Thursday, April 23, 2009


I worked at the thrift shop as usual, but left early to meet Michele at the DHL. When I saw her crossing the street in her black suit, she looked so grownup and independent that I felt a tear drop. So we caught a taxi to Yonsei University. We had no problem getting the driver to understand where we wanted to go. In fact he seemed to know which building we wanted. Then we went to the 7th floor and were about 40 minutes early. I brought a book to read. Michele had already finished hers and just sat. Her interview was scheduled for 1:40 and neither of us had lunch. So after the interview (which lasted 10 minutes) I thought we should eat, but she seemed intent on getting home. But we couldn't find the subway. Finally a Korean woman put us on a bus and told the driver where to let us off. That was pretty amazing considering the language barrier. Then Michele navigated us home on the subway. She was wearing heels so her feet hurt a lot walking home. She took to her bed and read. I hit the kitchen and filled up. Then I read for a while too. When Chris got home, he wanted to know how her interview went, but she had no idea how well she did. After supper it was each of us to our own computer.


Gwenda said...

LOL!!! You're holding up the rock with one hand and your breast with the other!

Fern said...

I am POINTING at the rock with my other hand, thank you very much!