how to turn on the sprinklers manually and adjust the heads. Pretty useful info.

Chris made a squash casserole and boiled the jackfruit seeds. Afterward, the seeds had the consistency of a boiled potato but with a nutty flavor. After supper, I called Dad and talked to him and to Faye. Chris and I walked across the street and acquired some scalloped edging from a house scheduled for demolition. I repotted the tomato and the poinsettia into larger pots.
After finishing The 4400, we started a new Netflix series called “Away” and watched the first two episodes. It is about a mission to Mars. It is pretty good so far. Then I typed up my blog and got ready for bed.
* boiled jackfruit seeds, mmmm *

Friday, September 11, 2020

The versatile fruit

Since we went to bed so late last night, we slept in. I got up at 8:30. Chris had the router turned on already. I checked e-mail until my supplement routine was finished. I made and ate breakfast. Chris went by the office for a bit, so I went outside to deal with the reappearing gopher mound. I made a hole into the tunnel with a long knitting needle. Then I squeezed lemon juice into the hole. I was amazed to see it bubble back up to the surface. I dispersed the soil of the mound, wondering where it was all coming from. Is there going to be a big sink hole nearby? I found two holes about a foot apart with no mounds. I put the hose in and turned the water on. I left it run for some time, but they never filled up.
We went to the commissary with the grocery list. We got a few things, went to the gas station and then took them home. Then we went to Tooele to Luckey's. We got a few things there, and ran into Johnnie and Brian. I chatted with her and Chris chatted with him. Then we went next door to Melanie's Nutrition. I got coconut water and coconut milk there, plus a beet drink. Then we went to Macey's, where we got sprouts and sliced jackfruit (which is the fruit that tastes a bit like pineapple).
Finally we made the trip home, getting caught behind a convoy. We unloaded the groceries and Chris started gaming online with his buddy. I drove to Self-help and got a bag of salt for the softener.
I added dirt to the irises and holes in the ground by the curb. I ate jackfruit and looked up how to use it in recipes. It took a lot of searching to find out that the fibrous part is called 'rags' and they can be fried like french fries. Also, the seeds can be baked or boiled, and the rind can be sliced and fried. So I cut up the slices and separated the rags from the arils from the rind. I planted two of the seeds.
I read e-mail, and watched the rest of “Need to Grow”. It was fascinating what they could do with seaweed and biochar. It went until 10, at which point Chris was done with his gaming, but it was too late to watch TV. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* According to the internet, you can make a pulled pork sandwich from the arils of jackfruit. *

Spider Central

Since I didn't eat yesterday, I dreamed of food during the night. I slept pretty well and woke with the sprinklers, followed by Reveille. Sometime after Chris left for work, I got up to start the day.
I turned on the router and fired up my laptop. I went to Youtube for something and ended up watching a documentary on a family in Russia whose children walk on their hands and feet. After that I watched an interview from the gut summit.
The gopher mound was back. I wanted more hair to put in it since I was getting such a reaction from the rodents. I stood at the bathroom mirror looking for a spot to cut a lock of hair, but there wasn't one. Then I thought of Chris coming home for lunch, but his hair is so short already. Then I called Michele. She was not willing to give me a lock of her hair, but said I cold have what was in her brush. Perfect.
While I watched a talk by Dr. Ionnidis on vaccine makers and safety issues, I washed the Berkey. I discovered green slime on the filters. So I scrubbed the filters and all parts of the Berkey, plus all the water containers that the water has touched. Then I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I put on headphones and listened to parts of Del Bigtree's broadcast. At 1:30 I put on my bathing suit and went outside to read. I heard something like a motor running and realized I was being visited by a hummingbird. Sorry, I didn't have my camera with me. Afterward, I went to clean up the gopher mound and saw a tarantula hiding by the wall of the house. I ran inside to get my camera. I hoped it wouldn't disappear. It started coming toward me so I got a good picture. I moved to the mound and it headed in my direction so I made a quick job of dispersing the dirt and I went inside the house.
I watched more videos from the gut summit and took notes. I called the lady who does massages and she texted back that she is moving to the big island so no more massages. Then I put containers and a shovel in my car and drove to the house where we got the irises. I filled the containers with good dirt. I could still see the vermiculite in it. (We saw a black widow there the day we dug up the flowers). I came home, unloaded the car, and saw what looked like a brown recluse in the driveway. Is this spider central?
My back was not feeling so good after shoveling, so I sat down and read articles for awhile. Then I started having supper. Chris came home from work. We had a chat and I told him about the tarantula. I filled in some holes in the yard. Then I put on a light jacket and went for a walk. I came back with some rounded rocks. I listened to some videos by David Icke on freedom of speech and the control of the 1% over the rest of us.
I paused the video to watch the last two episodes of The 4400. Then I finished the video and posted to my blog.
* an old friend of Kurt's *

