Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Funeral thoughts


We got up late. I read e-mail for a while, then went out to water. I actually caught a gopher. Kinda surprised me. Lately flooding the tunnels hasn't been working.

I read articles, then posted for band practice. I made list of supplements that were running low. I compared options on all the sites having sales, then made two purchases.

I made and ate breakfast, then laid out in the sun. I thought about today being the funeral for Josiah. His poor parents!  And brother.  And grandmother.  I should write them a letter, but what do you say to someone that has lost their child?

I listened to a podcast on toxic bile theory. I went to the apt to look for anything not clean. I washed floor again, but it didn't do much good. I re-did the windows – just in case. Jamie came over and we talked.

I went home. I cleared my front seat so I could take Chris to the gas station. He put gas in my car while I filled a 5-gallon jug with water. We took it home and he set it in place. I ate some ribs and rice, then listened to a podcast on what not to eat.

I went to band and met Saronna and her kids there. Jenni was late, so I texted her. Keli didn't come so we had no piano. Jenni showed up just as we were finishing so we played a little more. Then she wanted me to sign up for activities at the senior center. Ha!

I came home and checked e-mail. I finished mowing the side yard and did part of the back yard. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Afterward, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to read on my laptop, then I went to bed, too.

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