Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blue pants (and hands and socks...)

I slept in this morning, even though Chris had to get up extra early for a teleconference. The great thing about Daylight savings time is that now he must be there at 6 am instead of 5 am. Which means that the near gate is open and the buses are running, I think. Anyway, after sleeping through his departure, I slept through Michele's, too. After all, I wouldn't want to show partiality. When I did finally rise, I readied myself for visiting the library and commissary. When I got to the near gate, I had a 15 minute wait ahead of me, so I started walking. I got to the bus stop by the thrift shop and decided to wait for the bus there, since I was going all the way to main post. There I jotted down a list of things I might want for Christmas since I've been asked. Then I rode the bus to the library, dropped off books, walked to the Gallerie to ask the embroidery people where they get their thread, then to the PX. From the PX, I walked to the Dragon Hill, where Michele was sitting with a friend eating a hotdog. I walked up behind her and said "Its a terrible thing when a mother won't fix her daughter lunch." She just glared at me, so I left. I went to the thrift shop, bought two quilting magazines, was told Obama won the election, went to the Chosun, bought some silk, then walked to the commissary, thinking it had to be a mistake (Obama winning). I bought food, including a very large bottle of cranberry juice for Michele. She'd better appreciate it, because that bag was heavy! But, as I approached the pedestrian bridge (on my way home) a very nice young man offered to carry that bag for me. Being too polite to refuse, I accepted. Chivalry is not dead. Anyway, came home, put groceries away, checked e-mail, had lunch, Michele came home, I went into my sewing room determined to make the pair of pants I had bought fabric for a month ago. Well guess what? I hadn't washed the fabric, and the blue rubs off! My hands are blue and my socks are blue. My legs are probably blue, too. But I shant go to bed before they are finished. I just have to take in the elastic a little more.
Michele got her SAT results today. They were in the 500's and 600's. Chris told her that she most likely won't get into Georgetown or Will and Mary with those scores. She was devastated. So we had a discussion about how she should apply anyway, make herself look as good as possible on the application, and look at other colleges to start off her college career. I think she's ok now.
Well, enough break, back to the blue. I must get my beauty sleep so I can go back to Dongdaemun tomorrow.
Addendum - I washed the pants to get the extra dye out and the water was YELLOW! Color me surprized. I soaked them overnight in vinegar water, then washed and dryed them by machine. I wore them to Dongdaemun the next day and still had blue socks at the end of the day.

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