Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thursday, 9:30 AM

I am awaiting the opening of the club expo downstairs. It starts at 10am. I hear what sounds like a marching band but can't see them as I gaze over at the high school. It is hard to tell what I hear because the AC is so loud. My back is a little better, I can sit up and took a shower by myself. My arm is all better except for some scaliness. I have done more Sudoku puzzles in the last 48 hours than ever before. Oh, and I read a book I brought from the states. This must all seem a little dry without pictures, but I can't find the cord to transfer them with.
Last night Chris and Michele went to see "Iron Man" at the on-post theatre, free. I got a movie from Netflix so I watched that. Chris thinks I canceled Netflix albeit too late for this last movie to get shipped, but though it took it 10 days to arrive, I changed the shipping address and will wait to see how long it takes the next one. They have DVDs at the library, but who can rival Netflix for selection?
The bakery downstairs has a lot of flaky pastry stuff, but they are a little dry. The sticky bran muffin though, is outstanding. They also do a good job making Chinese food. The chicken was so tender and moist you'd have thought it was dark meat (which is the only kind I like) and the spicy meatballs were really good, too. I'm glad they came with mashed potatoes to cut the spicy flavor. It seems like the bakery is the only place we eat now. It is cheaper than the sit-down restaurants in the hotel. If only they had the parfaits for breakfast...

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