Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Michele was showing signs of a cold Sunday night. Monday morning she was miserable. So she stayed home, while I went to the quilting group. I stopped by the school to let them know she wasn't coming.
Nancy, my off-post friend who is interested in quilting, came for the first time and brought her machine. We had a great time working on Quilts of Valor. There were 4 or more in progress. Each one is a 3 rail fence, but in different colors. Afterwards, we all shared lunch and recipes. Five of us agreed to meet Wednesday to go to Dongdaemun, the fabric center of Seoul.
I was going to go with Nancy to Alison's house for more quilting, but decided to drop in on Michele and make sure she was drinking fluids. I tapped for her, too. By Monday night she was feeling much better. She went to school on Tuesday. Most amazing is that neither Chris nor I caught whatever she had.
Monday night we watched "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith. It is based on a true story. Although it has a happy ending, 95% is about his life going from bad to worse. A little depressing.
Tuesday Michele went to school and I went to the thrift shop to help. Three hours was all I could stand. Then I walked to the Px to get a couple of things. Could not find an outdoor type thermometer. I had to settle for a tiny zipper pull thermometer. I wanted a stainless steel bowl, but they had none in that size. People who live off-post talk about how they wish they could shop at the Px, but it isn't all it is reported to be. I did buy a chocolate bar, but it isn't that great. On the other hand, it is still chocolate.
Tonight we will meet to work on the donation quilt that we started last week. We expect to finish the top, considering how many people say they are coming.
Lately I have been thinking about the pain of existence. Several things, like quilting and reading are a temporary distraction from it and that's why I do them. I thought it was part of the human condition, but Chris and Michele say they know nothing about it. I am happy for them of course, but then why I am cursed with it?

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Pain? Are you living with cronic back pain? Please explain.