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I got up just before 7:30. The house was down to 67F, but I did not know how to turn the heat on. I made coffee and refilled the little jar in the fridge. I put on some CD's. I did all the exercises and drybrushed. I made an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam because my lefthand teeth still hurt. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned bathrooms, and started vacuuming the carpeted areas, but it wasn't picking up like it should. So I washed the filter and left it to dry. I used a broom on the tile floor and mopped where someone had spilled coffee.
It was almost noon when I turned on the router. Chris came home for lunch, and he figured out how to turn the heat on (by reading the small print). I watched Day 3 of a gut summit. After Chris left, I watched a movie called 1986theact. I paused it at 3 to go out and sit in the sun, reading.
I watered the irises and found that the gopher mound from yesterday (the one I stuffed hair into) was back. As I cleaned up the dirt, I could see clumps of my hair in it. Then I noticed that the other mound from yesterday was back as well. I dispersed the dirt, put the hair back in and poured castor oil mix in it.
David drove up. We talked as he loaded my empty boxes into his truck. I gave him some seeds and he promised to identify the fruit (that tastes kind of like pineapple). He told me that years ago he put propane in a gopher hole and lit it. That cleared up the problem until the next spring. Hmmm.
After he left, I finished watching the movie. Wow! So much coverup and denial! Corporations, regulators and even the DOJ. It told a history of events leading up to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, what Congress intended it to do, and what it has covertly become, plus documentation never before available to the public. All to keep people from losing faith in vaccines. I think it backfired.
I watched another documentary from Day 3 of the gut summit and took notes. Chris came from work about 6. I walked to the post office to pick up a package. I noticed that the gopher mound was back, again. Incredible! So was the other one. I refilled them both, adding coffee grounds this time. Hopefully they get the message.
I started watching a movie called ”The need to grow”. Farmable soil is disappearing at a fast rate. It made me went to dig up more of the dirt that the irises were in. Beautiful soil.
I texted with Beverly. Then I made some dandelion tea and some magnesium water. I sipped as we watched two episodes of The 4400. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

* Someone got a pic of this injured pelican in front of the office building this morning. The bird is now at a rehab center in Ogden. *

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Suddenly cold!

I got up a little after 7:30. I started the supplement routine. I turned on the router. I looked up synonyms and rhyming words to find a better title for an event referred to as Stich-n-Bitch. The best I could come up with was Sew-n-Show. I posted an announcement for Saturday afternoon. Hopefully it will be better attended this time.
I listened to an interview between Fauci and Haddish: he blew off the idea of strengthening the immune system by taking supplements or herbs. He still thinks the virus is of natural origin, from bat to cat to human (so how novel can it be?) He never really answered her question about what's in the vaccine.
I watched other interviews and read articles. I went outside to put the thermometer back up after it had gotten knocked know by the wind. The door shut behind me and I got locked out. Luckily there is a code box on the garage and I was able to get in that way.
I put vitamin C on a cottonball and stuck it above tooth 14. After another hour of reading e-mail, I started making breakfast. I ate while watching Day 2 of a gut summit. After that, I watched an interview about the current situation. The speaker said that the lockdowns will only get tighter and more restrictive, a little bit at a time, unless enough people refuse to comply.
When that was over, I played the piano for the first time since we moved here. I played from the sonata book, and then from Phantom of the Opera. I enjoyed singing the songs.
About 4:30, I cut out pieces for more than a dozen masks. Not having an ironing board set up, I used a wool mat with cardboard under it. Chris came home, saying it was very windy and cold. He put on jeans and a sweater. He told me to water the irises, so I put on long pants and went outside. I didn't stay out long however. Hard to believe that only yesterday I was laying out in my bathing suit.
I made a salad for supper. I listened to Mike Graham on the LondonReal show. It went long and finally I realized it was after 8:30. I made the magnesium drink, and we sat on the couch to watch two episodes of The 4400. Two more nights and we'll be looking for another series to watch.
* This pattern is called Amazing Possibilities by AmericanJane. Johnnie and I are going to do this separately but at the same time. I am planning to draft my own pattern from the giant dahlia. *

