Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pictures of hotel and school

In the first picture you can see the backyard of the hotel. In the second picture you can see Michele's school just above the center line. The foreground is the hotel's playground. What you can't see just to the right of the backyard, is the hotel's glass enclosed swimming pool. I finally went there today. It is part of the health club. I swam in the pool, sat in the large glassed in jacuzzi, sat in the really hot hottub in the locker room, took a few minutes in the steam room (too humid to breath) and laid down in the sauna. It was wonderful! They even had a machine to spin the water out of your bathing suit. I came back to the room very calm and relaxed.
Up stairs from the lockerrooms, they have rooms full of exercise equipment. Each one has its own TV. I will try those later.
Earlier today Chris and I walked to the library while Michele stayed in the room and added to her current story. Her muse was in full force today. Chris and I walked the better part of half a mile to the library to check out books and videos. My back was a little sore after walking back, so we took a movie and lunch break in the room, then walked to the gift and thrift shops. I bought a green kimono-like embroidered robe for $12. I didn't get anything at the thrift shop except an invitation to help. They are always looking for volunteers.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Great to see pictures at last! I've enjoyed your everyday reports of your adventure. Hope your back is feeling much better by now. Hi to Chris and Michelle from the DeBurghs.
Love, Gail