Saturday, September 7, 2024



I got up around 7:30. I went out to water and flush gopher mounds down the associated tunnels. No gopher appeared even though I saw the ground move before I started watering.

I make 2 batches of seed crackers and baked them at the same time. I replenished the mixes they are made from. I read messages while they baked and crisped. Then I made a batch of cheese squares. I took out some frozen eggs to thaw. I bought more cheese at the commissary. The bagger talked about Warhammer, so I texted Chris about it. Chris told me to give the guy his name. I said I had pointed out Chris' picture, which is on the wall in all the govt buildings.

Still waiting for the eggs to thaw, I made breakfast and watched The HighWire. Then I made another batch of cheese squares, this time with sliced tomatoes and garlic paste. As soon at it went in the oven, I drove to open the swap shop for a texter.

I finished watching The Highwire and started watching something else. Then I made a gallon of yogurt fertilizer. I went to the library to copy music and get books on CD for our trip. I came home for the fertilizer, but read some messages and ate frozen watermelon. Then I went to the garden to fertilize. I also watered her garden and picked some beans. I was pleased to see green tomatoes on my vines.

Chris was home when I got home. He had his usual weekly pizza. I ate ribs and a carrot salad. Michelle called to ask if I was packed. We talked for a little bit but she was on her way home and expected to lose cell service.

I worked on my blog. I closed my eyes and imagined each part of our trip to make a list of what I needed to bring. I made more breakfast mix. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read.

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