Sunday, September 1, 2024

What's in K1?


I got up at 8. It was around 40 outside, so I stayed inside. I unplugged the mower battery. I pulled out the goat yogurt to see how firm it was. It wasn't firm like the Greek yogurt. I read e-mail and other messages. Chris went to the office.

Michelle called to make sure we were going to the Air Force ball before she bought tickets. I finished letting out Chris' pants and reassembling the waistband. I cut and sewed together pieces of cotton batting to make what I need for sewing class tomorrow.

Then it was time for breakfast. As I was making breakfast, Chris came back for lunch. I read e-mail as I ate and finished the foraging video. I made a shopping list.

We shopped at the commissary, then went to Tooele. I visited Melanie's while Chris went to Luckey's. Then we went to Macey's for the one thing left on the list. I drank my bottle of tea on the way home while we listened to the book on CD.

I looked for images for Project Night and collected them in a file. I came across a video on the ingredients in the K1 shot for babies: Polyoxyl 35, polysorbate 80, or aluminum, depending on which brand. But why are ingredients like this necessary?

Chris went to his game night. I read some more while eating ground beef and pickled beets. I watered the plants outside. I prepared some epsom salt water for the garden. I sat down again and posted to my blog. Then I went to the garden and watered. I picked a pea pod from Kenzie's garden and a cob of corn from mine. I put the battery in the mower and did at least half of the sunny side of the yard.

I got ready for game night. I couldn't find my game notebook, but I had notes inside my head. I went to Michelle's house with some of the goat yogurt. She was over the moon about having just taken and passed the state department exam. We also talked about the trip to the ranch next weekend. I played a little, solving the gear problem, which allowed me to find the elevator and go up. From there I walked out onto a rotating walkway and jumped off onto a tall rock. But I could not make the jump onto the rotating walkway of the next tower. After several failures, I tried a different world in the game. I rode a train into a factory, but got stuck because it seemed there was nowhere to go from there.

It was after 11 when I shut down the game. I was home and getting into bed by 11:30.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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