Friday, September 13, 2024

Furniture for the furniture room


I got up at 8. It was cool outside. I took supplements, then checked e-mail. I finished a video from yesterday interviewing people in Springfield Ohio. All the residents said Haitians were eating cats and all the Haitians said they were not. There were scenes and reports of Haitians in car accidents. But when the reporter went to the DMV to find out if Haitians had to take a driving test, the clerks claimed they were not allowed to answer such questions. Residents reported housing prices going up. Some were evicted from their homes because landlords could get more rent from the Haitians who were given 'magic money cards' by our government.

I walked around the yard and only found one gopher mound. I went to the apartment to clean the oven. But first I scrubbed the oven racks and burner bowls. When I took the metal scrubbie to the floor of the oven, it made more black spots. I wiped them with a cloth and determined that the scrubbie was taking off the paint. Sigh. I completed the hour by cleaning the stove knobs and grease spots on the walls.

After that, I went to the swap shop to clean. I vacuumed up white dust from ceiling tiles that were replaced. I also scrubbed the furniture and swept the floor. I arranged the items to cover up bad spots on the walls and floors.  I took pics to post online.

At noon I went home to make breakfast and watched The HighWire. Del interviewed Bret Weinstein who talked about how the company that provides mice for medical experiments breeds them in a way that produces as many healthy mice as possible. Inadvertently, those mice have longer telemeres than regular mice and are more prone to cancer. This skews the results of the testing.

The interview went really long. I had to pause it when the head of Housing called and wanted to see the ceiling tile dust. So I met him and Connie at the swap shop. There wasn't much to see since I had cleaned up.

Then we went to a house that has been unoccupied for a few years. Mouse dirt was everywhere. He was asking if I wanted any of the furniture for the swap shop. Two complete bedroom sets (minus the mattresses), washer and dryer, and dining room set. I said yes, but it won't all fit right now. They said they would call when they had a plan.

I went home and finished The Highwire interview. I listened to other interviews and read articles. I mended something from the swap shop and added a shower curtain to the pile to go. I posted for Math Morning. Summer messaged me that she was going to stop volunteering for the swap shop.

Chris came home with a pizza. It was after 7 when I went out to mow. I quit when it became too dark to see where I had been. I texted out a bunch of messages. I worked on my blog and downloaded pics from my phone.  I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR.  Then he went to bed. I got ready for bed and hit the hay too.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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