Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Passing inspection


I got up before 8. I got dressed and watered my plants with diluted whey from yogurt. I had a bunch of gopher mounds to take done. I flushed all the tunnels, but no critters came up.

I read for a while, then I parsed supplements for the week. I listened to a podcast on health. I went to the garden. I watered the one next to mine and put a tomato cage in the center of the beans and peas. I picked two pods. I pulled some weeds. I put diluted whey on my tomato plants.

When I got home, I made and ate breakfast. I paused to go to the inspection at apt 102. They asked for the sills to be cleaned so I got a cloth and worked on that. Jamie came and helped. After the sills were cleaned and the papers signed, I went to Housing to return the key.

At 2, I drove to Saronna's house. We played through 76 Trombones and some jazzy versions of When the Saints Go Marching In. Jedediah slept through the whole things.

I went home to read and eat. I posted for Math Morning to Facebook. I looked for more math memes but couldn't find ones that didn't need a math degree to understand. Odd.

Chris came home. Jenni asked me to open the swap shop for her substitute.  So I drove over, opened it, chatted with them and took a pic of a small table and chairs. I went home and posted it on the community page so people would know it was open and what they might find. Someone posted later that they were very happy to have the child-sized table and chairs.

I listened to a podcast then worked on my blog.  I went back to the swap shop to lock up, but Jenni was there.  We got to talking then went home.   I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed soon after, but I stayed up to clean out more e-mail. Then I went to bed, too.

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