Monday, September 7, 2020

New recruits for my relocation program

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I heard the morning sprinklers and Reveille. I got up at 7:30. I wasn't well rested but there was no point in staying in bed. I started the supplements. I finished my blog post from yesterday and posted it. I looked up a Nia workout and tried 10 minutes of it. I scrolled through a quilting Facebook page for a post of a circular quilt that I wanted to know the name of. It took a long time to find even though it was posted in the last week. I sent the name to Johnnie because we are going to try it together.
Then I read e-mail, and probably watched some videos. I watered the side yard with the hose. I took the new hose to the other side yard and connected it. I used it to spray a gopher mound. The neighbor's dogs went crazy. I made and ate breakfast.
At 1:30 I put on my bathing suit and read outside for half an hour. I approached Chris about the irises growing in front of a house that will be demolished. He said he would help, so we got a big red tub and a deep trash basket and a shovel. Chris drove us around the corner to the house. We dug up half of the irises and another plant that was growing there and probably bloomed months ago. They went into the trash basket. Chris filled the tub with dirt from the raised bed, which had a lot of potting soil in it. He also put one of the railroad ties in the trunk. Then we drove home again. We placed the irises and the other plant in front of the house. We went to another house which had irises in back, and got most of those (because they popped out as one bunch). I put the bunch with the others. Chris filled around them with the dirt we dug up. We went back for another railroad tie and had to use crow bars to get it out. As Chris was moving it, it broke in two lengthwise because it was rotten. But he didn't want to dig up another one, so we took it. I also picked up some decorative rocks. When we got home, he put the tie in place and we watered it all. I got out the vacuum and cleaned the back seat of his car. Then I used a broom on the driveway to clean off the dirt and plant debris. Chris was sweaty and exhausted. It was harder than I thought it would be. He took a shower while I cleaned up and put stuff away.
I went back to reading e-mail and watching documentary videos. At 5 I had some supper. I tried to place a supplement order but the site was really slow to respond. I thought my laptop must need an update, so I let it. But it updated the BIOS and that took some time. I was worried that something bad might result. But eventually it came back up under my control. However the site was still slow. I made my magnesium drink and sat with Chris to watch two episodes of The 4400. After the show, I was able to finalize the order. Then I typed up my blog post, and got ready for bed.
* instant flower bed. Just have husband dig up all the parts from another yard. *

Garlic, lots of garlic

We stayed in bed late. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Afterward, I took a shower and got dressed. I trimmed my hair and gathered up the clippings. I put them in the bucket on the front porch. I checked e-mail until breakfast time. I ate breakfast while watching a video. Chris finished mowing the lawn. He said there was a gopher mound. So I went out to find it. I scooped up the dirt and used a knitting needle to find the hole. I filled it with the hair clippings and dirt.
Chris put 4 fists of garlic in the garlic baker. It's like a dutch oven for garlic. He also put some beef in the oven. I took books off of three shelves in the living room. He was able to move the book case from in front of the window to beside the window. Then I put the books back where they were. We also moved some things off of the dining room table. I emptied a box in the hallway and one in the guest room.
I heard Chris talking to Michele so I came out to listen. Then she and I talked for a long time, sending links back and forth. I unpacked some boxes in the garage, including pictures. I filled one empty box with paper. I stacked up the pictures and found two had broken glass.
Chris told me supper was ready. He cut the beef into slices. There was also red cabbage, squash with onions, baked garlic and quinoa. I added to that the fruit that tastes like pineapple, seed crackers and some frozen watermelon. As I ate, I watched an interview with a former death records clerk about data-capture issues on death certificates. It's not nearly as robust as one might think. Doctors are not allowed to list medications as contributing to death. Only a coroner can do that.
I was eating more than I should, so I took a long walk around the neighborhood. I checked to see if there are more 5 bedroom houses to be demolished on the other side, but I didn't see any.
When I got back, I helped Chris put away supper. Then we watched two episodes of The 4400. I got so sleepy that I just went to bed, thinking I could fall right asleep. But no, it took a long time and I woke up frequently.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

