Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Michele got the job!


I got up soon after 7, when the daylight was still weak. I read some e-mail, then read about the principles of food combining. As always, it seemed complicated. I went out to water plants and level gopher mounds. Later I did more reading. I ate frozen watermelon as I listened to a podcast. I posted to Facebook for band practice.

Around noon, I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch and said Michele got offered a job at the clinic. While I was happy she was going to move here, it also meant that someday I would have to leave her again.

I read e-mail. Then I worked on choosing hymns for Sunday. I wrestled with the old desktop to be able to scan. Finally I got them on the thumb drive. I went to the library to print them out. I talked to the ladies there: they are going to put up a sewing machine in their craft room for the public. So I volunteered to bring in something sewn to hang on the wall as inspiration and advertisement.

I came home with the music. I read more messages. I looked in my sewing closet for a thing for the library and found a set of fall blocks from two decades ago. Chris came home and was soon was talking to Michele. She wanted help filling out some form.

At 6 I went to the chapel for band. We worked on two hymns and a line up of music for Oktoberfest. It wore my lip out. Then they all left and I stayed behind to turn out the lights and check the restrooms and look in the bucket trap. There was one dead mouse.

I went home. Chris heated up a short rib for me. He also cooked mushrooms and rice. I cleared out some videos from e-mail as I ate. I picked some cabbage leaves and made a small salad. I worked on my blog, then made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Then he went to bed. I got ready for bed, but stayed up to listen to a podcast. Something didn't digest well and I blame the cabbage.

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