Thursday, September 5, 2024

How big is a gopher tunnel?


I got up after 7:30. I started coffee morning. I fertilized the plants in the tower garden. I washed out some gopher mounds and returned the dirt to the holes from whence it came.

I did my exercises and reading and tapping and meditation. After Coffee morning, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed the dishes and mopped the floor. I took a shower and cut my hair. I vacuumed the house. Then I stopped at the post office for mail.

I went to the gym and worked out. I said hi to a few people I knew. I chatted with the ladies at the front desk. When I got home, I read some e-mail. Jenni called, wanting to sign me up for blood donation. We talked about other things as well.

I started watching Josiah's service. Chris came home and told me Jamie was outside. Jamie had come over to work on my lawn. I gave her money for cleaning apt 102. Then we talked until Chris came out and said someone needed the swap shop open. I ran down to open it and stayed to chat for a few minutes. Then I headed home again.

I got a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with dirt that gophers had spilled onto the sidewalk. Then I got the hose and started watering the uneven ground. A hole opened up and I flushed it well. Then, one handful at a time, I got all 5 gallons of dirt to flow down into the tunnel. And it still wasn't full.

I finished watching Josiah's funeral service. It was beautiful and I was struck by how composed his mother was as she talked about his early life. When it was over, I sent messages about it to Faye.

I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I sat with my right hand in a cold gel pack. After the show, Chris laid out his suit for tomorrow and went to bed. I stayed up a little later.

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