A productive afternoon

I woke up when the sprinklers hit the windows. I stayed in bed late not realizing how late it was. So about 8:45 my day got underway. It was the usual stuff. And I went outside to check for gopher mounds. I did not find any. The grass was wet but I watered the spots where it was yellow or needed to spread. I walked to the post office to ask what happens to mail sent to our street address. The man told me that he or his assistant will catch it and put it in our p.o. box. Our box was empty today. I made and ate breakfast. Then I made seed crackers. I put on my bathing suit and told Chris not to wash my clothes while I was out back. I laid outside for half an hour, reading. Then I came in to wash off and get dressed again.
I read an article and followed some links. I thought I posted one to Facebook, but later I noticed it wasn't there. There was an article about a depression coming because the Fed is printing money, and recommended silver and gold. I told Chris we should invest in silver. Chris went to the commissary for milk. I cut up the kimchi and put it in a glass jar. I parsed out two weeks worth of supplements: morning, afternoon, and evening.
When I realized it was after 5, I took a suppertime dose of supplements. I put the last piece of steak in the toaster oven. I made some salad out of leftover greens and sprouts. I ate some seed crackers with butter on them. And I ate a piece of the fruit that tastes a little like pineapple. After supper, I asked Chris to get out the mower. I finished mowing on the side of the house, and mowed across to the other side. I mowed maybe a quarter of that and the battery ran down. At my request, Chris brought the battery in and connected it to the charger. I took the bucket and tools over to a set of gopher mounds that appeared today. I scooped up the dirt, which was considerable. It must have been quite an effort to get all the dirt above ground. I sprinkled it in holes and low spots. I still had to probe for the original hole and I poured castor oil mix in it. Finished, I put the bucket and tools in its place on the front porch.
I made a magnesium drink and sat on the couch. I drank it faster than I planned. Chris joined me and we watched two episodes of The 4400. I think Netflix is going to take it down soon. Then I moved to my laptop to write up the events of the day.
* The fruit that tastes a little like pineapple. *

Not the day I expected

I heard Chris' alarm ring at 6:30. There was no Reveille because Fridays are not a work day. Chris got up and had breakfast and started playing his game. I got up later and took a shower. I took the first supplements and packed the next ones. I filled the water bottle while Chris took his shower, but he had waited too long and we were late leaving.
We headed to the driver's license bureau where Chris had an appt at 8:20 and mine was at 8:40. We were late for his appt, but it didn't matter because we did not have all the documentation they wanted. The lady gave me a booklet which I read as we drove back to Dugway. I had to stop reading when we got to the winding part of the road because it made my stomach sick. So we played the book on CD.
When we got to Dugway, Chris stopped at the office to print out the applications which he thought he submitted online but they insisted had to be submitted on paper. Then we went home to search for proof of address in the form of envelopes mailed to us at the PO address and our rental agreement with our house address. I looked high and low for my social security card, but all I found was a SS statement from 2000. Then we went back to his office where he printed out a copy of my w-2 from 2007. We went back to the bureau with me reading from the booklet for the test. When we got there, they did Chris' paperwork first, then mine. It took awhile, maybe because the rental agreement had his name on it and not mine. Arrg! When the paperwork was finished, we were told to go to a computer in the testing area and enter a test number to take the test. There were 20 random questions and it was open book. You'd think that would make it easier, but not so. The questions I got were hard to find in the book. After answering them all, I got a score of 20 out of 25, which was just enough to pass. It allowed me to look at the answers I missed. All 5 were ones I thought differed from what was in the book. “Given situation A, you should do B and C. True or False?” The book said in situation A, you should do B and D. So I marked it False, but the expected answer was True. Because I had a passing score, I mentioned it to the lady, but did not make a big deal about it. She said our licenses would be mailed to us, and we left.
Chris drove us to Salt Lake City to visit the Asian market. We finished CD 10 and discovered that CD 11 was missing. But by then we knew who did it. In the market, I enjoyed walking around and seeing things I hadn't seen in a long time, or have never seen before. We bought a few things from the grocery list and a few impulse buys. Outside the market was a shop selling kimchi. It was outrageously expensive at $7, but I was hungry so I got it and shared it with Chris on the drive back to Tooele.
We stopped at Home Depot to pick up pegboard, a hose and a sprinkler head. Then we went to Melanie's nutrition for cashews. And then we went home. It was after 5 so we each had something to eat. I ate some dried persimmons and the unknown yellow things from the market that had a big seed in each one and tasted a little like pineapple. I also ate frozen cranberries and watermelon. I read e-mail and watched a few videos. One was an interview with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. It is a non-profit organization of over 3000 architects and engineers who are calling for a new investigation into the destruction of the WTC twin towers and building 7.
Around 7:30 I went outside to deal with a gopher mound. I also filled a few holes that were randomly scattered in the lawn. They might be due to another rodent, or they could be ventilation shafts for the gopher burrows. Then I took a walk around the block for fresh air. When I got back, we popped a Netflix DVD in and watched two episodes of Patrick Stewart in 11th Hour. We both found the episodes somewhat familiar, like we'd seen them before. Chris looked up some of the characters while I tried to write to my blog. Then he went to bed and I finished my writing so I could go too.
* pics to follow *

