Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tweeking Triangles

Being it is Saturday, I stayed in bed for a little while after the alarm went off. Ok, maybe an hour. I got up for breakfast, e-mail and a shower. I took Chris' car to the AnC center to finish my quilt after Cathy finished hers. She was still there. She had had problems with the stitching, but changed bobbin cases and that worked. We had time to discuss guild issues. Beth and her husband stopped by. She offered to go to the Chosun for us and submit our money for the luncheon. So we each gave her $20. It wasn't until later that I realized that I needed that money to pay for the quilt I did last week. Oh well. At least I had enough to pay for today's quilt. Although it is significantly smaller, it took longer because of the setting and tweeking of all the triangle designs. Around three, Star came by to bring me two extra spool pins she had. Hopefully one of them will fit my machine (the one in the back of my car.) We must have talked for over an hour. When I finished the quilt, I trimmed it there because they have a big table. Then I paid for the time on the machine, and drove home. Chris had a pot of curried vegetables on the stove. It wasn't ready yet, and I was hungry because I missed lunch. So I had a bite to eat before settling down to more e-mail. There were two more sessions of EFT to listen to - one on anger, and one on anxiety. I put away supper, and now it is time for bed.
* Another pic from the show. *

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