Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby quilts

Last night I spent an hour working on 2 quilt tops for the Stork's Nest. I always quit by 11 so as not to disturb the neighbors. So this morning after making sandwiches, I finished the two tops. That took about another hour. Then I cubed some cheese for my contribution to the lunch at the quilt meeting. We were scheduled to work on Quilts of Valor, but since births at the Stork's Nest are scheduled to rise sharply, we worked on baby quilts.

Hey, we finished 13 today. That is some kind of record. Also, another quilter wants to give a class making a hand applique project. She wants to have it in the cafeteria. She wanted to start this Wednesday and asked me if I could reserve it for her by then. In two days?! So she settled for four Wednesday nights in May. Well, I hope it is available, but more than that, I hope she realizes that this is HER class and I am not responsible for picking up the key, arriving early, tidying up afterwards and locking up. I wrote her a polite e-mail to that effect and Chris said he was proud of me for standing up for myself instead of giving in and fuming.
***Pictures from Thailand***

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