Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Head start on next house


I got up around 7:30. I had had a hard time sleeping. I got gas, probably from the salad, and it seemed to bother me all night. Chris was gone on his trip.

I brushed and swished and took supplements. I checked e-mail. I got dressed and went to the apartment to clean. There wasn't much left to do. I was done in half an hour, except for the shampooing of the carpet. That's Jamie's job because it involves moving furniture.

I went home. Steve called and we agreed to meet at his place (which is the apartment next to where I had been). I grabbed my shampooer and went back. I carried it to the second floor to 208. When I heard his door, I went over and he showed me what he wanted done. We made arrangements to do it on Thursday.

Then I went home for breakfast. I also read e-mail. Then I paused something to go to the sign-over at 632. I was early but the inspectors were already there. The gentleman came out to greet us then we went inside for all the sign-over activities. Jamie had already confirmed that the quote had been paid by Venmo. So after the signing, I went upstairs to fill the tub with hot water, ammonia and Dawn.

I left it soaking and went home, only to turn around and go to Saronna's house to play hymns. We hadn't played in a while so it was fun, and we talked a lot too. Then she went to pick up her kids at school. I had agreed to unlock the swap shop for her, but forgot and went home. I ate some fruit and drank water. Then I went back to unlock the shop.

I went to the house to clean, but didn't have the house key, so I went home to get it, and back. I started cleaning in the kitchen and was surprised how many things I would need the stepladder to clean. But it was still at the apartment. Sigh. I did what I could, including windows and mirrors. I got a call from Brian and put him in touch with Michelle. Later she called back to say he had given her permission to plant flowers at the gym as long as she wrote a letter to the effect that the gov't will not be charged.

2 hours later I went home, stopping on the way to lock the swap shop. At home, I put beef in the toaster oven and made a salad. I ate while watching an interview with a man who wrote a book about how the moon landing was faked. Pretty convincing. Especially the part about the Van Allen belt killing whoever goes through it.

Then Michele called. We had a nice chat, and no she hasn't heard if she got the job here yet. She hung up because Chris was calling her. I worked on my blog. Saronna texted that she had time to get the food from the fridge at 632. So I jumped in the car and drove over there. I parked in the garage so she could park behind me. She brought bags and filled them with food from the fridge and pantry. Then we each went home.

I went back to my blog and the taking of supplements. I made tea while I typed. I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. Then I turned off all the lights, and put on soothing music and listened from the recliner. Sometime later, I got up and went to bed.

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