Saturday, September 7, 2024

Marshmallows over a fire


I got up before 7:30. I got dressed and went out to water the plants well since they won't be watered again until Sunday. I ignored the one gopher mound in the back yard. I picked out a box to be the food box and put breakfast stuff in it and seed crackers and dates, etc.

I put some blank paper on a clipboard and took a book to the chapel at 9. I unlocked it for Math Morning. I checked the bathrooms. I found two mice in the bucket trap. I pitched the water and mice outside in a gopher hole, then refilled it from the sink. The plumbing needs work.

I sat and tried to read. It was hard because for some reason my glasses were not in my purse. Then Casey and Cedric arrived. We talked until 10, then I packed up and locked the doors and we went home.

I made and ate breakfast. I finished packing my suitcase and food box. Michelle asked for the cheese squares to load in her cooler so I delivered them and came home. I moved the hand pump from the full 5 gallon jug to the empty one. I got folding chairs from the garage. I selected a jacket and scarf. Michelle texted asking if we had room for the food. Seems we did. Chris came back from the office and packed the car. The trunk was mostly empty.

We drove to Michelle's house. They had two big coolers of food which fit in our trunk. We all went to the commissary for ice and firewood. Then we met at the gas station to fill up. And finally we were on the road.

At first they followed us, then later we followed them. We made a pit stop, then got back on the road and soon turned onto a very dusty dirt road. It slowed us down. We didn't have a good address to follow to the Bates Family Ranch. So we went this way and that. Chris stopped and walked back to their car. There was a lot of comparing of phones, and then we were back on our way, covered in dust.

We finally arrived. It all seemed smaller than in the pictures. A cluster of cabins around a bath house. Only two toilets! RV sites were around the periphery. Anyway, we unpacked. Michelle and Casey set up folding tables. Chris helped start a fire in the fire pit. Casey had a coal stove that looked like a big black lunch box. They wrapped potatoes in foil and placed them over the fire. Casey cooked sausages on his little stove. Michelle set out bags of cut up veggies. They were intended for people to wrap in foil with oil and roast over the fire. But I ate them raw.

Later we found sticks and roasted marshmallows. Actually, I roasted mine, but the kids burnt theirs. Still, we all had a good time. The adults sat around talking. Then Chris retired to our cabin to get on his laptop. The rest of us kind of packed up.

Casey set up his raspberry pie on the small table and hung a sheet on his porch. He hooked up a projector and got the game, Myst Uru going. I was amazed how well the picture came out on the sheet. As I played the game, I came upon journals. I opened them and was able to read every word! The part that could use improvement was the chair and the mouse pad. The camping chair was too low, so I stood half the time. The mousepad moved around on the table to I had to hold it with my left hand.

It was almost 11 when I quit. He and I packed it up and moved all the components into their cabin. Then I went to my cabin where Chris was asleep. I felt around the food box for my pillminder. I took it outside to identify the bedtime supplements. After taking them, I went inside and felt around for my suitcase and put it on the bed. I knew where my nightgown was so I pulled that out and put the suitcase back.

Then I crawled into bed thinking I might fall asleep pretty quickly. But no. I didn't realize that Chris had put my purse and phone on the night table. I completely forgot to shut it off. Also I was worried that we needed to be up, dressed, and fed and ready to go by 8. There might be a run on the bathroom. So I tossed and turned all night, never getting comfortable and often finding lack of blood flow to one appendage or another.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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