Saturday, August 2, 2008


We are leaving for the beach. I dobn't know if I'll get to post while there. Hopefully we can relax and not think too much about moving. We are bringing one of each bill so we can change address while there.
Usually my family teases me about how long it takes me to pack. So they waited. And I was the first one packed! Ha! It still took an hour or more, but I packed things they didn't. (Moms always do).
At WalMart this morning they had electronics recycling. Woo-hoo! How perfect is that? Got rid of all that outdated computer stuff! There was a lot, and yet the empty space I was looking forward to didn't look so empty. Hmm....
Anway, we (they) are ready to leave so I'd better go.


Gwenda said...

A beach vacation, how nice! Maybe next summer I'll get my kids to the beach, they've never been.

Pat said... while ye can!