Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My slide has come home!


I got up around 8 and got ready for the day. I watered a few plants and places where radish seeds were sewn. There were no gopher mounds. I dug up a handful of tiny potatoes.

I read e-mail and articles. I chose some hymns, scanned them, and cleaned up the copies. I made and ate breakfast then laid in the sun. I put the hymns on a thumb drive. I unlocked the swap shop, then went to the library to print hymns. We talked too long. Gary came in and asked if we would play for Winterfest. Yes!

I went home. I listened while I cut up a watermelon. I froze 2 gal bags of the fruit. Chris came home, and brought in the slide box. He opened the cardboard part. I unscrewed the box. But I didn't have time to read the instructions. As I headed out with my back-up trombone, Chris brought me a pair of pants that needed to be let out. I told him to leave them in my sewing room.

I went to the chapel for band. We played through two hymns for Sunday and then some music we thought might be good for Oktoberfest. Keli paid me for cleaning I did several weeks go and went home. I walked out following Saronna.

When I got home, Michelle came over. I followed her to the car wash. We washed my car inside and out. On the way home, I noticed flashes of light to the right of my visual field. I had Chris check my eyes and see if I looked symmetrical. Everything seemed to be ok.

I read e-mail for a bit, then made tea and watched WTR. Afterward, Chris went to bed and I stayed up till after 11.

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