Friday, August 30, 2024

Hot hot peppers


I got up around 7:30. I got ready for the day. It was cool out, so I compared supplements online. Eventually I placed an order. I went to the garden to check irrigation and growth of plants. I ate a pea pod from Kenzie's garden. I watered her garden and pulled weeds. I checked on the grapes but they were completely gone.

I went to Housing to schedule a final inspection for Tuesday. Then I got my bible and went to the community club for Bible study but no one was there. So I went home. I replaced a filter in the Air Doctor. But the red lights would not go out, so I had to look it up. It was not in the manual, but on their site I found the answer to turn them off. I messaged Kenzie. I looked up and made liquid hand soap for the kitchen. I listened to some podcast on cancer. Someone messaged me about wanting to drop off stuff at the swap shop.

Chris came home for lunch early. I went out to water my plants. When I came in, I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire. I went down to the swap shop to find what was dropped off and shove it into the room. There were tomato cages and I decided to keep those myself.

After The Highwire, I hardboiled some eggs. I put the previously picked ones in a smaller jar. When the fresh ones were done, I put them in the pickle juice. I also added some hot peppers from the tower garden: a move my hands would regret for the rest of the day. I listened to Dr. Ruby as I took apart the back of Chris' pants and let out the seam. I pinned the waistband down, then got sidetracked on something else.

I went out to mow what I had raked yesterday. The mower ran down, so I put it away and plugged the battery in. Then I raked the other side of the yard. I also pulled a lot of young tumbleweeds. I saw Chris come home. I quit and came in for supper. I had some ground beef, and watched a foraging video done by a friend's son.

I went to Michelle's house and we walked around the neighborhood. When we got back, she gave me a container of goat yogurt. When I got home, I put it on cheese cloth like the last batch of yogurt. I left it to drip.

I made tea and we messaged. Then Chris and I watched two episodes of WTR. He went to bed and I stayed up to jot notes for my blog and check Facebook.

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