Saturday, October 18, 2008

Stuffed Squid

Chris got up EARLY this morning and Rick drove him to meet the bus to the airport. He will be in Northern Va for a week. I wanted to send him with a shopping list, but he thought he'd be busy doing whatever they sent him to do. Well, I had a number of things I wanted to do today but had to wait for the plumber to come at 11. Only he didn't. But we waited. Then we got a call around one saying that he would come at 2. So, since Michele was here to let him in, I dashed over to the thrift shop to buy a chair. There was only one left. I also got a laundry basket, and I had brought my rolling cart. I put the chair upside down in the basket and put the basket on the carrier and rolled the two home. I didn't make it by two, but it was ok. The plumber had finished and left and Michele was ready to go to the International Food Festival in Etaewon. I needed a break after rolling that chair, but then we hiked over to Etaewon, and did some window shopping and sampled food. Michele got a Pakistani chicken tortilla, and I got a fried triangle with a spicy potato filling. One place advertised cider, but it was nothing more than a mild Sprite. Just before we left, I bought a stuffed squid. Michele identified it for me. The lady sliced it up, put some red stuff on it, wrapped it in tinfoil, and away we went. It was still hot when we got home. It was ok. Michele would NOT try it. I put the rest in the fridge and tried it cold later. I liked it better cold.
Waiting for the plumber this morning, we cleaned the apartment. By that I mean Michele vacuumed her room and I did the rest.I also wove the back of one of the chairs. After returning from the thrift shop with a chair that was 'icky', I spent half an hour scrubbing the seat with a toothbrush and now it looks great! I also did a little sewing, but it is hard to get in the mood to lay out and cut fabric on the floor. Our household goods will be delivered Wednesday, and if I can hold out that long, I will have my cutting table, making the process SO much easier. I will also have speakers for my stereo system so I can listen to music as I sew.
I hung a panel of burgundy silk in the window last night and it looked so good, but come morning the light went right through it. So curtain linings will be on my sewing list. Oh, one more thing to bring from home if you move here is a bag of your favorite clothing patterns. They are conspicuously absent at the fabric market. I have been told that here people give a picture of the garment they want to a sewing lady, along with their measurements, and she makes it. How does she do that? What about the joy of making it yourself?


Pat said...

That's very interesing...about the lady making much does something like that cost?

Fern said...

I don't know how much they charge for one item. I have heard that you can hire a sewing woman for a day for 80,000 won, which is $60 to $70 depending on the exchange rate.