Friday, April 3, 2009

Back to college

This morning Michele greeted us with the news that her college application is due today AND it is missing a certificate of scheduled graduation (she realized this at 4 am). As she (and a friend)were scheduled to be at the retreat by nine am, And Chris had to go to work after taking them, it was up to me to get the form from the school and deliver in person to the university. So I called the school, and they said they had no such form, but they would write a letter saying she was on schedule to graduate. Andrea and I had planned to go to the PX because the Happy Quilt man was there for the weekend. So we picked up the letter at the school, bought fabric from the Happy Quilt man, and she drove me to Yonsei University. Michele had printed out a map of the campus and circled the office of admissions. But when we got there, they were closed for lunch. We were shown another room to go to, but the people there sent us to another building across campus. There, after talking to several people, I found Underwood International College on the fourth floor. The lady that accepted the application couldn't verify if it was complete, or correct. Those people were still at lunch. She took my phone number. Then Andrea and I came home, so she could feed her kids lunch. Later, the office called to say the application package was missing her transcript and teacher recommendations. I searched the apartment for a transcript to no avail. I called Chris (could not get ahold of Michele). He walked over to the school, got another transcript and 2 recommendations, and then was offered a ride to the university by a coworker who had attended it himself. Whew!
I spent the afternoon and evening washing, drying and ironing all the fabric I bought. Chris fixed us supper and watched Da Vinci Code while playing on his computer. I am looking forward to our walk among the flowers tomorrow. There is also a wedding that Chris wants us to go to. Turns out he hadn't thought about bringing a gift. I said its ok, I have until tomorrow at noon to make a quilt. No problem. Ha!


Gwenda said...

A quilt in a day? If it can be done, you're the one to do it!

Fern said...

That's what I thought, too. Thanks for the confirmation.