Monday, September 16, 2024

Bag of money


I got up around 8. I checked messages, then got dressed and went out to level gopher mounds. None of the traps caught anything. I also watered the plants. I came in to meet with John but he wasn't online. I edited a set of pictures on the old computer because the new version of MS Paint was completely confusing. I posted the pic to Facebook. Chris helped me uplevel my character.

I went to the garden to water hers and check mine. I picked a tomato. I emptied two mice from the bucket between the sheds. I went home. I took some stuff out of the back of my car and put it in the garage. Then I went in to make breakfast.

After breakfast, I took a shower and got dressed for church. I put cheese squares in a container. I put the smaller trombone back in its case. I took both and headed to the chapel. Then I saw John walking to church and remembered the bag of money I found in his friend's apartment. I went home and put it in my purse. Then I continued on to the chapel.

After leaving the cheese squares on the back table, I took the trombone up front and assembled it. I put music on the stands, forgetting that one of them has a second page. I sat down and talked to Keli until the service started. Then we sang several praise songs. The chaplain gave his last sermon on Christ as Deity. Keli and I and Jenni went up to play the hymns. I stumbled on the second one because I didn't have the second page ready to go. But we finished well. Then the chaplain closed the service.

There was chatting up front and in the back. People helped themselves to snack. I gave John the money to give back to his friend. Then we all went home.

I changed clothes and went to the swap shop to return the suits that Chris didn't want. Michelle and her mother dropped by. Michelle had clothes to donate. I also tucked the patio chairs and water jug away for a lady who wanted to pick them up later.

Afterwards, I went home to change into my bathing suit. I grabbed a towel and met Michelle at the pool. We swam and talked for an hour. Then Jenni arrived, so we talked a little longer. Then I went home for the game.

I changed into dry clothes. Chris was heating ribs in the toaster oven for me. Everyone signed into Discord and we started the family DnD game. We had an encounter with an aurochs, and later with a Kobold which we tried to enlist. He was unwilling so we questioned him and let him go.

After the game, I worked on my blog, then made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Later Chris went to bed. I got ready for bed, but then stayed up to read a few last messages.

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