Monday, May 6, 2024

The big roast


During the night I had RLS. I tried everything I could think of. The magnesium spray made it worse, so I took some calcium and, surprisingly, it stopped. I was able to fall asleep.

I got up at 8:30. Chris was gone. He had left a roast in the oven. I did the usual first things. Then I looked for egg and cheese recipes that bake at 250 so I could tell how long it would take. But I could not find any. I whipped up a batch of cheese squares, including diced scapes and sliced cherry tomatoes. I let it sit till 11, then put it in on the rack under the roast. It took about 50 minutes to cook at that temp. I read e-mail and made breakfast mix.

When the cheese came out, I cut it up and ate the crusts. I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church and put some in a container. I went to the chapel, and got set up. The traveling pastor came and preached from Mark. Afterward, I played with Saronna, Sophia and Keli. We all chatted. Jenni took the last cheese squares and we went home.

I turned off the oven. Michelle came over and took the heavy roast out. I gave her some cheese squares. We talked a bit and she went home. I changed my clothes. I read e-mail.I tried to take a nap. Then Chris called to say he was settled in his hotel room and had had supper.

I cut up the meat in the big black pot so it would all sink below the level of brine. I took some out for supper. I looked up music memes and downloaded some to use for advertising band. I made tea. I put the frost cover on the tower garden. I saw a small rodent run away. Sigh. How will I keep them out of the tower garden this year?

I worked on my blog, then watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I jotted notes for my blog tomorrow. I cued up some sleep music. I took special sleep-inducing supplements. I got ready for bed, then laid in the recliner for awhile, before going to bed.

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