Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cleaning advice


I got up at 7:30. I looked out to see the Gopherhawk was sprung. But it was too cold to go out and check it. I also saw a ferret staring at me from a gopher hole. I got ready for Coffee Morning. I did oil-pulling, and lymph-moving exercises. I took supplements and read for half an hour. I meditated and tapped. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen.

Chris came home for lunch. He cooked ramen. I cleaned around him. I swept and mopped the floor. I finished vacuuming, then emptied the vacuum cups and washed the filters. I laid in the sun till it went over the roof. I pulled out the GopherHawk and found a live gopher caught by its paw. Sadly I had to kill it because I could not let it go on digging holes in my yard.

I took a shower and got dressed. I read for awhile, then headed out. I unlocked the swap shop for Steve, then went to a house being cleaned to give her advice and to answer questions.  I found I wasn't as copacetic as I thought.  Then I went to the garden with a tomato cage to support a plant that has outgrown its own cage.

When I got back, I watched tapping video from the challenge that Brad Yates is doing this week. I realized I was upset by someone else getting the cleaning job that would have come to me. Chris came home from work, then went to Mass. I read e-mail and messages. I took down some gopher mounds in the shady side of the yard. I could only find one tunnel, but I set two traps in it. I also got my feet wet trying to flood it.

I listened to a podcast while Chris was at Mass. He came home and we had a discussion. I walked to the swap shop to lock it up. On the way back, I saw capsule-shaped tanks being installed. Back at home, I worked on my blog, then made tea and watched TV. Afterward, he went to bed. I stayed up to read a book by a red bulb. Then I went to bed, too.

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