Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Getting Started

Although we found out at the beginning of June that we were moving to Korea (with the help of the Army) , we just received notice that August 18th is the day my husband must report for duty. Up until this time I have successfully procrastinated a feeling of panic. I guess some things can't be put off forever.
I do not know what all needs to be done before that date. Part of me does not want to know. I face having to decide for each object in my house what its fate will be: it goes to Korea, it goes in storage, it goes to Goodwill, it gets sold, it gets thrown out, etc. I think I deserve to panic. There are a lot of objects in my house. Some decisions will be easy, others very hard, because I cannot bear to throw anything away knowing that it will end up in a landfill. I feel I must find it a proper home or recycle it. But some things cannot be recycled. Any suggestions or other ways of viewing this issue are welcome.


Gwenda said...

Don't forget about freecycle for all of your unwanted usable junk! I know one thing you won't be getting rid of -- all of that material!!

Good luck on your Korean adverture! Can't wait for pictures!

Christy said...

Solution: send all your material to me! plus your embroidery machine and instructions, and throw out half your other stuff cause that gives you the excuse to buy "new" when you come home. Only take 1 sewing machine to Korea and buy more material and machines there! they're supposed to have everything! Good Luck!