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Star Trek extras

I did not sleep well last night but I could not identify the cause. It felt like I was awake most of the night. At 7:30 I got out of bed. I noticed the air purifier was not on.
I started the supplement routine. I looked for and responded to a few e-mails that were getting lost in the 500+ unread e-mails in my inbox. I put on episode #10 of Exhausted. I did some calisthenics to put on muscle. I opened a window when the temp went past 60.
I watered the lawn and dealt with three gopher mounds. I got out the leaf blower to blow the dirt away like Johnnie does, but it didn't turn on. I tried plugging it inside the house and still nothing. I put it aside, and scooped up the dirt. Then the blower suddenly came on and startled me. It didn't work quite as well as I had hoped, and the cord was too short to reach the next two mounds.
It was after 11 when I started making breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I ate and read e-mail until he left. Then I played the Del Bigtree video. Later I paused it to put on my bathing suit and lay in the sun and read. After half an hour, I wiped off the sweat and got dressed again.
I watched an interview with two whistleblowers from contractors who write software for federal databases and sell the info they collect to third parties. It was scary what they could do, like influence elections and incite riots. They say they have info on every man, woman and child in the U.S. And the headquarters is outside the U.S.
I watched a video Sharyl Attkisson did on fake news. Apparently its been around since before there was a name for it. Chris came home from work. He made his usual burritto. I heated a steak in the toaster oven. I ate a handful of nuts, and some of the cauliflower bread. Then I ate the steak, which was still a little pink in the middle. I put on my shoes to take a walk, but ended up alphabetizing my collection of Star Trek books, discovering many duplicates in the process. I set them aside, wondering if I should donate them or if they are worth something.
Chris and I took a walk around the block. We saw a rope swing behind one of the houses marked for demolition. I grabbed a hold and swung, but it wasn't easy to hang on. I'm a lot heavier than when I was a kid. When we got back to the house, I made a magnesium drink and a vitamin C drink. We sat down to watch TV and heard the sprinklers start up. Go figure.
We watched the last episode of The Umbrella Academy. Then we watched an episode of The 4400. It's the last season so Chris won't have to watch it for long. Afterward, I sat down to write up my day and get ready for bed. Tomorrow starts early.
* I did not take any pics today, so here is one of the strawberries at the community garden. *

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dodging the bullet

I got up just before 7:30. But my back kept threatening to spasm. I put it down to mowing yesterday. I called Chris and asked him to come back to the house. I sat in the recliner and realized it was a pretty good place to be parked. I could reach my laptop and a few shelves of books (mostly about warfare). When Chris got home, I asked him to get my heating pad and the chillow, then he made me some ginger/turmeric tea. He put beside me some sci-fi books, and he got my walker from the garage. I thanked him for all he did and he went back to work, leaving the door unlocked in case I had to call 911.
I used the heating pad first and then the chillow and then back to the heating pad. I was able to get on my laptop and read e-mail. Chris came back after his 10 am meeting to check on me. By that time I had left the walker in the bathroom because it was too hard to get around the boxes, and I didn't need it for walking, just for getting up and down.
He pulled out the bread machine and went back to work. I filled it with the usual recipe and set the cycle. I looked up Biden to see what he was like. Most video clips of him are very short. I saw an Australian piece that showed clips of him saying odd things, and calling people names. But another video showed him speaking well and not missing a beat. When Chris came home for lunch, I asked him and he said he hasn't liked Biden since the 80's. Not caring for Trump, I looked up Jo Jorgensen, the libertarian candidate. I read paragraphs from her website and watched a few short videos. I looked up her bio on Wikipedia. I just couldn't get a good idea of who she really is. But her political views are a little different from mine. Still, if she is a moral person, that beats Biden and Trump.
After Chris went back to work, I was feeling better and decided to have meditation and coffee afternoon. I skipped the balance exercises but did the others, plus drybrushing. I put on my bathing suit and laid out for half an hour or so. Then I turned up the stereo so I could hear it anywhere in the house. I tapped while meditating, but mostly ruminated. Afterward, I took a shower and got dressed. I cleaned the bathroom sinks and the kitchen sink. I washed the dirty dishes. And then mopped the floor.
I finally got a chance to sit down and Chris came home from work. I asked him if we could legally charge the DNC and RNC with choosing such bad candidates. He said our only recourse is not to vote for them. I looked up Sheryl Attkisson. She has her own platform now that she left CBS so she can report the stories she thinks are important. She wrote a book called “Slanted - how the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism”.
Since I was so productive last Thursday after not eating on Wednesday, I skipped eating again today. I went for a quick walk around the block. I saw sprinklers running, but ours are still not working. I looked behind some of the houses marked for demo, and one has irises or gladiolas growing by the back door. When I got home again, I made a magnesium drink and a vit. C drink. I sipped both while we watched two episodes of The Umbrella Academy. It gets pretty violent, but I close my eyes so I don't have those images in my mind.
After the show, I sat down to write my blog. I saw Chris had sent me a link to an article about how the actions of the democratic party could lead to the re-election of Trump. Then I finished my blog and got ready for bed.
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is a really old one that I found in a box. *

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The sound of sprinklers (silence)

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night because my stomach was swollen with the effort of trying to digest something. I wished I knew what. But eventually it subsided and I did sleep. At 6:30 I heard Reveille, and Chris taking a shower, but I did not get up until the alarm went off at 7:30. Then I started my day with supplements, brushing and swishing.
I usually go outside to water the grass but it was chilly out! I read e-mail and listened to an audio. When it warmed up a bit, I
opened a bunch of windows to let in fresh air. I turned on the ceiling fans, too. There are no windows in the master bedroom so I had to leave one of the back doors open. I figured that there was a small window of time between the cold of the morning and the heat of the afternoon, but it never did get that hot.
I put two stamps on the envelop with 4 masks and walked to the post office to mail it. When I got back, I started the breakfast process. By the time I finished breakfast, Chris came home for lunch. He brought me a new check book. Just before he went back to work, he told me he couldn't find a folder of receipts. So after he left, I looked around for it and didn't find it either.
I put on my bathing suit and read in the sun for half an hour. Then I changed back into regular clothes. I wrote up a blurb to post on the Dugway page for Saturday, but it needed a pic of masks. I had a manila envelope with about 20 in it. But it wasn't where I thought I saw it. I searched the house over and over, unwilling to accept that I couldn't find it. In the process, I found the shower filter head that we've been looking for since we got here. So I guess the moral of the story is that I'll find the masks when I am looking for something else.
It was almost 6 when Chris came home from work. He told me about a patch of mint he saw by one of the buildings. I ate supper while watching a video of Dr. John Gray. After we both ate supper, Chris and I walked over to get a few stalks of mint. Most of it was spearmint, but the smaller stalks tasted more like peppermint. Chris pulled 4 of them and we brought them home and put them in water. I was glad it was not guarded by a mint monster. Sometimes they demand your firstborn in return for the mint you picked. And I didn't know how I would break such news to Michele. :)
The sunlight was waning, but I got out the mower and did as much of the side yard as I could before dark. I watched the sprinklers come on across the street. Usually our sprinklers are next.
But when I settled down with Chris to watch TV, there was no sprinkler sound. I drank magnesium water during the two episodes. Still no sprinklers. I checked the grass in the front yard. It was dry. Sigh. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* This is a snake we saw on our walk a few days ago. *